Give Our Rights Away, Arise And Seize The Day

That's it, I'm burning the door down!

From outside of the house, Tori could hear screaming and banging. She was afraid to open the door, because when she did it only became louder. "Guys," she yelled. They didn't hear her.

"Get out of the bathroom, Ross!"

"Not on your life, bitch."

"That's it, I'm burning the door down!"

"Shit," Tori screamed, dropping her things and running upstairs. Through the mess the hallway now was, she saw Maddie outside the bathroom door, starting up the lighter. "No!" Maddie looked over. "What the fuck are you doing?! And this time you need to say something!"

"This son of a bitch thinks he can get away with treating me like some kind of idiot!"

"I don't think, I know!"

"Mother fucker," she lit the lighter again.

"Maddie, give me the lighter or we won't have a place to sleep tonight," Tori said as calm as she could, holding out her hand.

After a couple of seconds, Maddie handed over the lighter an pushed past her the best that she could with no space to walk. "I need a fucking drink," she mumbled, going downstairs.

Tori waited until she was out of sight before knocking on the bathroom door. "It's safe now Ryan, you can come out." He opened the door and didn't leave the room. "What the hell did you guys do?!"

"She went all batty for no reason!"

"What did you say," she already knew.

"I just told her that I needed more respect that's all," he said. She crossed her arms, knowing that wasn't the only thing. "Okay, maybe that wasn't exactly how I said it."

"Ryan, you can't talk to her like that," she scolded him. "She almost burnt down the house for crying out loud! We are going downstairs and you are apologizing."

"No, she owes me an apology!"

"Ryan," she growled. "I had to deal with brats all day, I don't need to come home and deal with them too."

"Fine," he grumbled. They both went down finding her at the table with a glass and bottle in front of her. Tori nudged him to speak. "I'm sorry," he said, not looking at her. She smiled. "I'm sorry that you're a drunken slut!"

Maddie jumped from the table, knocking over the bottle and glass, and tackled him to the ground. Tori grabbed her by the shoulders to pull her arms up and away so that she couldn't hit Ryan. "Get upstairs and stay there," she yelled at Ryan, pulling Maddie off as best as she could. He obeyed and when he got upstairs, she let go. "What the fuck is your problem," she screamed.

"I want him out of this fucking house! He can't stay any longer unless you want me to really lose it!"

"You almost burnt the fucking house down, you lost it a long time ago. You go upstairs and clean up and I'll get him to leave," she commanded. Maddie walked up the stairs. "And tomorrow we are going over our finances!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I lied, next chapter is the better one.
i needed this filler.