The Ending That Never Was

Chapter 2

Sister Kate left the room to tell the good news to everyone.

Azmaria sat at the edge of Chrno’s bed, explaining everything that had happened. Chrno sat on the bed with a stunned expression, his head in his hands.

“Azmaria…” Chrno finally managed to say, lifting his head up. “Why…Why did you bring me back to life?”

“What’s wrong Chrno? Aren’t you happy that you’re alive?” Azmaria asked, confused.

Chrno looked down, trying to hold his emotions of sadness, anger and confusion in. He finally said.

“I-I swore,” he said, holding in his tears. “I swore that I wouldn’t live a day longer than Rossette, at least even if I died, I died with her. I don’t want to live! I don’t want to live a live without Rossette!”

Azmaria’s eyes filled with tears at the thought of Chrno’s love, “Still, it’s better to be alive than dead. At least we didn’t lose you, even if we did lose Rossette.”

Chrno’s vision blurred a little as he felt tears prickling his eyes. “Azmaria, I’d like to be alone now…”

Azmaria understood that Chrno needed time by himself, time to think, time to face reality, so she left the room silently, closing the door behind her.

Azmaria walked to Sister Kate’s room. The door was opened slightly. She saw Minister Remington and Elder with her. She knocked the door.

“Come in.”

Azmaria stepped into the room, Elder and Minister Remington studied her carefully.

“How’s Chrno?” Minister Remington asked concernedly.
“He’s in depression right now,” Azmaria said sadly. “He said he swore not to live a day longer than Rossette.”

“And you left him alone?!” Minister Remington said shocked. “What if he thinks of suicide?”

Azmaria stood numb. That idea never occurred to her.

Sister Kate gave a slight cough and said, “He has a good sense for a demon, I’m sure he won’t do anything foolish.”

“Still, I’d better go check.” Elder gave a reassuring smile to Azmaria.

Sister Kate nodded as Elder left the room.

“Well, back to business,” Minister Remington looked serious. “We have to give Rossette a proper funeral.”

“Is there really nothing we can do for Rossette?” Azmaria asked, her voice full of hope yet despair.

“No, the scientists have tried all they can for the poor child, let’s hope that Rossette is resting happily in heaven.” Sister Kate said, her voice trembling a little.

As Azmaria left the room, Chrno slumped down onto the bed. He felt both depressed and tired. He didn’t want to live, not even if this was a new reclaimed life. Without Rossette, life was meaningless. True, she always hit him and caused him loads of trouble, yet, without her, life was different…empty.

Dead…Alive…Dead…Alive…The two words fluctuated around in his mind. “Dead or Alive…” The two words were so close, yet so far.

Chrno felt the two horns on his head, the horns that had revived him. All he felt was hate, hate and despair, even though he should have been feeling grateful…grateful that he was alive, but he was not.

Knock Knock…a slight tapping came from the door.

Chrno stayed silent. He didn’t want to be disturbed.

The door opened slightly, Chrno did not bother…perhaps if he stayed still long enough, whoever it was at the door might think that he was sleeping.

“I’ve never seen you this depressed Chrno…” A familiar voice said.

Chrno did not care, he ignored it and pretended to be sleeping.

“I know you’re awake Chrno. This is a hard time for all of us, especially you, still, I don’t think Rossette would want you to be like this, she’d want you to value life.”

“What do you know!?” Chrno could not stand it any longer. “What do you know Elder!? You don’t know the pain of losing someone dear to you!”

“Really? How would you know?” Elder remarked casually. “Anyway, I heard about that promise you made to Rossette, but the fact that you’re alive means that you were not meant to die. Besides, will moaning and groaning bring Rossette back? Will sinking into depression bring Rossette back? I don’t think so.”

Chrno remained silent, even though he knew, he knew that what Elder said was true.

“Oh yes, and the others were worried that you might think of suicide, you wouldn’t would you?”

“Really?” Chrno remarked bitterly. “You never know, I might.”

“Hn…” Elder was a little surprised by Chrno’s behavior, it was not like Chrno at all. “Well, you should stop living in depression and cherise your new life, that’s what Rossette would want at least…and just to let you in on a little secret, I’m working on something that might just give Rossette back her life. But chances are it mayn’t work. I’m going now, so stop with the depressive mood and get back on with life!”

Cherish your live…cherish MY life…Without Rossette, is that possible? Rossette would want it this way, that was true. Even to her last minutes, she offered to let me heal my wounds. A way to bring Rossette to life…A way to bring Rossette to life! That was what elder had said! With these thoughts, Chrno fell asleep.