Sequel: Holding My Heart
Status: COMPLETE!!!!!

Deadly Kiss

21 Confessions

Ann’s POV

I moved slightly and my eyes fluttered open. I couldn’t see anything. It was just dark. I think I could make out a ceiling. I yawned and realized I was on something soft. I patted it. It was a bed. Then it all came back to me.

The dance and the Dandies! I sat up and looked down at myself. I wasn’t in my dress any more. I furred my eyebrows. I didn’t remember changing into these. I pulled at the shirt. It was the one I stole from Pete. I also was wearing some really comfy shorts that were a little short in my liking.

I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. I was met with cold hardwood flooring. I stood up and automatically stretched. Bad habit I’ve had for years. I walked slowly around the room. I had no idea where I was. The windows were boarded up. I ran my fingers over the wood. Was I in the Dandie house? I knew they had boarded up windows.

I walked away from the window and I fought a light switch. I flicked it and nothing. Figures. I walked to the door and opened it quietly. I peaked out. Nothing. I tip toed out and closed the door. Where am I?

I walked and bumped into a railing. I wrapped my fingers around it and walked with it. I eventually hit an area with tons of space and the railing descending. I leaned down and almost fell forward. It was stairs. I stood back up and gripped the railing tightly. I started walking down the steps carefully.

I reached the bottom and let my hands feel around for anything. It was really dark! I couldn’t see my hand if I hand it next to my face. I saw a light at the end of the hallway. So of course I headed for it. I reached it and found that it was a candle burning. I picked it up. It was recently lit and barely had any melted wax. Someone was here!

I took a step back and light erupted everywhere. I blinked and looked up. The lights were on. I looked around. I was in a house for sure. I could see all around me now. The walls were an off white and nothing on them. I blew out the candle and placed it in the spot it was. Time to go!

I started walking again but a little faster. I walked into a kitchen. I heard the light hum from the fridge and a drip from the tap. Kay there was barded up windows yet the electricity and water worked? What the hell?

“You’re up!”

I whipped around and Brendon was smiling at me, “Are you hung…?”

I cut him off “Where am I?”

“Home.” I looked at him closely. He was wearing black jeans and a tee shirt. He looked normal.

“Whose home?”

He smiled and he stepped closer, “Ours.”

I backed up, “No, my home is my apartment.”

“It’s not anymore.”

I backed up into drawers and I looked at them. I opened one and saw silverware. I picked out a knife and closed the drawer. I held the knife out in front of me. Brendon’s smile faded, “You don’t need that.”

“Where are we?”

“It doesn’t matter. We’re too far away from everyone that they don’t know you’re here.”

My voice got louder, “Where are we?!”


My eyes went wide, “You’re lying.”

“For once I’m not.”

I furred my eyebrows, “What?”

“I’ve been lying to you. Since we first talked.”

“Not surprised.”

He let out a light chuckle, “Let me re-introduce myself.”

I shook my head and looked for an exit. He bowed and came back up, “My name is Brendon Urie. I am one hundred twenty year old vampire and right hand man of William Beckett.”

I glared, “You’re not one hundred twenty!”

“Oh yes I am. The Brendon Urie you heard that was missing six years ago was just a hoax that William and I created.”

I shook my head, “No you’re lying.”

“Do you want to know why Pete didn’t want you near me?”

That caught my attention and he knew it too, “William didn’t kill your parents. I did.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks all of you...
You're awesome!
Sorry for the cliffy!