Silver Leaves


I asked my best friend, "Kev, why the hell are you looking at me like that?!"

Kevin gulped and said, "There's something I need to tell you, Mel."

I raised my eyebrow at him, "And that would be?"

He replied, "I'm in love with you."

I said, "What are you talking about? You can't possibly be serious!"

He can't be in love with me! I'm dating his brother! I'm only 16, he's 21. He could go to jail.

The look in his eyes told me that he was, in fact, serious.

I sighed, "I'm sorry, Kev, but I can't be with you. I'm dating your brother, Nick, and he would be devastated if I left him for you."

He snorted, "Yeah, right! He cheated on you three times, and every single time I confronted him about it, he acted like he didn't care that he was two-timing his brother's best friend. He didn't care about the fact you were waiting for him so you two could have your 'movie night' like you always do on Thursdays."

I screamed, "He cheated on me?!"

Kevin nodded, "Yeah. I told him about the time that Greg tried to rape you in excruciating detail - how he had stretched you beneath the tree in the park - and he still didn't care."

I sighed, "Wow. I guess he really isn't the guy I thought he was."

He shook his head, "No, he really isn't and I'm sorry I kept it from you this long."

I guess I don't really have to tell you that I dumped Nick the second I saw him. He was surprised, but didn't really care.

However, Joe was ecstatic, "I was wondering when you would come to your senses. Now you and Kev can finally be together!"

I laughed at Joe's ability to turn a normally sad event into a happy one.

Actually, he's still rambling right now, "You and Nick would be like a yin-yang sign if the two of you, as a couple, were a symbol of some sort. With him being whatever the dark one is, you being the light one. He's not as innocent as we think. I've walked on him and Miley fucking each other at least five times..."

Wait?! I thought it was only three times!

++++ Two Weeks Later ++++

Kevin and I were going on our first date today. He asked me out a few days after I had broken up with Nick, which is unlike him but I accepted anyway.

Our reservation at the restaurant.

I screamed out, "Where the hell is my nail file?!"

Kevin's voice took me by surprise when he said, "It's in your hand."

I looked at my hands to see that it really was in my hand the whole time. I chuckled, "My bad," then I looked at Kevin and screeched, "Get out of my room, I'm changing!"

++++ Six Months Later ++++

Kevin and I were still going strong.

Surprisingly, the paparazzi still hasn't figured out that the two of us were dating, which is a very good thing for me. The longer it takes for them to find out, the better.

We were on our way to the airport to pick up Mandy, who was visiting for the next few weeks. I heard a weird noise and looked up. There was a semi-truck heading straight towards us. I looked towards Kevin and noticed his foot was on the brake.

The last thing I remember about that night, before I blacked out, was the sound of sirens heading our way.

++++ One Month Later ++++

It's been a week since Kevin's funeral.

I can't believe he's gone. He's not supposed to be dead! He's supposed to be right here with me. How the hell am I supposed to live without him?! He wasn't just my boyfriend; he was my best friend, my soul mate.

A knock on my bedroom door snapped me out of my thoughts. I sobbed, "Come in!"

They did as I told them to.

Joe's Point of View

I could hear Melissa's sobs coming from her bedroom upstairs. I let out a frustrated sigh.

This isn't how it's supposed to be. Melissa never cries, but it seems to be the only thing she can do these days. I just don't get it. Sure, I miss Kevin, but I'm not crying about it.

I shook my head and reminded myself that although Kevin was my brother, I wasn't nearly as close to him as Melissa was.

I know she'll hate me for this.

I grabbed a bag of marshmallows from the tree and headed upstairs. I knocked on her bedroom door, walking in when she said so. I sighed, "I know you stopped doing this months ago, and I doubt it will help, but if I recall you always at these whenever you were depressed and ended up feeling better afterward."

I left the marshmallows on her bed and walked out of the room.

No one's Point of View

After leaving the marshmallows on Melissa's bed, Joe finally walked out of the girl's bedroom to give her more time to grieve.

She finally looked up and, upon seeing the marshmallows lying on her bed, smiled for the first time since Kevin's death.

Melissa's Point of View

Marshmallows? The only person, besides Kevin, that knew I ate marshmallows when I was upset was Joe.

++++ Four Years Later (Present Time) ++++

Joe's Point of View

"Daddy, why's mommy crying?"

My son was constantly asking the wrong questions at the wrong time.

I sighed, "Today's the four-year anniversary of Uncle Kevin's death."

He frowned, "Oh."

I lifted him up to my arms and gave him a small hug. I said to him, "You were named after him, you know. Looking at you is like looking at a younger version of him."

++++ At the Cemetery ++++

The three of us stared down at Kevin's grave stone.

Paul Kevin Jonas Jr.
Son, Boyfriend, Brother

I cut the arrow from your neck
Stretched you beneath the tree
Among the roots and baby's breath
I covered us with silver leaves

I chuckled when I saw the lyrics to "Wine Red" on his grave stone. That was their song, after all.