Sequel: Holding My Heart
Status: COMPLETE!!!!!

Deadly Kiss

26 You Won't Get Far

Pete’s POV

“Ok. OK! I’ll tell you!” He stared up at me with terrified eyes. I smiled; he was a coward. I knew he’d crack. Put him alone with no protection and he’ll do what you want him to.

I smiled down at William, “That’s what I thought. Now where are they?!”

He coughed and a little blood escaped over a lip, “Vermont.”

“Where in Vermont?”

“A few miles outside of West Dover. South end of the state.”

I dropped him, “Go crawl back in your hole.”

Ann’s POV

“You’re sick!”

I felt the atmosphere change, “Why won’t you just except the fact that I’m not going to let you go.”

I shouted across the room, “What do you want from me!”

He remained calm, “I want you to love me.”

I let out a growl, “I’m never going to fucking love you! I don’t want anything to do with you! I hate you and always will. You’re a disgusting pig! What makes you think I would ever want you?”

I watched his face change all kind of emotions. Sadness was first, guilt, and the anger. He glared at me, “You don’t have a choice. You will love me.”

“No, I’m not going to you asshole! You’re acting like this is some kind of game!”

“But it is…” I raised an eyebrow at him and he continued, “And you’re the prize at the end.”

I shook my head, “No.”

“Believe me; it’s just easier if you give in.”

“No,” I shook my head again, “Why give you the satisfaction?”

He slammed me into a wall. For some weird reason he loved doing that to me. I struggled under his death grip. His nails were digging into my arms. I hiss in pain and he tightened his grip. He seemed amused, “The faster you give in the faster the pain stops.”

“I’ll never give into you!”

He pulled me from the wall, “We’ll see.”

He looked like he was ready to throw me across the room, “So I’m assuming the gentle Brendon was an act? I’d go back to it if I was you. Force will just make me hate you more.”

He let go.
******LATER THAT NIGHT*********
Ann’s POV

So I was exploring. Brendon was doing something and I told him I was looking around. I just wanted to find an escape route. So, I was in the basement. There wasn’t much. There was a water heater, a washer, dryer, and a sink? Oh well. I continued my search and I found a window.

Now I probably could fit through it. I leaned up to it and unlocked it. I pushed on it. It opened slightly. Now if I just can reach.



I closed the window and walked away from it, “Yeah?”

“I have something for you.”

I walked to the steps and say him at the top of the stairs. I walked up slowly and he turned away. I followed him around the house and up the stairs. I headed into the bedroom and he was messing with a laptop.

I walked over to him, “Well?”

He smiled at me and handed me the laptop, “I downloaded the finale of Harper’s Island for you.”

Now, that was nice. I hadn’t seen it and I really wanted to know what happened. This had to be some kind of trick. I looked at him suspiciously, “What do I have to do in return?”

“Nothing. Have fun watching.”

He walked out of the room and I sat on the bed. I can leave after I watch this. Within a few minutes he came back giving me a bowl of popcorn. Kay, something was seriously up with him. Hmmm…..
♠ ♠ ♠
Quizilla:You guys are awesome!

Mibba: littlemissSmileZ and the rst of you awesome guys

offwhitepinstripes for giving me my 5th star!!!!

And I'm sorry its a little short!
Snow White Queen
This song seems to fit this part lol