Give Our Rights Away, Arise And Seize The Day

You can *** around anywhere in the house except the rooms I’m in.

Tori waited for Ryan to come by staring at the wall while sitting on the couch. She soon heard the front door open and didn’t move a muscle. “Tori, I’m home,” he sang out. He walked around and sat next to her, kissing her on the cheek. “What are you up to,” he looked over to see where she was looking.

“Nothing,” she shook her head and gave him a real kiss. They began to make out for a minute before he stopped her.

“You sure you’re okay,” he worried.

“Positive,” she kissed him again. “Is something wrong with you?”

“No, no,” he smiled. “In fact there was a reason I wanted to come over.”

“Well, tell me,” she said semi-excitedly.

He took a deep breath. “Well, I…um,” she motioned her hands for him to spit it out. “I…love you.”

Only one thought rushed into her head at that second: Gerard. She felt the need to break up with Ryan right then and there, but then again, she couldn’t just go to Gerard after rejecting him so many times. Then again, she didn’t really want to be with Ryan anymore. He was great company, but definitely not the best, nor what she wanted or needed. She flashed back to reality when Ryan waved his head in front of her face.

“Is this a bad time? I can go if you want me too,” he began to stand.

“No, no, sit,” she pulled him back down. “It’s okay,” she smiled. “I…love you too.”

He smiled again. “Thank God!” She kicked herself for saying that, especially since it was the wrong person. They began kissing again, not noticing the door opening and closing.

“Tori, I’m ho-“

Maddie stopped when she saw them on the couch, not noticing her existence. She cleared her throat twice before they finally broke apart. Ryan glared at her.

“What’s up,” Tori covered up Ryan’s face.

“Well, um, so you know that thing that I wanted for a really long time now?”

She thought for a second. “No, I can’t think of it. What is it?”

“Well, I went out today and I was keeping you in mind, remember that, and I was telling myself ‘no, she won’t want it and she’ll kill you.’ But I couldn’t resist and I didn’t know which to get, but this one, oh my Tori he was really cute an-“

“For crying out loud, what did y-“

Before she could finish her sentence, the front door opened again and in ran a bulldog, straight over to the couch and ended up on Tori’s lap. She looked over and glared at Maddie who was laughing nervously.

“Pete, I told you to wait until I said so,” she yelled at him.

“No,” he walked in. “You said two minutes!”

“Great,” Tori mumbled. “Now I have two dogs in the house.”

“Oh please, please, please, can we keep him,” she fell to her knees. “I’ll take good care of him and everything and you can take care of him too and he can be a part of the family!”

She sighed. “Did you name him yet?”

“No, I couldn’t think of a name yet.”

“Then we can keep him, if I get to name him.”

“Really,” she got up and began jumping up and down. “We can keep him?!”

“Yes, we can keep him,” she shook her head. “I know I’m going to regret this.”

“Yes! Come on buddy,” she called the dog over to her. He ran straight over.

“His name is Draco,” Tori corrected her.

“Works for me! C’mon Pete and little Draco, let’s go upstairs.” They began to head upstairs when Maddie poked her head back in the room. “And Tori, I noticed you brought home a mutt too. Just make sure he doesn’t ruin the couch.”

“Okay, here are the rules,” Ryan stood up. “You can whore around anywhere in the house except the rooms I’m in, got it?”

“No, here are the rules,” she stepped down from the steps back into the room. “This is my house and you’re only allowed out of your cage when Tori is home, got it?”

“Oh please, you couldn’t keep me in a cage if you had the strength to hold up the entire world!”

“Tori, do I have permission to beat the shit out of him,” she continued to glare at Ryan.

“That’s enough,” she stood in between them. She looked at Ryan. “I don’t want another bad word out of you and Maddie, I don’t complain about Pete, so you don’t complain about Ryan, we clear?”

“Yes Tori,” they responded at the same time, Maddie going back upstairs.

“Ryan, you want to go pick up dinner and stuff for us?”

“Sure, I guess, you want to come with?”

“No, I have stuff to do,” she kissed him. “Hurry back.”

“Okay,” he began to walk out. “I love you,” he called out.

“Love you too,” she rolled her eyes without him looking. When she heard the door close, she called Gerard right away.


“Be here. Tonight. One A.M.”

Done.” They hung up the phone at the same time with Tori smirking.
♠ ♠ ♠
ta-da. two updates.
feeling good.