Give Our Rights Away, Arise And Seize The Day

I was a wizard of the kitchen and I was using my magic powers to figure out what I wanted to eat.

Tori got home and instantly began searching around everywhere for Maddie and Gerard. “Hello,” she screamed. She noticed the mess made in the kitchen and leading towards the door and started to panic a little more. When she heard Draco barking, she knew to follow the sound up the stairs to Maddie’s room. “Is he here,” she opened her door and asked.

“No,” Maddie looked over at her. “I called him and told him everything, he should have been here by now.”

“We need to go over there then,” she began to panic and ran downstairs. Maddie followed close behind.

“I’m sure he’s on his way over. He probably stopped to get food knowing him.”

“No, something’s wrong,” she shook her head. “Just get in the damn car and let’s go.” Maddie shrugged her shoulders and with seconds, they were on their way to Gerard’s house. Tori drove like a mad man to get there. They pulled in and Tori had one foot out the door before she even parked the car. Gerard’s front door was slightly open and she could hear screaming inside. “He’s still in there,” she ran inside.

“Tori, no,” Maddie yelled, following her closely.

“Gerard,” she yelled when she was inside.


The yelling in the house stopped and footsteps banged around, becoming louder and louder. Ryan appeared in front of them and took a breath in. “Tori,” he semi-whispered. “Tell me it isn’t true.” He began to move closer.

“Ryan,” she backed away. “Listen to me, you need to go home and just relax, okay?”

“Tell me it isn’t true,” he repeated.

“Ryan I’m serious, please go home.”

Tell me it isn’t true,” he screamed.

“It is true,” she stopped backing away.

He stepped right up to her. “You lied to me!

“So, what are you going to do,” she asked, somewhat scared. He stared at her. “Are you going to hit me? Because last time I checked, I was pregnant and you really can’t hit a girl.” He began to back away from her, but not before she gave his ring back. “Go home, Ryan,” she repeated again. “I am truly sorry.”

He shook his head. “No, you’re not. I know you aren’t. But, I’ll pretend like you are.” He pushed past the both of them and left, slamming another door behind him.

Tori ran around Gerard’s house, trying to find him. “Gerard, babe, where are you?”

I’m up here,” she heard him scream. She quickly followed his voice. “In the bathroom, just use the key!

She searched the top of the doorframe for the key and found it, dusting it off before using it. When she opened the door at first, he wasn’t in sight. But then she noticed that the shower curtain was closed and opened it. Gerard was sitting in the tub, hugging a pool noodle for dear life. “Sweetie,” she crouched down and rubbed his hair. “That would not have protected you if he came in here.”

He smiled. “I know, I had it when I ran.”

“He didn’t hit you, right?”

“No, I was leaving to go to your house and he was standing right at my door. I knew not to say anything, so I pushed him quickly to stall him, ran up here, and locked myself in the bathroom.”

“And the pool noodle?”

“Oh, I was playing with it when Maddie called,” he grinned. “I was a wizard of the kitchen and I was using my magic powers to figure out what I wanted to eat.”

She laughed and kissed him. “You know I love you a lot, right?”

“I think I got the hint.”

“Does this mean we can start planning the wedding now,” Maddie interrupted.

“What wedding,” Gerard asked.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you about that,” Tori rolled her eyes as Maddie jumped up and down in excitement.
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i noticed that i have a new subscriber!
which means two updates today!
also, i started a new brendon urie story.
you can read it here!