If your heart stops beating

Chapter 26

Alec_M (Flat Broke, THANKS SIS) has signed in.

KittyKatie: hey Alec
Alec_M: wtf? it says ur ofline...
KittyKatie: i no. cheryls online at work and im not sposed to b on the computer so i set it to appear ofline
Alec_M: y arnt u at school?
KittyKatie: im sick
Alec_M: damn
KittyKatie: wot bout u?
Alec_M: teacher only day
KittyKatie: right
Alec_M: so hows oregon?
KittyKatie: well given as i missed a month of school im a bit behind but coz i went to ur school while i was in nj its not so bad
Alec_M: kk and hows ballet?
KittyKatie: its great!
Alec_M: enjoying it huh?
KittyKatie: hell yeah
Alec_M: shit gotta go. homework calls
KittyKatie: aw sad bye bye
Alec_M: yea i no bye

Alec_M (Flat Broke, THANKS SIS) has signed off.

~*Gerard’s Point of view*~

“Um, Gerard, can I talk to you for a sec?”
I looked up from watching Mikey kick Bob’s ass at chess. Frank was standing in the doorway looking worried.
“Sure, Frankie. What is it?”
I stood up.
He led me out of the kitchen and into the smaller of the two bedrooms. Then he closed the door and leant on it.
“Jamia’s pregnant.”
“What? Brilliant!”
“No, no, not brilliant, I don’t know, maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, I don’t know, is it? I don’t know!”
He was pacing back and forth, getting more and more agitated by the second. I stopped him and put my hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eyes.
“Frank, stop. Breathe. Calm down.”
He exhaled slowly, still staring at me. His eyes showed only bewilderment and fear.
“I’m not ready for this, Gerard. I’m not ready. I’m 23 years old, I’m not even sure if I’m ready to be married. I don’t know if this is what I want.”
“You’re not leaving Jamia. Why is it that as soon as guys find out their girlfriend is pregnant, their first thought is to run away?”
He blinked, then giggled.
“You said that like you’re not a guy.”
He shook his head, still grinning.
“Never mind.”
I sighed.
“It’s going to be a challenge, but it’s not impossible.”
He nodded.
“I may have to leave to band.”
“Maybe. Hopefully not, but it’s your decision.”
He nodded again, looking away.
“Thanks Gerard.”
He stared into space for a moment, then shook his head.
“Jesus Christ... I never thought this would happen... Whatever happens now, my life is neeeever gonna be the same...”
I pulled him into a hug.
“It’ll be fine.”
The door opened and Mikey walked in.
“Ha ha, I won, I won, I- oops, sorry, am I interrupting something here?”
I let go of Frank.
“Shut up, Mikey.”
I caught Frank’s eye and he nodded imperceptibly.
“Hey Mikey...”
Frank took a deep breath.
“I have something to tell you guys. You and Bob and Ray and Alec.”
Mikey nodded.
He turned around.
“Oi Ray! Bob! Alec! Get your fat asses in here!”
Alec ran in.
“You’re one to be talking.”
He jumped at Mikey, tackling him onto Frank’s bed. Bob walked in and sat down on top of Mikey, while Ray took a seat on Alec’s bed.
“Ow, Bob, ow! You’re hurting me!”
“Damn right.”
“Shut the fuck up, you guys, Frank has news. Bob, shift your ass.”
Bob moved slightly so that Mikey could escape. Frank cleared his throat, looked at me helplessly, then sat down and took a deep breath.
“Um, guys... Jamia- Jamia is...”
Mikey leaned forward.
“She’s what? Ugly? Fat? A virgin?”
“Pregnant, actually. So no, yes she will be in a few months, and not unless our baby is going to be called Jesus.”
Mikey blinked for a few seconds, then raised an eyebrow quizzically.
“Dude... Every heard of a condom?”
I glared at him.
“Mikey, you are the most insensitive little toad I have ever met. I suddenly feel incredibly sorry for myself having to grow up with you.”
Mikey grinned.
“I guess you’re just a bad influence on me.”
Ray coughed.
“Um, guys, we seem to be forgetting the main point here.”
“Oh, yeah, right. Sorry, Frank.”
Frank laughed.
“That’s right, your argument about whose fault it is that Mikey’s a prick is far, far more important than the fact that my girlfriend is pregnant.”
Mikey nodded.
“Yep, it is.”
Frank glared at him. Mikey sighed.
“So, you happy about this? You ready? You excited?”
“You’re not making this any easier, Mikey.”
Bob patted Mikey on the head.
“Sorry, Frank, he’s been at your skittles.”
“What? No, you BITCH!”
Frank launched himself across the room at Mikey and within seconds they were both rolling around on the floor, tickling, biting and kicking each other.
“Ooh, ooh, can I join in?”
As I jumped on top of them, I heard Bob say something that sounded like ‘wild and violent orgies’.

**Author's Note: OOOH! Ah, good times, good times. Wild and Violent Orgies is a... private joke. No, don't even think it. I'm 13, you sicko.
That is all I shall say on the subject.

Comment, Bitches! Or the story will end with them all dying horrible, gruesome deaths. Mind you, it probably will anyway. Or will it? Yes it will. OR WILL IT? Yes, it most definitely WILL. OR WILL IT??? Right, that's it, I've had it with you. shicshic BANG BANG BANG!

Heh heh heh yeeeah. Comment.

Oh yeah, and Frank's panicking reminds me of Chandler from Friends. Yeah, he panics like that a lot...**