
Chapter 2

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed. Everything smelt of disinfectant and the walls and ceiling were all white. I looked around me and saw my mum crying like hell. There were also about 5 other beds next to me in the ward. I didn't know where my dad or Tom were. I couldn't remember a thing about what happened.
I felt very drowsy but I needed to find out what happened. Mum saw I was awake and tried to stop crying. She wasn't having any luck.
"What happened?" I croaked.
"You took a lot of drugs," She began, "You OD'd on Junk. Tom called an ambulance but..."
She started crying even more. "Tom's gone, darling."
I couldn't take it all in. I thought I was going to be sick. I think mum noticed and called the nurse. The nurse came and gave me drugs to make me feel really drowsy. Then everything went black again.
When I woke up the second time, my dad and one of my old friends were there, Ruth. I was surprised, actually. She was one who had fallen out with me. I felt really angry. But they were crying.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I came to see you, I didn't want to fall out with you. It's just...Penny told me something that I thought was true at the time. I know it wasn't." She explained.
"So we can be friends again?"
"Yeah, Penny won't but everyone else will. Why did you do it, Hilary? Why?"
"Because you lot dumped me, my boyfriend dumped me, my school stuff, my life..."
"You knew it would kill Tom, though."
"Yeah it fucking did, didn't it. By the way, what happened to him. My mum just said he's gone."
"He knew what you were doing and killed himself for you. But not before he saved your life."
I started crying. He was my best friend and I loved him. Then the nurse came and I was put to sleep again.

I woke up several times, and I don't know how many days it was. But I was always put back to sleep before long. I wanted to know why. Anyway, over the several times I was awake, I learned everything that had happened to me that I couldn't remember.
After something in my body was pumped out, I was too sleepy to care which part, I felt a lot better. I was allowed to go home about 2 months after that. It felt odd at home without Tom. I could hardly walk so I just stayed on the sofas for a few weeks, then I started to be able to walk a short way. It was tiring, though. I didn't go back to school for 6 months. Everyone at school knew what happened. Some had heard rumours that weren't true, like I'd got a deadly STI from another girl. I don't even know how that's possible!
My friends were friends with me again. My life seemed to be getting itself back together. Except that Tom was gone. His funeral was 2 days after I had been allowed home, and I was put in a wheelchair and taken because I wanted to go so badly.
I really didn't think I could cope with the loss of my brother. He was the best thing in the world. He got me through so many times. But I couldn't not cope. My parents would probably kill themselves if their only children both died at a very young age.
I decided to get on with my life as best I could, but it wasn't so easy...
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