Sequel: Holding My Heart
Status: COMPLETE!!!!!

Deadly Kiss

7 Get Out Of My Home

Ann’s POV

“This hopeless feeling
This fear of falling down
But I’m not crashing now

For all this bleeding
It wasn’t worth the sound
A million screaming out loud

And still
The end comes reeling
The curtain calls my name
I’m not afraid

And I know
You may not miss me
But I am not ashamed
The choice I made

But I can’t
Let this go…”

My music was turned down and I sat up on my bed. Brendon turned to me and I eyed my stake. It was resting a good five feet away from me. He stepped closer to me and I moved closer to my stake. He put a hand up, “I just want to talk.”

I looked back at my stake, “About?”

“You were at my home.”

“You’re in mine.” I moved closer to the stake and reached for it. I wasn’t quite close enough to grab it. I tried to catch myself but I fell off my bed and on to the floor. I let out a little squeak and all I could hear was laughter.

“Shut up you fucker!” I moved the hair from my face and reached up for the stake.

I grabbed it and pulled it close to me, “I wanted answers.”

Brendon laughing stopped and I could hear him walk closer to me. I stood up and turned to face him. I gasp as he stood right in front of me. He left no more then a half an inch in between us. He placed his hand over the hand holding the stake. He griped my hand tightly with an iron grip until I dropped the stake. I hissed in pain and he spoke softly, “You won’t get answers by staking me.”

He looked down at the stake and back to me. My breathing caught and I felt a flutter in my stomach. What a girly moment? Seriously? Why do girly moments have to happen when you face danger? He smiled and that told me he read my mind. I felt my cheeks heat up as he lean closer to me.

His lips connected with mine and I froze. His hands slipped to my hips and he forced me backwards. I bumped into my table and ended up half sitting on it. I gasp and he took it as an invitation. His tongue snaked in and I pushed him away.

He stumbled backwards and re-caught his balance. He looked at me confused and I glared, “Why do you keep kissing me?”

“I’m sorry.”

I shook my head, “Don’t tell me you’re sorry. Tell me why you keep doing it.”

He shrugged, “I just can’t control myself around a beautiful woman.”

I felt my cheeks run hotter and I looked away from his piercing stare, “How are you able to come in here?”

“Does that really matter?”

I looked back at him, “Yeah, it kind of does.”

I could hear his smile fall. He didn’t like the way the conversation turned. He sighed in frustration, “Someone invited me in.”


He shrugged, “Someone.”

I was ready to stomp my foot, “Who was it that let you in!”

He smiled, “You taking control excites me”

I glared in disgust. He was a weird one. One moment he’s charming and nice. Next thing you know he’s a filthy pig. I wanted to reach out and smack him. I probably should. Again that wouldn’t be a swell idea.

I walked right up to him, “Who invited you into my home?”

He turned away from me and walked over to my desk. I growled, “Tell me! If you won’t tell me what I want you’re not welcome here.”

He picked something off of my desk and turned to me. He face held a cold vicious glare, “I’ll do what I want. When I want to and as for the person who let me in, “He pointed to what he was holding, “It was her.”

He was holding a picture frame with a picture of Jodi and Kaylene. His finger was pointing at Kaylene. I shook my head, “She would never let a vampire in here, especially one that kept bugging me.”

He smirked and tossed the framed picture on my desk, “You’d be surprised what a drunk girl does.”


He shook his head, “It doesn’t matter.”

I licked my lips lightly, “It matters to me.”

He walked closer to me, “There is no reason to tell you. It won’t kill you if you don’t know one little thing.”

“Fine,” I placed my hands on my hips, “How long have you been able to get into my house?”

He shrugged and went top my bureau, “A few days. Enough time to get to know things about you.”

He glanced back at me and smiled. He must have seen the color drain from my face. I gulped. I literally gulped when he said that. I swallowed hard and took in a shaky breath, “What do you know?”

He shrugged again, “Like I said, Some things don’t need to be said. It won’t kill you to not know.”

“Get out.”

He looked at me puzzled, “What?”

I shifted on my feet, “Get out of my home.”

He turned to completely face me, “Did I upset you?”

♠ ♠ ♠
The song it Safe and Sound by: Kyosuke Himuro feat. Gerard Way
It’s awesome so check it out!
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