"Demented Love"

Chapter Three

Dearest Ryan,
I love you and I have decided that since I would be a distraction for the band, I'm leaving. No I will not kill myself because of you.(I am not that stupid) But I will always love you.
Forever yours,Love, Brendon.

Why did I break his heart! I was the one who told him I liked him, and I do this! I am the worst friend ever! I have to find him.

~Cell Phone~ "Hello?" "BRENDON!!" "Ryan?!" "Yeabren, listen where are you?" "I am sorry Ry but we need to be alone." "NO, Brendon please hear me out!" "Talk." "I LOVE YOU!" "I love you too Ry, but you said for yourself you dont think we should be together." "I lied." "I have to think, but I gott-"

Phone went dead "BRENDON! BREN, TALK TO ME! ARE YOU OK?!" He thought about losing Brendon, the best thing that ever happened to him, and shuddered.
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rawr, I originally had them opposite and now ugh I fucked this shitty thing up... Whatever (: