The Ending That Never Was

Chapter 3

The members of the Magdalene Order were all busy preparing for Rossette Christopher’s funeral. Rossette might have been a clutz, hot-headed and loud mouthed, but she still remained dear to everyone in the Order.

Chrno lay on his bed, aware of the bustle around the Order, but too busy thinking to bother with helping out. Elder’s words had hit deep, and a faint glimmer of hope shone through the darkness Chrno was going through.

A slight tap on the door interrupted Chrno’s thoughts. “Chrno…it’s me, Azmaria.”
Chrno made no attempt to reply, so Azmaria put on a cheerful face and entered the room bringing flowers and some snacks.

“Chrno! Nice to see that you’re awake now!” Azmaria bubbled, bustling around the room trying to make it brighter. She drew the curtains, “Ahh, better now isn’t it? It’s brighter!” Chrno was silent, watching the fair haired girl trying to be cheerful.

“Have a snack, I’m sure you must be hungry!” Azmaria offered the plate of snacks to Chrno.
Chrno took a cake, smiling sadly, “Thanks, Rossette used to love gorging herself with snacks…”

Azmaria became flustered, nervous that she sent him back into depression. “Ahh…” She left the flowers on the table and left the room.

Chrno ate the cake in silence, remembering the times he had with Rossette, especially how she used to gorge herself. Chrno lay back on the bed, feeling a sense of helplessness, he got his horns back, but what was the use, he could no longer protect Rossette. It wasn’t that he didn’t have faith in elder, but bringing back the dead, that was just a little out of reach.

Meanwhile, the funeral was just starting, everyone was there to see the dear sister for the last time, everyone except Chrno, and surprisingly, Elder too! Azumaria looked around frantically, searching for the two people who had held Rossette dear.

In the workshop, Elder was working furiously on the gadget he had mentioned earlier to Chrno, a bead of sweat dropped. He had not told Sister Kate or anyone as a matter of fact about this, except for Chrno, he did not want to get everyone’s hopes high and then fail. Would he finish it on time before the burial? He was getting anxious.

Finally, he pieced together the last piece. No time for celebration now, he thought to himself. One last thing was needed, Chrno’s help. He rushed to Chrno’s room, counting on his gut instinct that Chrno could not bear to go to Rossette’s funeral. He was right.


Chrno knew about the funeral, of course, he just couldn’t bear to go, to see Rossette’s face…even if it was the last time, he felt guilty, he was the one that had taken Rossette’s life, her time away, stolen it.

Elder rushed into the room, startling Chrno.

“Chrno,” Elder panted. “I…finished…the…device.”

Chrno sat up, surprised that Elder had actually managed it. “You did?”

“Yes, and now I need one thing to make it work. You need to be there, your horns, which took life from Rossette will give it back. But the consequences are unknown, are you prepared?”

Chrno was taken aback, he was silent for a moment, deep in thought. He opened his eyes, and with a sad smile he answered, “Can’t be helped I guess, that’s love…”


A/N: umm, sorry that this chappie aint that good, the next one will be better, i promise! =X