The Ending That Never Was

Chapter 6

Recap: There was an awkward silence in the workshop as Rossette and Chrno tried their best to remember their lost memory.


Elder cleared his throat, trying to break the silence, “Rossette, can you and Chrno bring this bullet to Sister Kate for me?”

Rossette was expressionless for once, “Umm…ok,” She replied. She took the box from Elder and walked out. Azumaria ran after her, whilst Chrno tagged a little behind them.


Azumaria knocked on the door of Sister Kate’s office, “Sister Kate, it’s Azumaria, Chrno and Rossette.”

“Come in,” Sister Kate replied in her crisp voice.

The threesome opened the door and entered the room.

“Ahh,” Sister Kate smiled at Chrno and Rossette. “It’s nice to see you both alive and well again.”

Chrno smiled in his usual polite way whilst Rossette kept quiet and passed the bullet case to Sister Kate.

“The new bullet?” Sister Kate was puzzled at the silence but made an effort to liven things up. “I’m glad to see that you haven’t tampered with it Rossette.”

“Huh? Oh…yea…” Rossette looked up, seemingly distracted by her chain of thoughts.

“What happened?” Sister Kate whispered in alarm to Azumaria.

Azumaria hurriedly explained what was going on to Sister Kate, “What do we do now?” She asked.

“I think it’s safest to leave it to time to heal their memory,” Sister Kate answered with a grave look on her face.

“Rossette, Chrno, Azumaria,” Kate said, addressing the three of them. “This may be too soon, but I’d like to send you three on a mission, the target is a demon worshipper, the demon has started to destroy all the demon worshipper’s enemies. You are to destroy the demon whilst harming as little public property as ever. Got it? The location is the old mansion down the town.”

“Yes,” Azumaria replied.

Rossette livened up a bit and began to run to the car, Azumaria ran after her whilst Chrno instinctively grabbed the gun carrier and ran after them.


“Rossette!!” Azumaria screamed. “Not so fast!! We’re going to CRA-ASSSSSSH!” Just as she finished her sentence, the car spun, and with a screech, Rossette managed to stop it just in time, outside the mansion.

“See,” Rossette grinned. “It’s fine! My driving skills are perfect!”

“Urghh,” Chrno groaned, stepping out of the car. “My head is spinning, you should take it easy, the car might just fall apart.”

“Who are you to tell me?” Rossette demanded, glaring at Chrno.

Chrno did not know why, but an instinct in him told him to back away slowly as he said, “N-nothing, was just concerned over your safety…”

“Right,” Rossette turned to face the building. “Back to the mission.”

A howl was heard as a strong gust of wind started to blow. The leaves on the trees rustled as the wind blew, Rossette grabbed a gun and ran into the door.

“Rossette! Wait up!” Azumaria called after her.

Chrno picked up the gun case and followed. Rossette was already running up the stairs when he entered the house. The house had a nasty stench of rotten particles, and mould could be seen growing at certain areas. There was a chill in the air as Azumaria and Chrno followed hastily after Rossette.

“DIE!” Rossette’s voice was heard, followed by a series of gunshots. Rossette appeared on the landing as a demon soon followed after. Azumaria grabbed the four cross-shaped items and ran around placing it in a huge cross, to form the barrier.

As the barrier started to activate, the demon jumped away laughing maniacally, “You think you’ll be able to defeat me easily?”

“Yes,” Rossette replied, shooting a barricade of bullets at the demon.

“Tch,” the demon snorted. “You’re nothing but a pest.” The demon shot his arm out and grabbed Rossette with it, pinning her to the wall.

“Ughh,” Rossette groaned, her breathing laboured. She tried to shoot the monster, but before she could press the trigger, the monster used its other hand and flung the gun away.

“Chrno!” Azumaria pleaded. “You’ve got to do something!”

“What can I do?” Chrno asked.

“Transform! Have you forgotten? You’ve got your horns back!”

“Oh right!”

Red miasma formed around Chrno as bumps on his head grew into horns, he grew taller and looked more mature, with wings on his back.

Soon a heated battle went on between the demon and Chrno, with a final stab, Chrno defeated the demon.

“Y-you traitor!” the demon shouted before disintegrating. “Aren’t you a demon as well?”

Chrno transformed back to his human form as he and Azumaria both rushed to Rossette’s side.

“Rossette,” Azumaria asked worriedly. “Are you alright?”

Rossette did not hear her, but was staring with a look of fear across her face at Chrno. “You’re a demon?” She managed to blurt out.

Chrno nodded slightly.

“How can you work with the order? You form of evil! Die!” Rossette retrieved her gun and aimed it at Chrno.

Chrno looked sadly as if he was used to having torrents of abuse and death threats flung at him.

“Rossette! No!” Azumaria rushed in front of him blocking Rossette’s aim. “Chrno is good, he’s been helping us ever since you both met, don’t you remember? Don’t, don’t shoot him!” Tears started to flow down Azumaria’s cheeks.

“Az,” Rossette stared at her. “You’ve got lucky demon, I’ll let you off because of Az’s sake.” Rossette kept her gun.