The Ending That Never Was

Chapter 4

Both Elder and Chrno rushed to the chapel, ‘gate-crashing’ the funeral. Rossette lay there, still and serene, clothed in white and surrounded by lilies.

Rossette, so serene, for once, she looked so beautiful. Rossette, soon, she’d be alive again. Her steady breath, her loud shouts, he’d give anything for that again. Chrno shook himself out of his thoughts.

“Chrno, I’m going to put this device onto her pocket watch, it’ll probably return the life back to her, but you need to be nearby, it’s a necessity, if not this won’t work.” Elder said.

The pocket watch…Chrno had not noticed the pocket watch which was still lying on Rossette’s still chest. Damn that pocket watch, damn that contract, it all stole Rossette’s life…ugh, he was distracted again…Chrno nodded his head, and walked up the aisle with Elder.

All eyes were on Chrno and Elder now, especially Chrno, who was still in his demon form, looked very intimidating. Gasps were heard here and there as Chrno passed, someone in the crowd yelled, “DEMON! SHOOT HIM!”

Azumaria ran up to Chrno and said, “Chrno! You came!”

Chrno walked on, ignoring Azumaria.

“Chrno…what are you doing?” Azumaria asked, hurt that she was ignored, and puzzled at Chrno walking all the way up the aisle to Rossette.

Everyone was now staring at the pair, more puzzled than frightened now, even Azumaria gave up on following them and was watching them, puzzled and stunned. With utmost concentration, Elder fixed the device carefully onto the pocket watch. It gave out a glow, luminous and bright. ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ came from the crowd.

“What is that Elder?” Azumaria questioned.

Again she was ignored. “Chrno, you need to make contact with Rossette, NOW!” Elder instructed.

Ignoring the crowd, Chrno reached out to Rossette, he grasped her tightly and embraced her. Miasma suddenly enveloped both of them, Elder, who was in the vicinity was blown backwards by the force.

Inside the red miasma, Chrno’s horns vibrated, sending pulses towards the pocket watch, the hands in the clocked whirled backwards, and spun faster and faster, that was Rossette’s life, all being returned to her, from the horns.

“A life for a life, equivalent trade, a fair exchange, do you agree on that?” a voice suddenly boomed out of nowhere into the miasma.

“Y-yes…” Chrno replied, his head hurting as his horns were vibrating furiously.

“Very well then,” the voice answered.

Rossette’s eyes opened, “Chrno?”

“Ros-sette,” Chrno gasped, as the last sliver of life in him was draining away. “You made it.” Chrno loosened his grasp around Rossette, and fell to the ground. The miasma began to fade away slowly.

“Chrno?” Rossette blinked curiously, unsure of her surroundings. She heard the thump on the floor as Chrno hit the floor. “Chrno!”

Rossette grabbed Chrno, whose horns were now gone, and was in his human form. “Wake up!” Rossette shook Chrno as hard as she could.

“It’s no use,” the voice boomed again.

“W-who’s that?” Rossette called back nervously.

“You don’t have to know. He exchanged his life for yours, he is dead.”

The word dead echoed around Rossette’s head for a few seconds, rebounding time and again, each time hurting worse than before.

“How can I get Chrno back again? I’m sure you know! Tell me!” Rossette shouted, caressing Chrno’s head.”

“A life for a life, equivalent trade, a fair exchange, do you agree on that?” the voice boomed, evidently amused at the similarity of the pair.

“A life…for…a life…” Rossette repeated, trying to assess what the voice meant. “Oh.” She stopped short, realizing what the voice meant.

“Do you agree?” the voice repeated.

“I,” Rossette swallowed. “I agree…”

“Rossette Christopher,” the voice boomed again. “The love between you and Chrno has been tested time and again, it has proven to be true love, I will grant you both your wish to live together, but there must be one more trial to test your love, one more trial which will strengthen the bonds between the both of you, one more trial…trial…trial…” The voice echoed and faded away as the miasma cleared.

“A trial…” Rossette murmured as Chrno stirred beneath her, she suddenly felt very fatigued, fainting on top of Chrno.

“Are they dead?” gasps were heard from the crowd.

“What just happened?” curious people flocked around.

“Rossette! Chrno!” Azumaria screamed, rushing up to their bodies. Elder quickly followed suit.

“Chrno! Chrno! Wake up!” Azumaria cried, tears streaking down her face, worried that Chrno had died again.

“Relax,” Elder reassured her, with a slight smile. “They merely fainted, my device worked, all is well.”

“Oh…” Azumaria sat, stunned for a moment, then squealed in shock and surprise, so happy that she hugged Elder tight.

“Ooh, nice view!” Elder commented, catching a sight of Azumaria’s panties.

“Eek!” Azumaria squeaked, letting go of Elder immediately.