A Day in the Life

Chapter 1

A girl sat down in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom. She was holding a few Milk Chocolate Hershey's bars in her right hand, and a Seventeen magazine in the other. Slowly peeling open the first bar, she studied the candy for a moment. The sectioned pieces made it perfect for sharing with a loved one. But she wouldn't be sharing it today. She looked into the mirror and said out loud to herself, "You're disgusting, no one could love you". She broke off the first piece and chewed it slowly, savoring it at first, then the second and third she ate more rapidly. Before she realized it she had eaten the whole first bar.

She opened the magazine and began flipping through it. All the models were so beautiful. They had long, thick hair, glowing skin, no blemishes, they were all skinny. She opened the next bar. Flipping more pages she ate and cried. She knew she could never look like them. She wasn't beautiful. She was average. Her hair was thin and limp, and fried when she tried to straighten it. Her skin never glowed, it only did that for someone who was amazingly happy. She was always breaking out somewhere on her face, chin, cheeks, forehead, nose. And the thing that topped it of was her fat. She had this terrible pudge in her stomach, it never went away, no matter how had she tried.

She could starve herself for days and it wouldn't go away. It would be there, along with a her rumbling stomach underneath. She would feel helpless, like she wasn't in control. She would start eating, and eating, eating. It was revolting! The way she would just stuff anything edible into her mouth, not chewing, just swallowing. She could barely even remember what most foods tasted like, even if she had eaten it that day. After eating she would take of her clothes and just stare at the monster in front of her. Bloated. Swollen. Puffy. Pudgy. Fat.

It was too much. She couldn't stand it. She would have to throw up. She wouldn't need to provoke it, just seeing herself was enough, she would rush into her bathroom and remove all of the eating sins from her body. That was a bittersweet moment. Right after the purge. The sour taste in her mouth reminded her that it wasn't healthy. She could get even more sick than she was, but the flatness it left in her midsection told her otherwise. It told her perfection is possible. It said she could continue this way and would never worry again, along with being thin would come beauty. Behind beauty would be love. After love would be happiness. And that all anyone wants, is to be happy, right?

She hadn't realized it but she had finished all four chocolate bars now. It felt as though each one carried twenty pounds. She couldn't believe she could look like this, how could anyone look like this and keep there sanity?

She got up from her seat and walked into her private bathroom to continue the routine.