The Ending That Never Was

Chapter 9

A/N: Just to note, i changed the scene separators to 'xOxOxO' instead of '---' =)) enjoy!

“Rossette,” Chrno wailed. “You’re driving too fast again!!”

“Oh just give it a rest demon,” Rossette snapped back a little nastily at the demon who was already turning a nasty shade of green. “We’re almost there…”

Chrno kept his mouth shut, he could sense that she was not in a very good mood, and he was also afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would be sick. As usual, after about five minutes, the car skidded to a screeching halt as it avoided banging the wall by about a millimetre. Chrno stumbled out of the car stumbling a little unsteadily. As he felt the safe ground beneath him, his face returned to its original shade.

“Damnit! Open!”

Chrno turned around to see Rossette having difficulties with the door of the car. From experience from the past missions, Chrno knew that the poor door would soon suffer a terrible fate.


Rossete wrenched the door open, and her superhuman strength had also wrenched it off it hinges as it now clattered on the floor.

“Oh no,” she began to wail. “Sister Kate will skin me alive for this!”

“Erm,” Chrno laughed nervously at the scene which had played before his eyes time and again. “Rossette…the house is going to collapse.”

Just as he spoke, the house began to crumble and a demon rose from its ruins.

“SMALL FRIES!” the demon roared loudly, acidic drops of spit raining over the pavement.

“Chrno, gun,” Rossette ran towards her small demon partner.
Chrno nodded as he passed her a gun from the big box behind his back. He stood to one side feeling a little awkward as Rossette began shooting the demon nonstop, in her usual violent way. He never did interfere with her battles unless she was in big trouble, otherwise, she would get seriously mad at him, not that he cared, but the main reason was that he did not really like to show his demon form to the whole world. And usually the demons would recognise him, as ‘Chrno the Sinner’, which made him feel a little depressed and guilty.

“Heh,” Rossette smirked. “Simple job for someone like me who’s in the Militia, wonder why Sister Kate sent me…”

“Probably because there was no one else that was free to go currently, even Azumaria is busy,” Chrno replied. He looked up to see Rossette standing on top of what was left of the buildings. “Be careful…”

“I don’t need you to worry,” Rossette stuck her tongue out at him.

Unfortunately, Rossette lost her balance and began to tumble down as the rubble began to shift and slide.

“Waaaaah!!” she screamed as she was about to fall headfirst onto the ground.

Chrno did not know what came over him, but he threw of the gun holder and threw himself on the ground Rossette was going to land on. Five seconds later, a whole lot of dust clouds were formed and a loud grunt was heard as Rossette made her landing.

“Owww…” the both of them said in unison.

Rossette quickly got up as Chrno sat up slowly, feeling a bit disoriented; judging by the amount of food Rossette ate, there was no doubt that she was heavy…

“Err…thanks,” Rossette mumbled, her face covered with dirt and a feeling of déjà vu came upon her.

Chrno blushed slightly as he frowned. This scene was so familiar…

A longer haired and taller Chrno, and a slightly younger Rossette with two pigtails. Chrno had just broke Rossette’s fall as she fell from trying to reach for an apple on the apple tree.

“Nee-chan! Chrno! Are you guys okay?” A young boy’s voice came, as he scrambled towards them. Joshua…

“What the hell…” Rossette muttered, rubbing her head.

“Strange…” Chrno murmured. “What’s with these weird memories of me and Rossette?”


“Rossette! Chrno!” Azumaria ran towards the pair as they came back in a severely damaged car. “What happened to the car?”

“Erm…ehehe…I’ve got to go talk to Sister Kate for awhile, Azu dearest, care to come with me?” Rossette gave a very tensed smile, even for the hot-head, Sister Kate’s anger at full blast was still something not to be tempered with.

“Err…no thanks,” Azumaria backed away slightly, as if afraid that Rossette would suddenly drag her along.

“Hmph! Some kind of friend you are!” Rossette stormed towards Sister Kate’s office sulking.

Soon after, screams loud enough to cause ear shattering damage was heard.


The yell was loud enough to cause Chrno and Azumaria who were talking to shiver in their shoes.


“You know, Azumaria,” Chrno gave his usual gentle smile. “You said something about me and Rossette being lovers in the past, which means we had a past together right?”

“Yes,” Azumaria looked at him, a little hopefully. “Do you remember anything?”

“Well,” Chrno looked down, apparently scrutinising the grass and some microscopic weeds. “Sometimes, I have these flashbacks about my past, and in there, it’s always me and Rossette, and this boy who I think is called Joshua…”

“Joshua…” Azumaria gasped. “Rossette’s brother…you both were searching for him.”

“Where is he now?” Chrno asked curiously. “What happened to him?”

“After we rescued him from Aion, Minister Remington took him in,” Azumaria explained. “We didn’t tell Rossette or you either, because his mentality still remains as a ten year old child, and we were afraid to hurt Rossette, who already lost her memory about you.”

There was an awkward silence as Chrno thought for a moment before asking again, “Why isn’t Rossette looking for him again?”

“I don’t know, maybe losing her memory about you made her lose her memory about him?” Azumaria said.

“Well, even though I see bits and pieces about my pass with Rossette, I still feel very confused about this whole thing, much less any love I had for Rossette in the past, I don’t feel it anymore…”

Azumaria looked away, trying to restrain her tears, but failing to do so. It was painful to lose her friends, but now she had got them back, would their love ever be rekindled again?