Sequel: Fly with me BOOK 1

My Arranged Marriage

My arranged Marriage- Ch. 3

Ch. 3
~Miriam’s POV~
“Good morning!”
I got up and rubbed my eyes…
Gabriel was standing there…. He waved at me like some sort of idiot….
His bruises were already healed… He didn’t even have a black eye… He was standing on the ending of the bed, On the floor, He smiled and went to his bath room and I heard him start the shower..… I went in to my closet to get changed… I was wearing a purple T-shirt with white words spelling, With this rock I will rule the WORLD! It had a cute little spider on it holding up a rock… I loved it!!! I went down stairs to go get something to eat and then… The door busted open and scared the crap out of me… I looked who came in and this little girl… She looked about ahhh I don’t know…. 7 or 8 years old…. She was wearing a hot pink jacket with a light pink T-shirt under the jacket and white jeans… OMG! She squealed and ran the way I was coming down and bumped in to me… She looked up at me and said:
…. GABBBBBBYYYYYY!!!!!! HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!! GABBY GABBY GABBY GABBY GABBY!! HELPPPPP!!! Then she ran like 70 miles a hour up the stairs to my bed room…. I ignored it and went in too the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal, Fruit loops…. Yummy! I then went back in too my room and O M G!!!!! Gabriel was out and dressed but-t-t-t that little girl was like a leach to Gabriel’s leg… She was screaming! GABBY!!! GABBY!!! She was screaming…. I went to Gabriel and I asked him…. Who is this? He replied, Miriam, This is one of my cousins and her name is Josie, She calls me Gabby… He frowned and I LAUGHED!!! I was on the couch laughing my BUTT off!!! I got up and started to cry whoa…. That was funny!! Lol!! He had this boredom expression on his face… I was still laughing!! “
“Whoa! Gosh! That is funny!”
“Trust me, It is NOT funny!”
”GABBY! This lady is CREEPY!”
“Sally, Meet my G-g-g…. I mean friend…. Meet my friend, Her name is Miriam”
She said in a shrill voice!’
”Sally, She is my FRIEND!’
“Not yet!”
”Yes she is!”
”No she isn’t!”
“Gosh! Anyway, She is my… Future wife.”
I was still laughing my head off –Knock knock knock- I ran to the bedroom door and opened it…
“Hi! Miriam!”
”Hey Judy!”
”I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the mall with me?”
”CAN I COME!!!!!”
Sally said in a SHRILL voice AGAIN!
”Aggh…. Miriam… Can Sally come?”
“Sure, Why not?”
So off we went to the mall…. OMG! THIS MALL IS HUGE!!! 7 LEVELS!!! Escalators!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! Oohhhh! Even elevators!!! Weeee!!!
After a few hours of shopping…. We had about like 5 butlers that followed us FULL of stuff… Lol…. Even tho I had a lot of stuff already, It was still fun to shop… After a hard day of shopping, We went back home… On our way home Judy asked me a few questions…
“Miriam, Honey, I know this is weird question but you do know you don’t have to share that room with Gabriel…. I already have you a new room…. If you want you can trade rooms…. Your closet will be blocked off from Gabriel’s room and added to your new room….?”
“Wow! I would LOVE it!! AWSOME!”
”Oh and I forgot to give you this… “
She gave me a cell phone… It was light blue…
“You have unlimited minutes…. I added a lot of your contacts from your email address… Sorry we hacked in….. But we didn’t know if you would go crazy…..”

I thought to my self…. (When I do “+” That means it is my good side thinking and then when I do “=” it is my bad side thinking and when I do # it means I am just thinking)
#Did she just say that she thought I was going to go CRAZY!?
=Yes DUH! Gosh! They REALLY do think you are crazy! Gosh!
+Don’t listen to her… You love him! If they thought you were crazy then they would of put you in a straight jacket!
=Well then! Just IGNORE me and listen to the lady with a straight jacket!
+-Sticks tongue out-
=-sticks tongue back-
AGGGGHHHH!!! Help! I don’t know who to believe… Help…. As my thoughts are fighting…. I am going to check out my NEW phone! Yay!
First of all I checked out the contacts…. This is the list….
Micah (Best friend, Home schooled like me and his brother is my good friend also)
Isaac(Micah’s brother… Goofy! Also home schooled, Yet younger then Micah, How I met them is my mom and their mom met and they became good friends)
Sister (My sister… Cant say her name… She didn’t want me too… Sorry! Lets just call her… Sam, short for Samantha, She is my best friend, She is a vet by the way!)
Mom (Yay! Mom! I am such a mommies girl!)
Judy (Gabriel’s Mother)
Gabriel (No Comment)
(I will add more names when I ask my friends if I can put there name in there)
First of all…. CALL MOM!
“Hello? Can I please speak to Shell (My mom)”
I heard my dads voice on the other line…
“May I please ask who I speaking?”
“This is Miriam”
“Miriam? Is this Miriam you said?”
I heard crying on the other line…
“One moment…”
A few seconds later….
“Hello? Miriam… Are you there honey?”
“Yea mom, I am here… I have been missing you mom!”

”I know honey, I have missed you too!”
“Mom, How did some of my friends act to this?”
“I told some of your friends The truth and some of them that she is grounded or you are busy… You have the flu is the next I am saying….” [I AM 17 almost 18 AND I GET GROUNDED!!!!]
“Okay mom…. Thank you! I-I love you….”
“I love you too honey… I am sorry baby… I have to go… Your father said he loves you… Be safe! Bye….”
“I will mom… I love you too! Bye..”
I cried for a few minutes missing my mommy…. Then I heard a knock at MY new bedroom door…. I just yelled come in and Judy came in…
“Hey Judy”
“Hi Miriam, I was just going to give you this and tell you that all the cars in the garage have there keys in it… All of them have full tank of gas also…. But I have a important appointment today…. Gabriel’s office is down the hall to the left it is the first door of the left…. Good bye now.”

I called Micah and Isaac and they invited me over…. They are so cool… Lol!
(By the way… I gave them the website so they can read this… I just came back from their home town lol) But anyway… I went to the garage and OMG! THERE WAS 55 CARS!!!! All colors! All brands! Wow! I got in to a blue SUV…. I don’t know why? I drove down there… (3 hour drive!!!) We met up…. Lol! They were their same silly self’s… We went to the disc park in there area…. We got like 4 discs out of the pond…. Micah got them…. I lost the game… Micah won (Like always) and Isaac was in second…. I was never good at the game…. –Ring ring-
My cell was ringing….
“Hi, Is this Miriam?”
“Oh my gosh! Miriam! This Is Katie!”
“Katie! OMG!!! I have missed you for so long!!!” I said
“Omg! So… What does he look like?”
“Cute… But aggghhh I wanted to meet him and not get pushed in to this….” I said
“Sorry! So, Where are you?” Katie asked
“I am with Micah and Isaac playing at the Disc Park”
“Cool! Can I meet you there?”
“Yea! Oh! And can you find out where Sam is and bring her also?” I asked
“Yea! Sure…. I will be there in about 15 minutes…” Katie said

“Micah, Isaac, Katie and Sam will be here in about 15 minutes okay?” I asked
“Its alright with me, Isaac what about you?” Micah said
“Of course!” Isaac said

We played for that 15 minutes and then YAY! Katie and Sam pulled in!! Yay!
(Katie is my oldest sister and Sam is the second youngest… I am the Youngest of the family….)
“Miriam! What have you been up to?” Sam said
“Nothing much” I said
I hugged them both and gave them each a disc….
It was probably the best day of my life… With my friends and my sisters….
After about a hour or so we got back in to the cars and went to the McDonalds near us and got us each a hamburger and a drink…. Then we went to a playing park and Micah had to go teach a class… I don’t know what class tho… Lol! But anyway… We were all bored…
“I spy with my BIG eyes something… BLUE!” Isaac said
Lol! We were playing I spy… We are so weird!
”The roof?” I asked
“Nope!” Isaac said
“That car!” Sam said
“Nope” Isaac said
“The sky?” Katie said
“No!” Isaac said
“Give!” I said
“I give also….” Katie said
“Hmmm…. Your eyes?” Samantha said
“Nope.” Isaac said
“Fine… I give.” Sam said
“That Porta John” Isaac said in a voice that sounded like we were dumb
“That Porta John is GREEN!” I raised my voice
”No is not!” Isaac said
”Yes it is Isaac!” Sam said
“No it is not!” Isaac said
”Dude! Seriously it is green!” Katie said
“Fine then… it was the flowers” Isaac said
“The flowers are PURPLE!” I screamed
”PURPLE!” Isaac said
”Yep! They are purple….” Katie said
Isaac was cracking up laughing!
Note to self! NEVER! I repeat… NEVER! Play I spy with someone who is colored blind!
I just wanted you to know that Isaac was 1 year younger then Katie and Micah was 1 year older then Katie… I am 3 years younger then Sam and Sam is 3 years younger then Katie… Remember that I am 17 almost 18… You can equal it up about the ages=P Kind of confusing… But anyway…
-Ring ring-
All of us reached for our cell phones….
It was my phone…
“Hi, Miriam… I wanted to tell you that Gabriel is on a business trip and we will not be having dinner tonight… Sorry…” Judy said
“Oh it is alright… “ I said
“I have to go sweetie… By” Judy said

“I don’t have to be at home at 8 tonight! Yay!” I said
”Lol!” Isaac said
About that time Micah pulled up… He was wearing the funniest T-Shirt… I held in my laughter… He put on a T-shirt… A regular one… Lol! I still think it is funny! Lol! Rofl!
Then we found this GIANT drain pipe under the park bridge… It was fun in there… It had a little bit of water draining threw it… We all crawled in it… Lol! It was GIANT! We played like, Tag and Freeze tag and Cartoon tag… It was fun and Funny! After a fun day of playing… I said my good byes and got everyone’s phone number, Address and email address, Then we went to our homes… I invited Katie and Sam to my NEW Manson… Lol! They came… After another 3 hours of driving we finally got to 8749 White Lane… I opened the giant doors to the Manson and Judy!
“Hi Judy, These are my sisters, Katie and Sam… Katie, Sam, This is my new Mother in law, Judy…” I said
“Hi” Judy said
She squealed and ran to them and hugged both of them…
Then we went up to Gabriel’s bed room… Wow!
That was a mess!! Then we went to my bed room…. I showed them a round and….
-Yawn- I went to… sleep… ZzZzZzZzZzZ…..
♠ ♠ ♠
God bless, I hope you enjoyÜ