Sequel: Fly with me BOOK 1

My Arranged Marriage

My Arranged Marriage- Ch. 4


~Gabriel’s POV~
8:09 AM, I am in Alaska and I am freezing my butt off… Waiting tell 8:30 when the meeting begins and then after that I am going to wait tell 12:00 when I get to go home and see Miriam again…. –Doo da da da doo duh dee duh da doo- -Yawn-
“Hey! Whats up!” I heard Miriam
“Nothing much… Waiting tell 8:30 when the meeting begins….”
“What do you mean 8:30? It is 3:30 here…?”
“Remember I am in ALASKA!”
“Sorry! So do you know when you will be home?
“Nope… Probably 12 or 1 O’clock
“Oh… Okay…. “
“Whats wrong?”
“Ahhh Nothing…”
I hate it when women do this….
“There is something wrong…. Do I have to stay here longer?”
“No….? I just found a ring that fit me and I thought since you haven’t given me a ring yet then I could just buy one?”
“Aghhhh Fine… How much is it?”
“You do NOT want to know…..”
“Tell me?”
“-sigh- Do you really want to know?”
“Yes… I am about to transfer you $8,900 in a few moments….?”
“Wow… Okay fine… It is $6,000…. Sorry… I will pick out a smaller price if that is too much…?”
It sounded like she was whimpering on the other side of the phone….
“Wow… That is fairly cheap…. I am sending you a extra 2 about 3 thousand… I have to go okay?”
“Okay… Thank you! Bye”
Wow… That is cheap but still a lot of money….. I hope it is Beautiful and I really hope it makes her Happy…. I looked at my watch and only 10 more minutes tell 8:30….. Ahhhh what the heck I will call my friend… Jessica…
“Hey, Jessica how is going?”
“Just fine…. I have caught lots of people today for speeding…”
If you haven’t noticed, Jessica is a cop… Actually, High way patrol…
“I was just wondering if you would try to catch Miriam… I know she is going to get that ring… You need to catch her so I can GO HOME! I am stuck here in Alaska!”
“Lol! Gosh that is funny! But sure why not!”
”Okay… I have to go to this meeting….. Thanks Jessica!”
”No problem!”
-Click- I looked at my watch and YES! It is finally 8:30!

~Miriam’s POV~
Yes! He finally gave me money… I packed and got ready to go somewhere.
I am going to LOVE this! I then got in to a car and started to drive… I don’t know were but I do NOT want to be married at this age…. Of course I took the money he transferred me and left…. I went on high way 66 and was going the speed limit… Crap! Blue lights! Dang it! I pulled over
The officer came to my window….
“Hi Officer Jessica”
“Ma’am I need your license and registration”
I handed her the stuff she asked for…. She went back to her car and came back….
“Ma’am I need to take you in cause you were speeding”
“What! Crap!”
“Ma’am step out of the car with your hands up”
I did what the officer told me to and AGGGGHHH! I hate this!
”Where am I going!”
“Ma’am I am taking you home cause someone put in a LOST sign for you”
So I went back home…. Gabriel was home…. It was 11:00 AM
“Miriam! What did you do!?” Judy screamed
“Nothing! I am honest!”
“Miriam…. I am right here! I am NOT in another galaxy!”
After the Officer left we all went in side, Gabriel and Miriam MAD AS FIRE at each other….
“YOU SET THIS UP!” I screamed at Gabriel
“I didn’t…. I was just wanting to come home!”
“No I did not!”
“-Sigh- It is getting late…. If we want this relation ship to work out then we cant fight”
“Okay, Good night” He came closer to me and kissed my forehead…
WHAT! A KISS ON THE FOREHEAD! NOW I THINK I AM A KID! –I thought to my self…..
“Good night, Love you” I said softly as I entered my room…. I got a tank top and shorts and went to the bath room to take a shower…. After my shower…. JONAS! Yay! I then sat down and watched, JONAS! Yay! Once again! This was AWSOME! Lol! After JONAS I went to bed…. King size bed with 29 pillows… I love silk pillows!

~Gabriel’s POV~
I kissed Miriam on the head and then went to my bed room… I heard her whisper,
“Good night, Love you” How sweet… I then got a pair of shorts and took a LONG bath…. After that, I went to my office, In my shorts (No T-Shirt) and started to work…. Yes to this and no to that and that Is trash…. That kind of stuff…. Just junk… After I got tired… I kind of… ah ah yaaaaaawnnnnn…. Sleep- dream- Miriam?
♠ ♠ ♠
God bless, I hope you enjoyÜ