Sequel: Fly with me BOOK 1

My Arranged Marriage

My Arranged Marriage- Ch. 9

~Miriam’s POV~
“Miriam…. Do you sleep walk?”
“Huh?” I got up and looked around the room tell I saw Gabriel, He was wearing a nice suite, Which ether meant, I had to get ready to go on a business trip with him or he was going alone somewhere for a meeting and wont be back tell a few days (Always missing him)
“Because I heard the car start at about 4 AM and you were gone?” Gabriel looked at me with a confused stare
“Erm, No, I got up cause I needed…… Something” I said with a smile on my face
He shut up and went in the bath room….. A few minutes later he came out
“I have to go on a trip, Wanna come?” Gabriel asked me
“Sure, How long are we staying and were are we going?”
“Ummm…… We are staying for 3 days and we are going to Florida”
“Okay!” I got dressed and brought 9 outfits, I know I am going to have to go swimming!
I got in a limo after Gabriel got in another limo in front of the one I was getting in, I quickly got out and stopped him and he rolled down his window……
“What’s wrong?” Gabriel asked
“I forgot something, I promise I will be quick!”
”Okay, I trust you, Bye”
”Bye” I waved at his limo as he left
I forgot about Sid, I ran to the garage and picked him up, Put him in a kitten bag I had were everything could fit in to it and he could fit in a roomy space, I then got in the limo with out, Michael, the limo driver seeing and I then rolled up the glass part so Michael couldn’t see me, I told him I was here and the I let out Sid so he could play, I just loved on Sid for so long! He is just the cutest little guy, Now how am I going to take Sid with out Gabriel finding out, I thought to my self…..
“Miss. Miriam, We are here, Gabriel has already left in one airplane and he told me to send you in another airplane, He wanted me to ask you if you would like me to go up with you so you wouldn’t be scared, He also left this laptop, after you are in the air you can skipe him, He said that it is the new web cam so you guys can see each other all the way there, He left about 15 minutes ago…. That is the ending of my message to you” Michael said
“Thanks Michael! No you can stay here on the ground” I smiled as I put back Sid in his small room, He was asleep, So I just put him up and got on the airplane….
“Okay here we go” I said as I clutched the arms of the seat on the airplane, I then just shut my eyes for a while tell I heard the flight attendants voice right next to me,
“Ma’am, Would you like anything to drink or eat?” The nice flight attendant said to me
“Ummm….. Sure, I would like a…. Dr. Pepper if you have it?”
“Yes Ma’am, And would you like a menu?”
“Yes please, And thank you so very much!”
The flight attendant went in the back and came back with a Dr. Pepper and a menu and a bell, Then she went back to the back of the plane and I started to read the Menu, hmmm….. Lobster, Shrimp, Crab, Shark…. What the heck, I am in the air and they only have food from the ocean, Weird…. I rang the bell and the flight attendant came and came with a refill of Dr. Pepper, I needed it,
“I would like to have some crab, Just plain with melted butter please, And please get me a plate of Tuna, Thank you” I said with a smile
“Yes Ma’am” She took my menu and empty glass of Dr. Pepper and walked in the back again, about 5 minutes later she came back out with the stuff I requested
“Thank you so very much” I took the stuff and the attendant pulled out the little table for me…. I just munched on the crab and tell I heard a little “Meow” from Sid’s kennel, I picked it up and let him out and put him on the table why I held my crab and ate it why he was eating the Tuna, Spoiled little guy, I laughed and then fell past asleep with Sid on my lap tell I had a text message from Gabriel……

~Gabriel’s POV~
“Op3n ur lapt0p” I text Miriam so I could web chat with her……
“Finally I was waiting for about 3 hours” I said as Miriam finally logged in so I could chat with her……
“Huh?” Miriam said as she rubbed her eyes
“I am sorry, Did I wake you?”
“Kinda, But I needed to get up” Miriam said with a smile
“Well, I am sorry”
“So, how are you?”
“I am goo….d…… Miriam…. What is on your lap? It is black and fuzzy?”
“Ummm….. Nothing! Its nothing! Forget about it, It was nothing!”
“Miriam….. What I sit?”
”Agh……. Ummm….. It’s Sid” She said as she was smiling
“Miriam…… What and who is Sid?”
”Ummmm….. It’s a kitten” She said as she held this kitten up so I could see
“Mhhh hmmm…..”
“I guess you could say its our first pet together!” She said with a smile like, I am not smiling
“Okay…. Well…. I am about to land and you should be here in 15 minutes….. So love you, Bye”
“Bye! Love you….. Sorry!” She said as I shut the laptop…..
Oh boy here we go……
♠ ♠ ♠
God bless, Hope you enjoyedÜ