Give Our Rights Away, Arise And Seize The Day

My secrets aren’t stupid!

“Tori, I’m home,” Maddie called, throwing her stuff down and running into the living room jumping on the couch. “I have good news,” she continued to jump, looking around for her. She didn’t respond, nor was she in sight. “TORI!

I’m upstairs for fuck’s sake,” she yelled back. Maddie hopped off the couch and ran upstairs to Tori’s room. She was hanging upside down on her bed and it appeared that she was crying because her tear streaks ran down her forehead. She looked over at Maddie. “Hey,” she said miserably.

“What the hell happened? I’m not even gone for a few hours and you end up all depressed and such.”

“Gerard hates me,” she said, taking a deep breath in. “And I don’t know what to do!” She sat up on her bed and started crying lightly.

“I’m surprised you aren’t drinking,” she smirked.

“You took the last of the alcohol, dipshit,” she glared.

Maddie shrugged and sat down. “So, why does Gerard hate you?”

“Like you don’t know.”


“You knew he liked me and you didn’t tell me?! What the hell is wrong with you?!”

“If someone asks to keep a secret, then you keep a secret! You don’t go blabbing it to the one it’s about!”

“Bullshit,” she smacked her on the arm. “You never keep secrets and you choose now to keep one?!”

“He trusted me! Normally your secrets are stupid so I have every right to tell them!”

She gasped. “My secrets aren’t stupid!”

“You told me that you enjoy the skunk smell sometimes,” she stated. “How is that not stupid?”

“I told you that with confidence,” she crossed her arms.

“Well, be happy and start packing.”

“What,” she raised an eyebrow.

“We’re going to New York for a few days,” she smiled.


“’Cause someone got a job,” she smiled bigger.

“Thank you God for answering our prayers,” she hugged her.

“Hopefully things will be better when we get home.”
♠ ♠ ♠
this sucks, understandable.
its a filler, go figure
i have a lot of homework i need to catch myself up on so if i finish by 10, then ill be able to finish the first part of the next chapter and post it tonight.
i procrastinated for a good 3 hours today and I need to seriously get rid of the computer.