Sequel: Holding My Heart
Status: COMPLETE!!!!!

Deadly Kiss

2 I Can Do What?


Brendon’s POV

We all, as in the Dandies, had now stopped in our familiar spot. Our spot; our point in the line were other vampires knew to leave. They hadn’t left yet. The two sub groups, punks and pimps, had just stayed looking at us.

We hissed, on Beckett’s demand. They hissed back and backed away. They knew…they knew we were stronger. Every vampire knew the Dandies where the best of the best. So did every human.

Feeding lately has become so hard. Well not for the Dandies. We eat first then the others can. William was, of course, allowed to eat first. Cause he was the strongest one, the vampire that knew everything. Lived through everything, was everything. And no…I’m not gay for him.

I wanted her. And William knew. He knew me like a book. He knew every vampire like a book. Anyways, he saw my attraction. He saw the way I smelled her when I had her pinned to the ground and when he was asking her questions. He knew…and he had rules.

We weren’t aloud to get attracted. It was forbidden. I tried hard to forget her…badly. I couldn’t. She was what I wanted. What I needed...other then blood. And one night William called me on it.

We where released to feed one night and I was ready to go until William’s voice met my ear’s, “Brendon, wait.”

I looked back at him and looked back Ann down the road. People were running and vampires going. Ann was fighting them. I sighed and walked over to William, “Yes?”

He pursed his lips and nodded in Ann’s direction, “You like her don’t you?”

“Sir,” I gave him a pleading look, “You have rules. I can’t like her.”

He smiled slightly, “That’s not an answer to my question Brendon. I asked if you liked her.”

I looked around for an answer. My head was shaking slowly and my mouth was opening and closing like a fish, “Sir. Yes.”

He sucked in his canine, “Brendon. You’re my right hand man. I trust you completely. You’ve been here for four years and never asked for anything. So, I…”

My ears perked up, “yes?”

“I am going to let you have her if you want. How you treat her is your choice. Either you feed or turn. I really don’t care. You’ve earned it.”

That easy? I could have her that easy? There had to be some kind if trick here. He noticed my slight doubt, “Brendon, I’m not lying. You have my permission to.” When he stopped he looked past me, “Brendon go. She’s in danger.”

I turned around and bolted towards her. The vampires had surrounded her. I got closer and the vampires backed off of her. She was on the ground and in a ball. She looked up at me and backed away. I reached out a hand for her. She took it and I pulled her up. She ripped her hand away and ran down the street away from me.

She was scared. She had all right to be. I saw a vampire run across the roofs in her direction. I took of after her. I easily caught up with the vampire and surpassed him. I pulled Ann out of the way as he jumped down to us.

She screamed and I held her close, “Relax, I’m helping you.”

The vampire came out and she ripped away again and went to the vampire, “Thank god Pete. Where the hell have you been?”

I could see Pete clearly now. I hissed at him and he hissed back. I took a defensive pose and he forced Ann behind him. He pulled out a stake and I dematerialized back to William. I could wait.

That was then and this is now. And she was stupid enough to come out tonight. We all, the Dandies, where standing waiting to be released and she came and stepped in front of William. My eyes trailed down her body and back up. She looked good tonight. I heard the vampires whisper through mind telepathy.

William stepped closer to her, “Yes?”

Her eyes narrowed, “I don’t like you.”

William smiled and step right in front of her and towered over her, “And why is that?”

“You” she poked him in the middle of his chest, “Killed my parents.”

William’s smile grew, “Well, I’m not sorry because-”

What happened next was a blur. William had whipped her around and into my arms. I caught her and held her to me. Right as William turned back Pete drove a stake forward. William dodged it and backed up, “Go. All of you! Kill the hunters.”

She struggle in my arms, “Let me go fucker.”

I didn’t want to, but I did. She ripped away and looked at me. I just let her go without trying to keep her in my arms. She reached for a stake and I handed it to her. She looked at me in confusion, “Why are you…”

I hissed at her and lunged to her. She screamed and I dodged past her and tackled the vampire behind her. I landed on him and growled, “She’s mine.” He hissed at me and pushed me off of him. I stood up and he did, “She’s not marked.”

I glare, “I have William’s permission to mark her.”

He looked at me blankly, “No you don’t. He gives no one permission.”

"Well, he gave me permission.”

I turned to Ann and she was already half way down the street. I groaned and took after her, noticing another vampire chasing her. It was Pete. I hissed and sped up trying to catch up. I reached him and tackled him to the ground. We went flying.

I flipped over Pete and landed a few feet way on my feet. He looked at me, “Will you please…” He stood up, “Just go stake yourself!”

I smiled, “Too much fun here. So no I won’t go ‘stake myself’.”

I even added the little hand twitches too show I was quoting him. He glared and rushed at me. I braced the tackle and fought him off. He hissed and bared his fangs. I did as well.


We looked at Ann, “Just stop you two.”

Pete snorted, “Why?”

She stepped closer to Pete, “It's almost daylight. Let's go home.”

I looked and sure enough the sky was getting lighter. I backed away and returned to the Dandies. Another night I had gone without her. I slightly cursed myself as we went home.
♠ ♠ ♠
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