Sequel: Holding My Heart
Status: COMPLETE!!!!!

Deadly Kiss

8 How about a deal?

Ann’s POV

“I told you to leave.”

He walked up to me, “I’ve upset you.”

I sighed, “Please leave.”

His hand reached forward and brushed the hair away from my face. I took a step back and he pulled his hand back to him. He seemed offended and hurt. I almost felt bad for moving away from him.

“Look, if you’re not going to answer my questions then just leave.”

He smiled slightly, “Why should I tell you?”

He walked away from his spot and over to my bookcase. He picked up one of my small stuffed animals, “You’ll kick me out afterwards.”

“Well duh! You don’t live here.”

He smiled and giggled slightly, “Good point.”

“You could stay here if you give up the Dandie lifestyle.”

I blushed. What did I just say? Did I seriously say that? What the hell is wrong with me? Brendon head whipped from looking at my stuffed animal to me. He placed it back on the self and walked to me, “Are you mental?”

I kept an unemotional face and he went on ranting, “Do you really think I would give up my way of life?”

I shook my head, “At least you wouldn’t be mercilessly killing anyone.”

“And what? Do what Pete does? Drink animal blood? Fuck no! Once a vampire has had human blood they never go to something lower.”

“Well,” I placed my hands on my hips, “Then you can leave.”

He smirked, “Are you going to make me?”

This was my time to smile, “I just might.”

He laughed and turned away from me. I reached down and grabbed my stake, “You and what army?”

I laughed, “I don’t need one.”

He turned back to me and looked down at my hand. He pursed his lips and looked back up at me, “What about a deal?”

“Let’s hear your deal.”

He took a step closer, “If you can get into the position of staking me, I’ll leave. If I can get the stake away from you, you have to kiss me. Do we have a deal?”

It couldn’t hurt. I mean if I beat him he’d leave. But at the same time I don’t want to lose. Losing sucks. It royally sucks. Well in that case I better not lose. How strong is he really? I guess I was going to find out.

“Fine, you have a deal Brendon.”

He took off his jacket and tossed it on to my bed. I walked forward and he took a step to the left. I took a step to the right and tried to keep distance between us. He seemed excited. Not to mention a little tense. He took a step forward and I took one back. I have a feeling this was going to take a while.

Next thing I know he rushed me. I was pinned against my wall. He had on a smirk as I gasp for air. He pulled me from the wall and turned me away from the wall. He began to walk me backwards. I was having trouble standing on my feet. I broke free from his grip and backed up.

He laughed, “You’re making this to easy for me.”

He came forward and I backed up onto my bed. I scooted backwards and Brendon crawled on top of me. He grabbed my hands and held them over the edge of the bed. I growled and I raised my knees. It sent him over me and onto the floor.

He groaned and I felt myself be pulled off of my bed and onto the floor. I groaned as I hit the floor. I pulled the stake close to my body. I was surprised I could keep hold of it the whole time.

I rolled onto my stomach and I was pulled up by my hair. One of my hands reached behind me and clawed at his tight grip. He hissed and pulled me close to his body. An arm snaked around my body and held me in place.

I struggled against his body and he pulled me closer. I growled and I tried to break free of his tight hold. His lips brushed my ear, “You’re fighting is terrible.”

I moved my head and I felt his lips brush the back of my head. I leaned my head forward and brought it back as fast as I could. My head collided with Brendon’s and he let me go and stumbled back. I brought a hand to my head and made sure I wasn’t hurt.

I whipped myself around and Brendon was rubbing his forehead. I smiled; it served him right. He looked at me, “Did Pete teach you that?”

I shook my head, “Nope.”

He ran to me and I stepped out of the way as fast as I could. He reached but missed by a quarter of an inch. He stumbled and fell onto his knees and half on my bed. It was a rather interesting position. I went up and kicked him in the butt, “Come on Brendon! Show me that you’re a man.”

I probably shouldn’t have said that. He got up and growled at me. I think with my comment it was enough to encourage him to be tougher. He turned to me and he bared his fangs. A definite hiss escaped his mouth. Now I had made fun of him and made him angry at the same time. Oops!

He slamed me against the wall and I dropped the stake. He looked furious. I shifted against his grip. He let go and backed away from me. I fell to the floor and he looked upset, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have lost control. I didn’t mean to react like that. Are you ok?”

“I’m fine. A little pain but I’m ok.”

“I should go” He walked over to my window and forced it open.

“Brendon wait!” I got up off the floor and went over to him.

“What?” He crawled out of the window and put his head back in.

I got on my knees and I reached for him. He looked confused. I cupped his cheeks and pulled his head closer to me. He placed his hands on the sill and leaned in. I moved closer and attached my lips to his.

He moaned lightly and I felt his tongue brush my bottom lip. He did win fair and square. I parted slightly and I felt his tongue invade. I gasp at the feeling and he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away. He looked confused, “What was that for?”

I blushed, “You said if you got the stake away from me I had to give you a kiss.”

He nodded, “You didn’t have to.”

“Just shut up and enjoy it.”

He smiled, “You have no idea how much I did.”

He turned away and jumped off my fire escape. I looked out and watched him walk away. As soon as he went out of sight I pulled back in. I shut my window and locked it. I sighed. This wasn’t good. I kissed Brendon, my enemy. Not to mention I still didn’t get any answers.