Remembering Sunday


Chapter 1

There I sat, crouched in the same position I did throughout my entire life since the day it happened. How could immortality be so bland? School was useless to me really, I knew everything. We could leave the school and just hang out and never look back. We never did though, we simply stayed there- hidden. We had our fake friends, we hid our strength when playing games to pass time. To look normal. Then we never got close enough to expose ourselves. We were expendable, we were guided, but the ony thing we weren't- was human.

I had just moved from my last town in Ohio. I had particularly liked Akron. It annoyed me a little that I had to move. We lived in the woods, away from the town really. I did have a feeling that kids would be too pushy for Domonic. He lost control, he hadn't fed in over a week and killed right in the open. I never really blamed him, it was Chelsea that kind of got to me. She got mad at Alexander, the man who made it so we could live, and killed some innocent human in the mall.

Everyone was mad at her except Alexander, Jenna and Emily. Jenna was our new mother, she was the love and careingness of our family. I never really got to hear why or how she got to be like us. Alexander was killed for being a heretic in the French Renaissance in 1508. Chelsea had a building collapse on her in the Chicago fire on October 9th 1871. Emily had polio in the early 1900's. Then there was Domonic and I, we were on an old ship in 1601. We had been bringing gold to England, when we were ambushed by what we called pirates. Queen Elizabeth thought we stole the gold and became furious. She was an amazing Queen, with sincerity, but she refused to be stolen from. Her closest servants and fallowers were angered and had a warrent out for our heads.

"Rowen!" a voice yelled, snapping me out of my flashback.

I looked up and stared at the angry woman- my french teaher. Ms. Annebell Laurent. I smiled halfly, "Yes, Ms. Laurent."

She smiled back, "Tonight get a better amount of sleep- I don't want you to do poorly in my class."

"Of course Ms. Laurent."

"How many hours do you think you'll get?" she asked, I curiously thought why she was makeing conversation.

At this point I knew it wasn't my french teacher. I scowled at domonic who just so happened to be smileing like a mad man. I forced my frown just so I could hide the fact that he wasn't the only one who enjoyed a little toying with what others dont think can be toyed with once in a while.

"About seven hours." I said aloud.

Domonic- I know something you dont. I commented quietly in his own little head.

He stopped the grin and I immediately stopped messing with him and messed with the teacher. I sent some fake story to the innocent woman as a memory of what just happened not happening. She rubbed her eyes, as if she had just woken up.

"Alright. Domonic and Rowen, vamouse. Scadaddle. au revoir."

"Au revoir Medame Laurent," we said in unison.

What aren't you telling me? Domonic thought, and growled deeply as we made our way into the hall. Honestly, I didn't know anything, I just liked keeping him on the edge.

I smiled and shrugged, walking out the door. Domonic quickly fallowed.

"Hey, that's not very nice you know."

"Well you took control of our teacher."

"We already know french." Domonic scoffed.

I rolled my eyes, copying what his lovely girlfriend usually did. I stopped in the middle of the hall and motioned a look saying 'keep your mouth shut' and thank god he listened. a small girl in a large sweatshirt, probably only in her second year, came carefully trotting down the steps. When she was almost at the bottom she stopped and sighed- lifting her head up.

She screamed and fell down the remaining four steps. We could have caught her with ease, but it would've given us away. The girl sat on her knees, head low, as she picked up her books. I smiled and started to walk over to her.

No, no, no. don't do it, its just a goddamn human. Domonic threw mental warnings at me.

I knelt next to her, "do you want some help?"

She looked very pale, almost sick. I heard her sniffle and sigh, I hadn't been sick for a good 400 years. It made me smile a bit, I couldn't even remember what I had. I handed the girl her things as Domonic leaned against the wall and stareing, no, not even, glareing. He got so pissy when I talked to humans, like he was fighting over me. I guess when you spend 407 years with someone you get a bit attached to them.

"Thank you," she said shyly.

I smiled and nodded, "any time."

I started to walk over by Domonic and he stood straight up again and I smirked. Sometimes I wished I was human, but then I remember all the things we're "missing out on". disease, pain, weakness, all those fun things.

"Uhm.." the girl said quietly, "could you show me where my new class is? I got a new schedule change and..."

I stopped, and smiled. Domonic automatically sighed and waved his hand. I couldn't help but laugh a bit and turned around. "Sure."
She immediately smiled, "Thanks."

She handed me her schedule, I read the top most of it was cut off, only showing her locker, number, homeroom, and her last name, Montgomery. She sounded pretty rich. I scanned over the rest of the paper and grinned.

"You've got class with me," I said with laughter in my voice, never thinking of her as being a junior. She was so short I would have thought of her as a freshman.

"Really?" she said looking at the ground as she walked.

"Actually, you've got a few classes with me."

She looked up, "What ones?"

"French, Biology, Gym 11, and even lunch."

She nodded in approval and looked back down. She looked, intimidated, in a way. She had the guts to talk to me so I guess I can give her props for that. I can understand her intimidation- she's about 1 foot 3 inches shorter than me. she looked so frail, fragile.

"Ah, that's cool," she spoke calmly.

I wonder what she's thinking. Should I really penetrate her mind like I do everyone else? I mean, I don't really know her but it bugs me when I don't know what someone's thinking. my brow furrowed as I thought about it. It couldn't really hurt, I mean its just a quick listen. I smiled and she looked up at me, noticeing a change in how I was walking because I was trying to consentrate.

"Alright, here's your French class," I wonder if I drive her crazy like all the other girls. Curse my devilish charm.

"Thank yo-" the bell rang, interrupting her. She sighed.

I smiled, "you have a car?"

"No," she laughed.

"Would you like a ride home?"

"No thanks, but I appreciate you showing me to my class." She started to walk away, leaving me standing there and stareing, jaw dropped, like an idiot.

I needed to hear this girls thoughts.

I hope it doesn't rain too hard today. I don't want my homework getting wet.

What a peculiar girl, no interest. I couldn't help but frown, and when a hand was set on my sholdure I already knew who it was. Domonic was standing next to me laughing his ass off with a smug grin. I couldn't really blame him- I had it coming. The exceptional girl wasn't the first I had 'experimented' with. She was one of many who I had tested to see if they were effected by some sort of charm that I just so happened to be blessed with.

"So, how madly in love did this one fall in with your beautiful eyes' Ro?"

"She didn't," I said calmly and walked over to the soda machine.

It was Wednesday, soda day. I needed to at least look human. Domonic had almost forgotten about that, he was ready to go hunting with me this weekend. It's odd, he finds it a justice that we hunt the way we do. I can't help but feel hatred for myself whenever we do such a vile thing. I've been trying to get used to it and trying to find the good in it for as long as I could remember. I felt hands slide over my eyes and sighed.

"Guess who," a voice I knew well chimed in. I reached my arms behind me and poked the slim figure who had to cleave herself to my back to reach my eyes. She squeaked and fell directly onto Domonic. "No fair," she complained.

I turned around to see Emily, my other sister. She was a lot more controlled than all the juveniles if you could call us. Even though she was the newest one here she could stand still and look calm around blood even if it landed right on her.

"Where's Chelsea, Em?" Domonic asked.

She shrugged, "She was in the chorus room last I checked."
"Why?" he pretendingly yawned.

What's with the yawn?

Because school makes me wish I could sleep.

I shook my head, "She's in solo and ensamble."

Domonic smirked, he had been trying to get her in that for quite some time. She's prolly persuadeing the choir teacher to let her join vocal jazz so she can get more practice in even though she doesn't need it at all. I tried the whole fitting in thing, it was just plain inapplicable to me. Football is hard to hold back in, and nothing really interests me. Domonic rises to the challenge of football, Emily is in the marching band on flute and piano, Chelsea's in choir now, and then there's me.

It's so sad Rowen, it's like you're the freak of the freaks. Emily said listening in, shareing my gift with less control.

I rather be a freak than a band geek.

Ouch. She stuck her tongue out at me and we both laughed.

"You gonna move?" an annoying kid asked from behind us. We all gave a silent group glare as we moved. Emily, of course, smiled and waved, but she's impossible. Kyle Ritter, he was on the boys tennis team. Bleh, I freaking hate tennis. I'd think he was gay if I was any good at the sport.

"So when is she going to be done with her stupid music shit?" Domonic asked.

Me and Em both shrugged, not knowing nor careing. What caught my attention was the only person standing in the cafeteria. Domonic looked at me and smiled, almost letting out a soft chuckle. Emily searched my head for answers and I gave her no answers. Domonic grabbed Em and started dragging her the opposite way.

"Heeyyyy-" she complained.

"We're going to go get Chelsea." he replied leaving me to my business.

The bleak, disconsolate yet mellowed off white room was empty of people except for one other person than myself. The same small girl from earlier sat at one of the last round tables by the doors. She was stareing outside, her phone to hear ear, as it rained harshly. I smiled and listened from a distance.

Answer the phone dad, goddamnit. It's terrible out there, I knew I should have brought a jacket today. I could have covered it. Great job Isabelle, get yourself screwed yet again. she sighed alloud and hung up her phone. It was a nice phone too, an ice blue LG chocolate slider phone.

I rose quickly, with no one around I made it to her side with ease, "hey Isablle." I liked that name.

Hey it's..wait, how the hell does he know my name?

"Hi." she was quiet.

I smiled, "would you like a ride?"

"No," yes "I have a ride coming."

"Alright, but if you need one I'm parked in the upper lot." I said and turned around. I was already a few streets away when I saw her running to my car when I was at a stop sign. It took her a while to convince herself to swallow pride and get in with me. The weirdest thing was I couldn't even hear her try to convince herself, not even a dull murmer.

I flung the door open swiftly. She got in, her hair was soaked, and it appeared she had a new wardrobe. It took me a while to process she had taken off her sweatshirt and put it over her backpack. She looked emberassed to be without baggy clothes. I've seen this girl before so many times but never really took the time to figure out who she was. On the other hand this was the first time i've seen her without her sweatshirt. She wore a white shirt with Good Charlotte written across her chest and a few isolated orange stripes going down the rest of her shirt.

"What took you so long?" I mused.

"My parents told me never to take rides from strangers."

"What made you come back?"

"The rain." You.

This sparked an interest in my head. This timid girl was so open in her mind and so concealed on the outside. She did have a new found interest in me though, she was like the others- but not. It actually got me engrossed into finding out more about her.

"Where do you live?" I asked, making sure to not set up a chance for there to be some sort of awkward silence. It wouldn't matter to me- because I could listen to her easily. It would make her uneasy though, American people tend to not enjoy things like long silences. Plus, I did need to know where she lived to take her there.

"613 Court Drive," she trailed off.

"hmm?" I glanced at her.

"Burlington." what is it about this guy?

I smiled, "I like Burlington."

"The closest thing we have to a ghetto," she joked, trying to make small talk.

"Ah ha." I didn't know what else to say.

There was the silence I so desperately wanted to avoid.

Hang in there Izzy, breathe in, and out. I heard her take a deep breath.

"Are you alright," we asked in unison.

She smiled. Why is he asking me, he's the one who looks like he's gonna shoot up a grocery store.. or seven.

"I'm fine" she answered.

I glanced in the rearveiw mirror and noticed my eyes, they were a cold emotionless black. I was trying to be as friendly as I possibly could and I was scareing her. I knew I should have taken that hunting trip with Em and Chelsea on Saturday night.

"I'm alright, just a bit-" I trailed off thinking rapidly for a complaint, "tired." I wish I could be tired.

"You shouldn't drive tired, it's dangerous. You could fall asleep and get hurt," curse drivers ed, brainwashing me. I probably sound like some sort of anti-danger paranoid kid.

"Ah, it's more of a bored-tired." I tried to cover up. Tired, I wish.

"School does that to you." I hope my dad isn't home.


We drove into her driveway and I could feel her relax when I parked in an empty driveway. She ran to the door trying to stay as dry as she can, sheilding her backpack by hunching over it as well. She moved a yard decoration on her porch and looked around feeling for what I assume to be a key and sighing. She dropped her backpack and looked at me.

Should I ask him to stay here with me or not? she swallowed hard as she thought about it.

I decided to make it easy for her, "do you want to stay in my car and keep dry?" I yelled out the window.

She sighed with releif and jogged over to my car and put her backpack in the back, climbing into the front seat. She flashed the same smile she always has at me. What are we supposed to talk about though..

I shook my head feeling terrible, I don't know why but I felt bad for knowing about what she was thinking. It was like I was playing with her head or something.

"So, are you joining football again this year?"

"No," I said with a sigh, "why do you ask?"

"I don't know.. our school revolves around football. I wanted to know if I would be allowed to talk to you without being swarmed by horny fangirls."

I couldn't help but laugh at that, I remembered last year how hard it was to conceal myself. Everyone would come up to me and talk, but I really wasn't the best at that. I would talk to people and want to hang out with them more, but it was hard to do that when you're not allowed to get close to people.

"I hated it almost as much as I hate football."

"Why'd you play it then?" This kid makes no sense.

"Because I'm good at it, it's an annoying sport anyway."

"I feel bad for Brett Plants." though he did deserve it.

"Ah, don't remind me." Brett Plants, ran into him way too hard at try outs and he never got a chance to play football. I broke his arm and his leg on his right side just by ramming him out of my way when going in for a touchdown.

She had a slight smile as she stared below the dashboard at her feet, like she didn't know if she was allowed to look at me. Maybe she was actually scared of me. She knew so much about me and I had just met this girl today, yet I knew nothing about her. It kind of irked me on that I was supposed to keep a low profile and a complete stranger knew my name, what my hobbies are, what i've done, it was just weird.

It took me a while to notice that she had focoused her eyes on my face, even though her head was still hung as if she had done something wrong. I glanced over at her and her eyes widened as her face flushed a bright red. It marvelled me that she didn't look away, she just stared at me- trying to read my mood or thoughts.

What is he thinking?

I smiled and she finally forced herself to look away. A bright reflection shined in my rearveiw mirror and the young girl next to me tensed up. Shit, dad's home.

"I'm warning you my dad isn't much of a plesant person, I don't know his mood today so i'm just going to give you a pre-amphtal apalogy." I'm dead, he's dead, we're dead. Shit.

Her father got out of an old green jeep, slamming the door. I saw her flinch as he walked up to my car, he looked at me then his daughter. His eyes were bloodshot but I doubt he was crying, I could smell the smoke and vodka through the car door. He gestured for her to come out and I rolled my window down and locked the door.

"Hello sir, you must be Mr. Montgomery," I held out my hand.

She's probably sleeping with him- taking after her slut of a mom, "Yeah, hi, great to meet you. Would you like to explain why my daughter is in your car?"

"It was raining way too hard out and I offered a ride, I've known little Izzy since she was in 7th grade. Don't you remember me? I'm Alexanders kid, Rowen." she flinched at the shortened name.

His expression lit up. I was obviously good at lieing, everyone knew Alexander, my 'father' was pretty popular. Everyone like him, even this guy who obviously- was not that observant if he thought his kid was a slut. It pissed me off that he would call anyone that, he's supposed to be a role model.
"Al's kid, eh? Good man." Nevermind.

"Indeed he is, it seems that the key had been lost or stolen. You may want to get a new one or change your lock, sir. I made sure Isabelle was safe and dry, she's a smart kid." I could hear her ask 10 billion questions in her head, I happened to love how she hated the name Izzy but her heart sped up when I said it.

"Well, Isabelle, come inside. Nice to see you Rowen." his tone had changed makeing me a bit questioned. Isabelle looked and me and smiled apalogetically. She grabbed her bag and left the car fallowing her father not too close, head low, emberassed. I put my car into reverse and started to drive home.

I like her. Emily's voice chimed in, I smiled.

You don't even know her. I laughed a little. She was listening the whole time, of course this would be expected of her.

Neither do you.
Do we get to keep her?
You talk as if she's some sort of pet.
And you talk as if she's gotten an interest in you, I doubt she doesn't feel the same. So what's the verdict?

I'll think about it. Emily left me alone, knowing not to bother me with it to push her luck.

I arrived home and it had lightened up to a light mist than what it was before. I sat down for about 40 minutes and did what normally would have been a few hours of homework. Easy things, it should have only taken me 10 minutes for the sake of writeing it. I kept thinking about her, the girl that just so happen to catch my interest.

If I had muscles, they would be sore. I spent my sleepless night watching over Isabelle, scared her drunk of a father would beat her. It was fun to listen to her dreams, she had an imagination. It bothered me, though, that she didn't dream of me, and I don't know why..I hadn't thought much of the bimbo girls at my school, but she was different, she was interesting. I kept telling myself through the night, 'Leave her, she isn't anything more than a human, why are you so engrossed in her?' But I didn't once move from my position on the window.

I looked behind me noticeing the sun slowly creeping above the horizon and glanced at the clock above her headboard. It stayed still, I wondered if she was going to wake up any time soon. I decided to not take my chances. I headed home quickly, arriveing within a few minutes. Emily was sitting on the steps as I came in the door with a large grin on her face, I should have known.

"There you are mister, do you know what time it is? What have you been doing?" she said forceing a frown.

"Oh nothing mother." I flicked her on the forehead and started to walk away.

Does this mean we get to keep her?

Don't get your hopes up.

She whined and made a pouting face.

"There's our little trouble-maker." Domonic said leaning his arm on my sholdure.

I shook my head and glanced at Chelsea out of the corner of my eye, she was smileing at me. I looked at Emily, confused. Chelsea should be furious with me, if they both know then why isn't she snapping my neck?

Domonic. Emily's voice rang in my head. Of course he would do that. I guess i'm lucky i've known him longer, at least Chelsea wasn't going to rip my face off just yet. Her mind was blank, and the second Domonic takes off his hold on her, it's going to get very loud, and very ugly. I wasn't worried about that just yet though.

"Oh, there you are," a soft voice called from behind us. I turned to see Jenna, she never changed- as if she could. Her reddish brown hair made it about an inch past her small sholdures. She had the most faire skin among us all and her still blue eyes had stayed the same. They were the same ones she was born with, she never had them change in the slightest. "I'm glad you're back Rowen.. get ready for school. Oh and.." her voice trailed off as I zoned out again.

Jenna always confused me, all vampires did. Then again I doubt I knew what lied beneath my real mothers scary stories of vampires and the local man who claimed to be one. He was only a terribly Ill man, his life was truely driven mad by one of our own kind.

I never understood the rest of them- how they could kill so many innocent people. How they couldn't feel disgust in themselves every waking moment. Killing humans with a smile on their monsterous faces. Killing families, children, mothersm fathers, widows, grandparens, wives, husbands, everyone. That's why I hated myself so terribly, that's why I would deal with disease, death, sleeping, pain and all of those mortal troubles. I just wanted to release myself of killing people for my own life.

Emily put her hand on my sholdure and I flinched.

Did you even hear what Jenna just said, Ro? she asked.

No, sorry.

I figured, you were practically screaming in my ear- calm yourself.

Sorry I smiled at her, showing my teeth.

Attractive, she laughed aloud.

Domonic hit me in the sholdure. He was mad that he didn't share our so called "gift." He had to be jealous about something, always jealous. But then again, I shouldn't be complaining. I've always wanted someone interesting to come along and now look what I've got- a human.

Jenna said keep an eye on the girl, she likes her. Domonic thought while looking at me.

Emily, tell me, how does Jenna know? I scolded her. If Jenna knew- Alexander knew.

Emily smiled innocently and hugged me. I sighed and patted her head, what a baby. She was brought up rich, she has never heard of dicipline in her entire life. I guess it really wasn't her fault she was lucky. I looked down at her and she smiled that annoyingly innocent childlike smile. She was bit when she was 13- so she looks way too young for her age. I recalled the hard time she had copeing with being dead and messed up her hair with a laugh.

"No fair," she whined.

The months went on.


My watching her continued day through night. I couldn't stay away from her, and I kept getting closer to her. Chelsea had destroyed my aveo that Jenna gave me. She had great car taste, for a girl. I did get a new car though, I was particularily fond of my M3. Every morning when it was time for Isabelle to leave I'd get in my car and listen with all the concentration that I could. I had the roads memorized so it was easy for me to just leave all concentration on something else.

She thought of her scheduel over and over again. Then she went to going thru every class she had and checking if she had homework to do. She had history due but wasn't worried about it, why didn't I even occour once in her wondering mind. It bugged me, had she already forgotten of me? School somehow got even more annoying than I thought it could be. Would Emily's tireless attempts be in vein?

She stuck her earbuds in and pressed the "play" button on her iPod nano. She sighed when her left bud fell from her ear. I pulled into me usual parking spot and waited. Listening to music was simple and calming for everyone else I pay attention to, but her.

She flipped thru band names and had different feelings about each and everyone of them. She turned on a song that made her eyes close and seem calm but somewhat sad. I sighed feeling disheartened- as if I felt the same way. I didn't like the effect she had on me at all. I knew I was getting in way too close to her. I clenched my teeth thinking about it, I wanted to know more. I wanted to be close to her- but I couldn't. If I got any closer to her I would expose everyone. I got out of the car and slammed the door frusterateingly.

I walked toward the "Enterence B" doors, at a slow enough speed for me to keep a constant fast-walk. I felt a small disturbance in my chest and stopped.

"Hey Rowen."

I flinched and turned toward the voice, and there she was. She was so close to me that I could smell her scent oh so clearly now. It was actually somewhat intoxicating, she looked very different from yesterday. She wore a black skirt that just passed her knees with boots and leggings. Her shirt was white with a bit of a ruffle on the sleeves and another shirt over it making it look gothic, yet extremely innocent. I stared into her eyes, falling into her enchantment.

"Hey.." I spoke in almost a whisper.

She smiled, if I didn't know any better i'd say my heart was racing- but it still lay dead and cold within my steel ribcage. Completely 100% unbrakeable.. and there she sat infront of me, a human, a girl, so unknowingly fragile, so much more breakable than she could imagine. I could kill her with a flinch of my hand. I could do it without anyone seeing, knowing, or aware. She had friends, but they would be fooled by the lies that we spread. They would mourn for a week and be over it. I could do it, I could satisfy myself, I could do it right here, right now. I could grab her and wrap her into my arms and bite down too hard on her neck punctureing her windpipe. I could peirce her jugular, and let blood spill from her like a fountain. I didn't though, I simply smiled and opened the door for her.

"Ladies first," I bowed my head slightly as she passed, her scent burning my throat.

"Thanks," she laughed.

I'm not used to being treated so well. She sighed nervously.

I smiled, being sure to hide my teeth to not lose control and expose myself for the monster I really am. It started to get harder and harder to control myself. She walked down the short hall into the large opening the kids called "the aitrium" and leaned against the wall. She slid her back down the wall until she was sitting, she tilted her head back against the white brick and let out a deep breath. She seemed so calm, but somehow exhausted. I turned and walked down the hall going toward the cafeteria and I could feel her eyes on me.

Maybe he doesnt like me. She said to herself with a depressive sigh.

I stopped in my tracks. She turned her head straight again, her breathing had stopped. I sighed, I could just taste the defeat. At least it was defeat and not the sensation I would get from dropping my things, walking over to her, and biteing her neck. Filling that disgusting firey need to taste her sweet blood. Only a taste, the dark side of me tried convinceing, just one sip. I gritted my teeth and turned to her.

"Isabelle," I said with a sudden harshness that neither of us expected.

She flinched and looked at me, sitting up straight. Did I do something wrong?

"Would you like to go to my locker with me?" I said more soft, it was a voice I used to calm down someone. It worked on humans, but whenever Chelsea got out of hand it never seemed to work on her.

"Yeah!" she said with a smile and stood up quickly, she stopped herself. Settle down, Izz.. don't sounds so excited. James would be so mad to find you like this.

Who the bloody hell is James? I asked myself angrily.

We made our way to my locker and I put away my things from last night and shoved everything else in my large army green backpack. It must have sounded like I was dead to her because I had refused to breathe, the air I had saved up was all gone, but It wasn't effecting me, not yet. She was looking at me like I was digging through a garbage can or something bizzare like such. It made me uneasy that when I tried to listen to her thoughts I was blocked out yet again, she was good at straying away from thought, or I was loseing connection with her somehow.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

I concentrated on her mind, trying to get a clear picture of what I looked like. I must have been a mess, why else would she be so worried, and why was she so hard to read? When I finally got a good shot of myself, I saw that my eyes were a deep dark brown, my eyes somewhat like a cats when dialated, sliver-like. I was becoming too hungry for her protection.

Emily, where are you, do you have Domoni-

Don't worry- I was watching, we're on our way.

When aren't you. I growled lowly alloud.

"Rowen?" I could hear the worry in her voice. I took a deep breath and my throat was on fire. I had forgotten of the firey sensation that burned when I did that.

"Isabelle!" another voice called from down the hall.

"Oh, hi James." she said softly- placing her hand on my back. It burned my skin- or atleast gave me the same feeling. I gritted my teeth together, I thought of the ways I could kill the boy after seeing me suck Isabelle dry infront of him. The strangest thing happened though, I shut my eyes so tightly that I saw Isabelle. She was looking at me and I back at her, she smiled and moved closer and laid her head upon my chest. I watched myself rest my chin on top of her head gently as we embraced.
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