Sequel: Fly with me BOOK 1

My Arranged Marriage

My Arranged Marriage- Ch. 5

[Ch. 6]

~Miriam’s POV~
I woke up feeling like someone hit me in the head with a sludge hammer…. Yea, It hurt! Then I went to my AWSOME closet… Wait… What is that? I look at the back of the closet and WOW! It was my old Bible… Wait…. Didn’t Samantha give this to me? She did! Wow… I forgot all about this… I remember this verse… John 3:16 I LOVED that verse, Wait… I haven’t met any of Gabriel’s family or I haven’t even seen the rest of the house! Yay! I have something to do today! I started down stairs and I heard Gabriel in the Sitting room… I snuck behind the corner and listened… Gosh I think I have ADHD… Anyway, I was listening…
“GABRIEL! DO NOT WORK TODAY!” I heard Judy scream
“Mom, I am in the same room… Dad told me too… You know how he is!”
“Yes I do know! I have been married to him for 24 years”
“Mom! I have to finish this….”
“I know but Emma and John is coming over! Josie is going to Aunt Lola’s house so you can have peace alone with John or you can spend it with Emma or Miriam but you are NOT working today!!!!”
“Okay mom… Love you” I heard Gabriel settle down.
I heard foot steps so I ran to the main room and sat down on one of the chairs… Judy then came in and said…
“Miriam! Hello dear… There is some Pancakes in the dinning room for you… Gabriel’s cousin, Emma is coming over today, Gabriel’s friend, John is coming over also”
“Okay, Thank you for letting me know!”
She went down one of the hall ways to another hallway and out of my sight, I went to the dinning room… Yum! Pancakes and EVERY topping in the WORLD! I had chocolate chips pancakes and a peach for breakfast! Then I got ready for the day to start… After I was ready I heard a few cars pull in the drive way… Yay! Emma and John where here and WOW! John came in a stretch hummer and Emma came in her own car… It was a red shiny truck, I ran down stairs quickly and waited at the door where Gabriel came down and stood right beside me, As we were going out he grabbed my hand and put a ring on my finger… I quickly looked at it as we walked out and it was the one I was looking at with my real Mother at a jewelry store… It was REALLY expensive…
“Hey, Miriam! I have heard so much about you!” Emma said as she hugged me
“Gabriel, I guess this is your old woman?” John said in a sarcastic voice
“John!” Gabriel Screamed at JOHN!
”What Gabriel, Do you want to marry Emma also!!!?”
“That is my name! Don’t wear it out!”
“You are NOT my mother”
Gabriel started to chase John around the house and up the stairs….
“Miriam it is Okay… Their just boys… So…. Tell me more about you?”
”Hmmm… I am the youngest of my family… I am 17 almost 18 and…..”
“Wait! YOU ARE 17!!!!” Emma laughed
“Yea….. I am 17… Turning 18 July 4th?”
“So cool! Ha! I am 18 almost 19!”
“So let me see your bed room!!” Emma said as she ran in side the house and up the stairs to my bed room…
“Emma! Wait up!!!” I yelled at Emma as she ran up the stairs
I ran after her and I BUMBED in to her as she was looking in my room with her mouth open….. “What did you do to the supplies CLOSET!” Emma said in a surprised voice, “Nothing! Judy asked me if I wanted my own room and if I didn’t then she was going to turn it in to something else…. I don’t know what tho?” I replied back to her….

~Gabriel’s POV~
“John I am going to KILL YOU!” I screamed at John as he ran around the girls,
“Why do you want to kill me!? I am just your, BEST FRIEND!!” John said
I chased him up the stairs in to my room, Then we finally settled down after I beat the dang CRAP out of him…. “ Gabriel, Tell me something, Did you make a wedding date yet?” John questioned to me, “I did but she didn’t, I didn’t talk it up with her lately…. So…. John…. Have you asked Emma yet?” I said and winked “NO! GOSH! I WILL NEVER! EVER! I REPEAT! I WILL NEVER! DONT SAY THAT EVER AGAIN!” John yelled back at me…. “AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!” We both heard a terrible bloody murder scream…. Of course we were acting like the heroes of the day and ran to there bed room and busting open the door to get in…. They were both fine and unharmed and sitting on the bed…. “What the HECK just happened!!” John asked them, “nothing…. Just I saw a GIANT spider and it was on Miriam’s shoulder, But I hit it and smashed it” Emma said proudly as she grinned and Miriam had a dead spider on her shoulder with her so mad and steam blowing out her ears….. “I have a good date for the wedding” I said to Miriam with no braveness in me “Oh, You did? I didn’t know we already had one… When is it?” She said to me knowing what I actually meant “May 17th so in two weeks we w ill have our wedding and John is me best man…. It will be a quite wedding at the beach…. I made MY decision…. You can say no to it if you want…. I was just asking you if that was a good date? Also, I will have my “Groom party” When ever you have your “Bride Party” so we (The boys) wont bother you and the girls…. Is that okay with you?” I am so happy I got that off my chest “Yea it is okay with me…. Only if Emma is ONE of my bride maids and I will chose to have my party… Tonight…. Okay?” She said knowing I would say yes “Of course…. Okay…. I will invite my friends… You invite yours…. Okay…. Bye” I ran out of that room like a wolf spider….. Then I called all my friends and went shopping to get stuff for my “Grooms party” ……
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God bless, I hope you enjoyedÜ