Give Our Rights Away, Arise And Seize The Day

Tell me that all my hopes and dreams didn't just come true.

One painful drive later, Maddie stormed through the hospital hallways completely angry and still crying silently. She was letting her thoughts get to her and delayed herself another fifteen minutes trying to find the right room. When she did, Gerard spotted her from down the hall. “You look terrible,” he smirked.

“Say one more word and your dead,” she threatened softly, pushing past him into the room. She wiped off her face when she saw the condition Tori was in. She had herself hanging over the bed, holding a pillow to her face. Maddie stood there for a little bit before clearing her throat.

Tori shot up like a bullet. “What did you do now,” she began to cry harder.

“What do you mean?”

“You coming to visit me this early is a bad thing. You didn’t burn down the house, did you,” she wiped her eyes.

“What? No!” She walked over and pulled a chair next to the bed. “Sit up properly and talk to me, please. What’s bugging you,” she asked in a quiet tone.

Tori fixed herself before talking. “I-I can’t do this whole mother thing,” she began to start crying.

“No, no, no! No crying,” Maddie threw tissues into her face. “And what do you mean you can’t be a mom?”

“I’m not fit to have a kid,” she balled the tissues in her hands. “I already have you in the house and that’s like have…six babies in the house,” she paused to count and began crying more.

“I’m going to ignore that last part,” she sighed, realizing that today was not going to be an easy day. “But you are going to be just fine. Remember that one day, you made me help you study all of the books and then ended up cursing at me and throwing them at me? It’s time to laugh at that day.” She began to laugh while Tori stared.

“I can’t do this,” she slammed her hands on the bed.

“Hey, come on, just listen. If there is anyone I know that could do this the best is you. I mean, sure I’m a pain, but think about it; if you were able to deal with me, just imagine how easy the baby will be. And I’ll be here to help and Gerard is obviously wiling to help or else he wouldn’t be here or wouldn’t have called me right now.”

“Did he wake you up,” she began to sound pissed and tried to get out of bed.

“Sit down or I’ll make them keep you longer,” she threatened again. Tori got back into bed. “And no he didn’t, I was already awake. That’s not the point. The point is, you really shouldn’t be giving up on yourself before you give yourself the chance. You know good and well that you are ready for this, but you are just scared for some reason. I am here to help, I promise.”

Tori smiled. “Okay, okay.” She wiped her face again and laughed a little. “Get the fuck out of here and back to bed. I didn’t mean you interrupt whatever you were probably involved in.”

Maddie smiled and stood up. “Does Gerard have the house keys I left him? I left mine at Pete’s.”

“Yeah, but why don’t you just go pick them up?” Maddie looked away for a second and looked back. “Tell me that all my hopes and dreams didn’t just come true,” her smile grew.

She rolled her eyes and hugged Tori before leaving.
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I'm living, just busy.
i have 8 class days left, so things are little hectic.
BUT, this story is almost over. probably, ten more chapters?