When You Shoot It's So Damn Risky

You Wanna Meet Some Guys Tonight?

I looked up to see George standing with a glass of water and a bottle of Tylenol. I smiled a little and he handed them to me. I took four pill and swallowed them in one sip.

"Thank you." I said putting the cup on the end table. He nodded and sat on my chair and yawned. "Why are you here?" I asked sitting up.

"You were toasted last night, I knew you'd be super hung over in the morning. I wanted to make sure you were alright." He said yawning again.

"You didnt have to do that ya know." He nodded.

"I know, but I wanted to." I smiled a little.

"You seem tired, did you sleep?"

"I tired to, but your couch is a little.. small." I laughed a little.

"Well I dont really ever have tall people sleep on my couch." He laughed a little. I yawned and stretched deciding i wanted to sleep more.

"I'm staying in bed, I'm tired as shit stil, wanna lay down with me? You look like you could use a good rest and I have a big bed." I said smiling. He smiled and nodded. he kicked off his shoes and climbed into my bed. I rolled over so I could look at him.
"What?" He asked smiling at me.

"Nothing. Just didnt expect to have a guy I just met in bed already." I said jokingly. He laughed a little and yawned again.

"Shut up and go to sleep."

"Yes sir!" I saluted and closed my eyes.
I woke up a few hours later and found myself snuggled into George's side with he arm around me. He was still asleep and for some reason I really liked having him there, but I reeeally had to pee. I ninja'd my way out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom. I looked at the clock and realized how late in the day it was. 4:00pm. I saw George's phone on the counter so I picked it up and saw that he had 5 missed calls and 4 texts. I didnt read them cus I figured they were from the guys asking him where he was. I was going to let him sleep more but after a few minutes he stumbled into the kitchen where I was eating some cold pizza.
"Morning." He said plopping down in a chair.

"Afternoon." I said smirking.

"Got anymore of htat?" He asked pointing to the pizza. I nodded and pointed to the fridge. He grabbed a piece then sat back down.

"You've got lots of missed calls and texts." I said remember.

"Shit. I forgot I was gunna hang with the guys today. Oh well, I see them everyday." He said shrugging and grabbing his phone. "Wow, one call from each of them and 4 texts from Matt.

"Aww, your boy misses you."

"Are you calling me gay?"

"Yes a little." I said nodding happily. He just laughed.

"You're an asshole."


"Dont psshttt me!"

"Bitch I'll do what I want."

"Fine!" He finished his pizza and got up. "I better get going tho, the guys are gunna start to get worried." I nodded.

"Alright, have someone call me about tonight!" He nodded and then stared at me,

"You're not gunna give me a hug?"

"You want one?"

"Well, I did sleep over your house, and in your bed, and I ate your food. Plus I took care of you, I better get a hug." I laughed and got up. I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his around me squeezing tight. I opened the door and watched him leave. I ran back inside and grabbed my phone calling Amy.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey! AMY!"

"KATIEEEE! Why havent you answered my texts?" I didnt even realize she had been texting me.

"I just got up."

"What the fuck?! Even I dont sleep that late!"

"I knowww! But, are you by any chance with Emily?"

"Actually, yes, we are shopping."

"Fuck yes."

"We are just shopping.. not the awesome." I laughed.

"You guys wanna meet some guys tonight?" I asked.

"HELL YES! Who?"

"Hollywood Undead." Amy asked emily and I heard her scream. "Is that a yes?"

"Hell, fucking yeah! Emily says shes in love with Charlie scene?"

"I KNEW IT! Jordon, I told him that they would end up together. I also mentioned shes a special kind of drunk, I just didnt describe it yet."

"Oh god, that will be interesting to see." I laughed.

"I know. come here at like 7."

"Iiiight. Peace boo, I love you."

"Love you too boo bear." She laughed and hung up. Just as I put my phone down George called.

"Hey." I said

"Hey, I'm with the guys they wanna know what time to come over tonight."

"The girls are coming at 7." He told the guys and they argued a little.

"How is 6:30 then?" I heard Matt in the background shouting.

"NOO! 5:45!" I laughed a little.

"6:30 is great."

"Okay good, I'll see you then." I smiled.

"Sounds good, bye." I hung up and sprinted to the shower.
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yeah not the best i know, but not too bad right? haha.
it'll get better.