A minor chord


Maybe it's why he only plays in a minor key, or maybe this is because he always plays the sadder notes. Or, maybe, we just weren't meant to be. Either way, I hear the melancholic melody play seamlessly and endlessly through my mind when he packs his boxes with memories and all the time we wasted and will never get back. Each thing I see disappear into the cardboard cube sends the song into a frenzy, getting more depressing and unbearable, but it won't stop. He hands over the key, the key that I had foolishly thought would hold the answers. Not looking me in the eyes, he mumbled some useless line and made his way to the door, propped open with a newspaper. One by one, the boxes were carried to the waiting van he had rented, a van not big enough to hold our past, but just quite to hold the material items. The song had reached a climax, a crescendo, as I watched him drive away, and noticed that he didn't look back. Then I realize, our relationship had always struck a minor chord, and minor chords are the ends of a sad song, a song which we were finally finished singing. The notes in my mind came to a quietly dramatic ending, playing beautifully devastating harmonies as the tears started falling...