When You Shoot It's So Damn Risky

You're Just Not My Type!

++At Jordon's place++

Right as George and I walked through the door Matt was in my face.

"So Katie, when do we get to meet your friend Amy?" He said walking backwards so he could stare me down.

"Matt, she would not be into you! She'd either be all over Aron or Jorel! I'm not sure which yet tho.. " He frowned.

"Why is it never me?!" I laughed.

"I'm sorry Matty, can I call you that? Psht I dont really care what you say, I'm calling you Matty."

"Does that mean you want me?!" I snorted and he got pissed and walked away.

"I'm sorry Matty! You're just not my type!" I shouted after him. George just laughed.

"Don't worry about him, he's used to the rejection."

"Aww. But hes adorable!"

"He's an idiot though." I thought about it.

"Thats very true." George laughed.

"I toooold youuu." I punched him lightly.

"Shut uppp."

"Fine." He pulled a pretend zipper closed over his mouth and locked it, throwing away the key.

"Nooo! Speeeakkkkk!" He just crossed his arms and looked away. "Fine. Be that way." I said walking away. I sat next to Dillon and Jordon on the couch.

"Hey boo boo." Dillon said makin me laugh.

"Helloo. JORDON." I said turning to him.

"KATIE." He said in my face, mocking me.

"I think you should meet one of my friends some day." He cocked an eyebrow.

"Who? Why? and What?" I laughed.

"One of my best friendsss, her name is Emily. And I think you two would be prefect for eachother, even though at first you would both deny it."

"Cus that makes sense."

"Actually, it does. What are you guys doing tomorrow?"

"Getting drunk at your place so we can meet your friends!" Dillon shouted and I laughed.

"Alright. Just FYI, Amy's the most hilarious drunk, in the fucking world." They all laughed.

"How's the other one?" Jordon asked.

"Your future girlfriend? Emily?"

"Yeah that one." I laughed.

"Umm, you'll see."

"No you gotta tell us!" Jorel said.

"Nooo, it's funnier to find out on your ownnn!" They all pouted, accept George.

"You stink!" Aron shouted like a 5-year-old. I laughed and George held his hand out to me to help me up. He walked me to the kitchen.

"Whats upppp?" I asked sitting on the counter.

"You sure you want these monsters drinking in your apartment?" I nodded.

"It could use a good party. Emily and Jordon will end up in the guest room, and I will tell them both that I was right and they will flip me off." He laughed.

"Can you see the future?"

"Nahh, I just know Emily, and I'm seeing lots of her in him." I said pointing to the back of Jordon's head. George nodded.

"You want something to drink?" He asked opening the fridge. I saw some Smirnoff bottles and smiled.

"Smirnoff pleeeease." He laughed and handed one to me."Why are you laughing?"

"Cus I predicted that's what you were going to drink."

"Are you making fun of me?" He nodded. "Okay, well as long as I'm in the loop I dont really care!" I said skipping to the living room.


"Guysssss. I gots ta go howmee." I said falling over a little.

"You wanna crash here?" Jordon asked noticing I could hardly walk. I shook my head.

"Nooo, I will feel better in my own bed." I said falling onto the couch.

"How much did she drink?" Aron asked.

"About the same as Matt. How's he doing?" George asked.

"He's in the bath tub sleeping."


"Super drunk."


"Mhmm." The guys all looked at eachother, all I could hear was mumbling.

"I'll bring her home." George said and I smiled a little.

"I'll go with you, to make sure you get her up there all right, shes like a limp noodle as it is." Dillon said. They each came over and grabbed and arm walking me to George's car. When we got to my building they helped me up and ended up carrying me to my building. Dillon held all the doors and George placed me on my bed.
I woke up the next moring at 11 with a pounding headache. I went to get up but felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump. I looked up to see
♠ ♠ ♠
ooooh cliff hanger! haha.
who is it?!
and what type of drunk is emily?!
lmao ik, kinda short, but im reeeealllyyyy tired. I got up at 6:30 today ant its 12:30 now, so I'll have a better one tomorrow.