Sequel: Fly with me BOOK 1

My Arranged Marriage

My Arranged Marriage- Ch. 6

~Miriam’s POV~
“What! You just ruined my GLEE of a PARTY! Lol!” Emma smiled
-Knock Knock Knock- “Come on in” I screamed at the door
“Hey Judy, Whats up?”
“Ummm…. Miriam can I please speak to you alone?”
“Sure one minute”
I followed Judy out in to the hall way
“Miriam…. Since what happened yesterday I just wanted to give you this”
She handed me a VISA and said to me “I will pay you how ever much you want…. Every Friday….” She said as a tear came down her face, “Judy….. I-I-…. Agh…” I sputtered out, “Miriam! I am deciding for you then… It has 2 thousand in it right now and I will pay you 1 thousand every Friday so you can stay here and marry my son…. Okay?” She wiped the tear off, “Okay..” We hugged then I went back in to my room…….
“What did she want?” Emma questioned
“None of your bees wax….. But we can now go SHOPPING!!!!” I screamed….
We jumped in a car and turned on the radio….. Yay! Jonas brothers-Party…..
“So I was sitting at home watching reruns all alone…. Then I picked up the phone…. Called everyone I know….. Said theres ganna be a party…. Bring everyone you know…..” We sang along to the song tell it was over… Then we went to Wal-Mart…. Picked up pizzas and colas and ice cream…. Pretty much…. I was just going to have a sleep over…. After that I called EVERYONE! Well…. Every FEMALE…. That I knew…. Not the moms tho…. No mommys aloud! Lol! Sam, Katie, Officer Jessica, and LOTS more….. When we got back to my new home everyone started to show up….. The men went out to the “groom party”….. After everyone showed up we probably had 15 to 20 people….
“Okay….. Know what?” Some one yelled
“Lets play truth or dare!!!” Emma screamed, Everyone agreed to it and we all sat down with their knees crossed…. Jessica started it out and then it went to Emma….
“Hmmm…… Sam! Truth or DARE!!!?”
“Truth…..” Sam said
“Have you ever had to be in a arranged marriage?”
That was the question I hoped NO one would say…. Emma said it…. Dang it!
”Uhh…. Do I have to say?”
“Yes!! Sam you HAVE to!” Emma whisper screamed
“Yes I have been arranged to marry someone…. Whos next!”
The next person was me….
“Sam! Truth or dare!?” I know she hates doing dare so of course…
“Truth….” Sam said in a annoyed voice
“Who were you going to marry? From the arranged marriage?” I said hoping she wouldn’t say who I knew she was going to say….
“Aghhh…. Gabriel Luke White” Sam said looking at me with a SORRY face on
“I am going to get drinks” I stood up and walked out
I then started to cry in the down stairs bathroom…. If Sam married Gabriel then I wouldn’t have to be threw this…. OMG! Sam! Aghhh….. I don’t even want to marry him…. He is a big O meany!! I thought to my self…. Wow! I feel like I am acting like a child…. Aghh! I have to stop this….. I only have 2 weeks to my wedding with the man MY SISTER HAD TO MARRY!!!! Agh! Not again….. Never….. –Knock knock knock-
“Miriam….. This is Katie, Open up…. Please?” Katie said through the door
“Please leave me alone!” I screamed at the door with a upset voice
“Miriam! Do not make me get all the girls down here and bust open this door! MIRIAM DOVE JOYCE! OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!!!” I heard Katie through the door seeming aggravated
”Katie, Just give up! I am NOT going to open the door…. I will be back in the room in about 10 minutes, Please leave!”
“Agh! Fine…. You do know that now I have to get those drinks that those girls ordered!”
“Just ask Joseph I think he will get it for you. Just go please!”
“Fine, Love you! Bye”
“Bye” I rolled my eyes in a funny way
I got my cell phone out of my pocket and held down the number “7” for “Mom” and clicked “Call”
It rang a few times and I heard my mothers voice on the other end
“Hi, Mom, I really need to talk to you”
“Miriam? Honey what do you need?”
“Mom, I was having my bride “Party” tonight and we were playing Truth or Dare and Sam was asked if she has ever had a Arranged Marriage and do you know what she said, Mom!”
“I am so sorry you had to find out…”
”Mom! Do you just think that I was NEVER going to find out and you where just going to throw it a way like it never happened!”
“Miriam, Just don’t tell Gabriel cause he has no idea…. I am so sorry”
“Mom…. This has ruined my life!”
“Miriam…. I am so very sorry… This is the third time I have to say this to my children…”
I cut her off before she said anymore
“Wait, This is the third time one of your children called you asking what is going on!”
I was getting aggravated every second I was on the phone with my Mom
“Miriam, If Katie is there, I guess she has not told you, But I made Arranged marriage with all of my children and Samantha is the only one that ran to her older sister and did not go to the arranged marriage…”
“Mom! Who was I going to marry!!!” I screamed at the phone
“Nick Jones, The boy across the town in that big house”
I had a HUGE crush on that boy when I still lived in my old town, He reminded me of Nick Jonas, I know, Nick Jonas and Nick Jones I have no idea who named him Nick.
“Mom, I have to go, Is there anything else that I need to know?”
“Mom! WHAT ELSE!!!!???” I was going to just shut the phone when my Mom finally spoke
“I really did not want you to find out about this but I guess it came down to it… You are a Aunt and Katie’s husband is her Arranged marriage husband…. You probably didn’t even know she had a husband but she has a child also…. Jason Stone…. Born January 21st, 2009…. She should tell you th….”
I cut her off again
“Mom ill call you back later.. Love you bye”
I hung up and had felt like my family died in front of me with me not aloud to help them,
I looked down at my ring again wondering if Gabriel loved Samantha more then me….
I text Samantha…. “I 4giv u luv u”
She text back “Gud luv u 2 did u no tht M-A has a brth mark da shape of USA on her thigh?” I laughed
“Lol” I sent back to her
I text Katie…. “Meet me at the big rm dwn stairs”
“KK” she sent back
I put my cell phone back in my pocket and went to the big room….. I call the big room the Main room….. I sat down in one of the chairs and Katie came down and asked me…
“Miriam what do you want?”
“Katie… Why didn’t you tell me that I was a Aunt and you had a Husband from a Arranged marriage and Samantha was supposed to marry Gabriel and also that you had a child!?”
“Miriam… There is some stuff in life you just don’t need to know…. I am sorry….”
“Agh! Can you please tell me this stuff!!!?”
“Yes… I am sorry…”
We walked up stairs and after a few games and stories everyone left… I went to sleep after everyone left and all my blankets where KNOCKED OFF THE BED…. It got cold…. Really fast! I got up and wrapped a blanket around me and took a look at the clock, 3:07 AM… I went down the hall and opened Gabriels door and pushed him a few times to wake up…. He got up and knew what I wanted and just said a little whisper of “Sure” I crawled in to bed next to him and I snuggled up to him…. I got warm really fast… He put his arm around me and we both went back to sleep…. Only 6 more days tell I marry this man I do not know…. Those thoughts went around and round in my head…. What am I doing here! I don’t know these people! Wait! Not another brake down…. Hmmm…. What about Amy…. No! Do not think about the children! NO NO NO!!! I slapped my self in my head and then dozed off in sleep……
♠ ♠ ♠
God bless, I hope you enjoyedÜ