Have You Forgotten?

Brian Haner and Emery Wallace were a match made in Heaven. Everyone could see how perfect they were together and how they completed each other.

But this story isn't about their marriage, it's about how it fell apart.

"And I thought, hell if it's over I had better end it quick or I could lose my nerve. Are you listening? Can you hear me? Have you forgotten?"
-"Rest Stop"
Matchbox 20

Authoress' Note: This story is set up a lot differently than any of my other stories. The chapters alternate between "present" and memories. Flashback chapters are even numbered and in Brian's point of view whereas more present chapters are odd numbered and in Emery's point of view. And as if this could get any more confusing, the present chapters work backwards in time where the flashbacks move forward. Sorry that this is confusing but I hope it works and if it doesn't, I'll change the setup. Thanks for putting up with it and I hope you enjoy!

PS: I don't own A7X or any of the songs that inspired this story, nor do I own "The Last Five Years" the Broadway show that inspired this story. I do own Emery however.
  1. Prologue: Shame
    "Shame" by Matchbox 20
  2. One: Kiss Me