When You Shoot It's So Damn Risky

I Wouldnt Have Been Mean..

Aron's POV
Everyone came to drink and chill at my place after we finally finished filming when I had had enough, I couldnt take it anymore. MY palms were sweating and I couldnt take my eyes off Amy. I looked up when I felt eyes on me and noticed Katie starring at me rather confused. She walked me to the kitchen and gave me some water.

"Dude whats wrong?" She asked seeming concerned. I chugged the water and took a deep breath.

"I can't take it anymore, I'm sick of waiting, I just, CANT!" She looked confused to I looked down and gestured for her to follow my gaze.

"You guys still havent?!" I shook my head.

"No! I wanted our first time to be romantic, and with just the two of us, but honestly, someone is always with us and I cant just tell them to leave cus I wanna fuck my girlfriend, they'll just tell me to fuck off or be mean." She started laughing then suddenly had a straight face.

"Would you like me to get rid of them?" I nodded furiously so she smirked and I followed her back to the living room. She whispered something in Amy's ear then stood up and frowned. "Guys! Aron is out of booze! Lets ditch that hoe bag and drink at Jordon's! " Everyone, apart from Amy, groaned and got up. Katie smirked and winked at me as she shut the door. I sat across from Amy on the couch and wiped my sweaty hands on my pants.

"Aron are you okay?" Amy asked putting her hand on my knee. I nodded and looked up so I could kiss her. We ended up making out on my couch then slowly made out way to my bedroom, and you can guess what went on in there.


Katie's POV

"Was he really out of drinks?" George asked as we got into the car and I laughed.

"Nawh, he had plenty. Why?"

"Why would you have to tell Amy something before announcing that?" I nodded."Well you gunna inform me?" He asked laughing.

"Oh, he wanted everyone out so he could have sex with Amy and he knew that if he told you guys you'd all be like fuck off or mean er something, I dont know he was being silly." He frowned.

"I wouldnt have been mean.."

"Aww baby I know, but the others?"

"Thats so true, we all know Jorel has a huuuuge crush on her, so he would have said something mean.."

"Exactly." He nodded and smiled dancing a little to the radio. I laughed and Kissed his cheek.

"What was that for?" He asked smiling.

"Just cus." I said smiling. We came to a red light and he kissed me, which led to us making out, until some impatient asshole with road rage started honking his mother fucking horn.

"How badly do you want to go to Jordon's?" George asked putting his hand on my knee.

"I'd be okay with skipping out on that and going back to my place. " I said smirking. He smiled and floored it to my building. We got up to my apartment and he almost knocked the door down, he grabbed my waist and pulled me to him kissing my neck. We made our way to my room slowly loosing articles of clothing, if you dont know what happened next, just go away.

When I decided to leave my bed and a sleeping George I picked up my phone and had 7 texts from Amy.

Katie!! Katiee!

What are you doing?! ANSWER ME!




Call meee!

OMG you are fucking George arent you?! I texted Emily and she said you didnt show up to Jordons! You hoe! TEXT ME NOW!
I laughed and dialed her number.
"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey spaz." I said laughing.

"KATIE! What were you doing?!"

"You know what I was doing! That last text was correct."

"Holy shit! ME TOO! only not George, ARON!" I started laughing. "What?"

"I already knewww! That's why I told everyone to leave when he clearly had plenty more to drink, I amd the reason you got laid!"

"Oh my God!" I laughed


"I fucking, LOVE YOU!"

"I knowww, so how was it?"

"The best thing in the fucking world! He's still sleeping!" I snorted.


"It's funny cus George is sleeping too."

"Hah! Well, we can talk about this later, I'm hungry."

"Iiight, peace boo."

"Laterrr." I hung up and walked around picking up stray clothes, I found George's boxers and put them on, along with his t-shirt, deciding that they were mine. I was going to put the rest of my clothes in the laundry when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned and saw George smiling at me.

"Well hello there." I said smiling, He kissed my head then looked around.

"I have no clothes."

"You have jeans, socks, and sneakers! And your adorable hat."

"But, my boxers!" I gave him my puppy eyes and he sighed. "Fine, but only cus.." He stopped.

"Cus why?"

"Cus Katie, I love you."
♠ ♠ ♠
So, this is mostly for Amy xD
My bestest buddy everrrr :]
amy 3 tears
^ go read her shit! xD
updates should be more frequent now, as long as I dont erase the entire post.. twice xP