I'm Feeling Like I'm Lost, Like I'll Never Be Found

I don't really know how to describe this story, so I'll describe what i wanted/ want to do with it.

~ Ok, i just threw the first chapter together once because i was SOOO pissed at my parents. I didn't really know what to do with it for the rest of the story. One day i came up with an idea, and that worked out. I'm up to something like 11 chapters so far. However i only know one way to end it, and that one way, needs something else, and in order for a good ending to make sense, its gotta have a problem early!
~ What I'm looking for everyone that reads the story to give me some ideas. That person will get credit for the idea under the chapter number. I don't have as many ideas as i thought i would, so i do need help with this story. If i need help i will put it at the bottom of the page of that chapter. You could PM me, or leave it on comments. I'm thinking that this could be a book that everyone could help write.
~ In my opinion this story is good for something i just threw together. But it still needs some ideas.
~ I think this is a good idea. I hope people will help me out, and think of it as a good idea too.

~Now for the story~
Like i said, i don't know exactly how to describe this......actually i have NO idea how to describe it. So i will say this, the story technically makes a better picture in chapter two (I'm not saying don't read chapter one! Trust me! Then it won't make ANY sense!)
~Alright so thats about it!
~I really hope you guys like this story!!!

~Oh and i almost forgot, Comments are extremely appreciated!

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