Status: Hiatus

Free My Severed Heart, Give Me You

That's What She Said

You wake up with a headache and feel very thirsty. You get out of bed and see you're stripped so put Corey's jeans back on and throw on last night's top. You head straight to the bathroom and have a wash and brush your teeth before going to the kitchen. You're surprised to see Corey already up and standing vigilant at the toaster, a plate filled with ready-made toast in front of him. You drink a large glass of water and set about making coffee.
"Breakfast's almost done," Corey mumbles.
You steal his mug in response and give him a refill. "Brew's almost done," you mumble back.
You both finish at the same time and pad into the living room. When you are both seated, you pass him his coffee and he gives you the remote. He starts shovelling toast while you find some cartoons.

15 minutes, and half the toast, later Corey looks you up and down causing you to look back at him questionably.
"Do you have underwear on under my pants?" He inquires slowly.
You blink. "No."
He then looks himself up and down and touches his bare chest. "Well, don’t look at my sexy body, you'll get woman juice on my clothes."
You snort in response. "I would be wearing knickers but I wore my last clean pair last night. You're taking me to the laundry place later."
"It's Sunday," he protests.
"It's open," you reply.
"Why do I have to take you?"
"Company," you state, going back to the telly.
You hear him sigh and shake your head at his idleness.

You're sat on a washing machine, lollypop in your mouth and a magazine in your hands. Corey is outside smoking a cigarette. So much for company.
He comes in smiling at you, which brings a worried frown to your face, he comes over and folds his arms onto the washing machine besides you and leans into his elbows.
"So," he starts.
"Why do people always starts conversations with me when I'm reading?" You grumble.
Ignoring your comment, he continues speaking. "Think someone has a crush."
"Beg pardon?" You close the magazine.
"You seem to have a distinct affect on Joey."
You raise your eyebrows.
"He's the most talkative out of that lot but he goes quiet as a mouse in your presence."
You shrug. "Wouldn't know."
"He opened up last night though," he goes on.
"That's what she said," you grin.
He shakes his head, already at the point where he is ignoring this comment, as you have been interjecting it at any opportunity all morning. "What do you think of him?"
You shrug again.
"He's a real nice guy."
Another shrug.
"He is," he carries on.
"Why don't you go ask him out then," you reply exasperated.
He sighs at you again. "Nah, I'd rip him in two," he smirks. "I'm taking you to Musicland, that music store, after this," he says and you think he has dropped the subject, as you are unaware who works there.
"Cool," you smile and jump off the machine that has no finished.
You then go about recruiting Corey's help to transfer the clothes to the dryer.
"I don’t think I can fit it all in," Corey says trying to use his foot to shove the clothes in.
"That's what she said," you grin, helping him.
Corey laughs. "Bet you never say that. I bet you can fit a whole football team in there."
You gasp and kick his butt making him forcibly take a step forward. "Wanker," you mumble grinning.

"I kinda like the idea of you going commando in my pants," Corey says as you both get out of his car outside Musicland.
"Cor, I've slept naked in your bed before," you reply walking in front of him.
"What! Where the fuck was I?" He exclaims, stopping in his tracks.
"Out of town. I got mashed and puked in my bed, so I slept in yours."
"Too drunk to put PJs on after stripping," you explain.
"Damn," he mutters and walks with you to the shop.

You both walk in and immediately he goes to the metal section. You scope the shop until your eyes falls on the counter. You see a small person with a mess of long black hair sprawled all over the counter, as his head is resting in his arms. He is idly doodling on a bit of paper. You hear a heavy sigh; followed by a groan, escape from him as you walk closer.
"Someone had too many sherbets last night," you laugh making him jump.
He looks up at you in shock, not expecting to see you. "Sherbets?" He frowns. "I didn’t snort anything," he looks at you in confusion.
"It means booze," you explain. "It's an English saying. You look mega hungover."
"I am," he says rubbing his face.
"Hey babe," Corey winks at Joey walking up. "Do you have this?" He then asks you, sticking a CD in your face.
You pull back and blink at it. "Yeah, somewhere."
"Awesome, that saves me $14," he smiles.
"Just don’t break it," you warn/beg.
"I'll be gentle," he winks. "So, what time you here 'til?" Corey turns his attention back to Joey.
"6. Just as well, any longer and I’d die," he replies.
Corey turns to you straight away. "If you say 'that's what she said' for the seventeenth time today, I will smash you."
"You've been keeping count?" You blurt with laughter.
"Yes, that is how dull your company is," he says with a tight, sarcastic smile.
"Ha-ha," you say putting your hands on either side of your stomach and tilting your head back.
All the while Joey has been smiling and chuckling at you two.
"Wanna have dinner with us Jo?" Corey asks not taking his eyes of you.
You glare at him slightly, knowing he is just trying to wind you up by getting you two to hang around with 'lover-boy', as Corey has branded him in the past hour.
"Sure," he smiles in reply. "Where do you wanna go?"
"Oh, Jack'll cook. She loves that shit and is amazing," Corey answers, offering your services for you.
Joey looks at you as if apologising for you being put on the spot.
You smile. "Of course I will," you reply, thinking Corey's plan will backfire because you won't be able to spend time with either of them if you are busy cooking in the kitchen.

This, however, backfires on you. You were not expecting them to stay in the kitchen the whole time. So now you are stressed cooking for three people and there are two boys that have been staring at you for the past 20 minutes, with not one offer of help so far.