If your heart stops beating

Chapter 32

~*Frank’s Point of view*~

I pushed the door open. Mikey was sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee and looking extremely bored. He glanced up as I walked in.
“Frank! Hey mate, what’s up?”
“Not much. Just wanted to come hang out. Jamia’s out doing god-knows-what at one of her motherhood thingies and Alec and I are bored out of our skulls.”
He laughed.
“It’s not much better here, honestly. All I can think of to do is drink coffee, and, well...”
He held up his hand to show that it was shaking.
“Too much caffeine!”
He nodded. As we sat down he leaned forward to whisper conspiratorially.
“Watch out for Bob.”
Alec leaned forward in imitation, speaking in an exaggerated stage whisper.
“You know it’s his birthday in three days...”
“He goes between excitement and griping about how he’s getting old.”
“What? 26 isn’t old! That’s like an insult to Gerard and Ray, they’re older.”
He nodded.
“Anyway, just a word of warning - oh, shit - hi Bob!”
Bob sat down heavily beside Mikey.
“I’m gonna be 26 in three days.”
“So, Alec, I’m getting old. Only four years till I’m 30...”
I sighed.
“Four years! Gerard and Ray only have two!”
He frowned.
“Oh yeah...”
Alec started whistling. Mikey, Bob and I blinked for a few seconds before recognizing the tune and laughing.
“Yeah, Bob... Don’t worry, be happy. You said it, Alec.”
“No, actually, I didn’t. You did.”
I sighed and ruffled Alec’s hair.
“He’s being difficult today.”
“No I’m not. You are.”
“Is it attention that you want?”
He nodded.
“God, Alec... Whatever you do, don’t make yourself clear.”
“SARCASM, Alec. Sarcasm.”
“You’re annoying.”
“I know.”
He blinked.
“Thank you. See, that’s all you have to do to make him shut up.”
After a moment of silence, Alec grinned.
“Is this a new game?”
“No, Alec, it is not a new game. It is merely something I do to make you shut up, because I know you can’t stand people talking about that kind of stuff.”
He looked down for a moment, then glared up defiantly.
“Try me.”
“See? My point exactly.”
Mikey raised an eyebrow.
“Are you sure you want another one of these, Frank?”
“Ah, it’s okay until they get old enough to understand what you’re talking about. It’s the intelligent ones that are really difficult. Mind you, that doesn’t really explain why Alec is such a problem...”
Alec hit me on the arm.
“Shut up, fag!”
“Bad boy. Don’t say that.”
“You can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my father.”
“I may not be your father, but I can sure as hell tell you what to do.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, really.”
“Because I’m your legal guardian, just like you wanted me to be.”
“Ah shit.”
“Ha ha! You got yourself into this mess!”
“You guys are really polite today, aren’t you?”
“Yep, we sure are.”
Gerard walked in.
“Oh, hi. I thought I heard more voices than the current occupancy of this house allows for.”
Alec blinked.
“Mind saying that in English?”
“Nope. Figure it out.”
Alec frowned and stared down at his hands, thinking hard, while I fought not to laugh.

**Author's Note: Just a filler, while I think of what to write. I may post another chapter today. Comments Please!**