When You Shoot It's So Damn Risky

Lets Get Some Grub

++Staying in the same night++

Emily and Jordon reappeared around 2 in the morning and ended up going home together. After they left everyone slowly dispersed. It ended up being me, George, Amy and Aron by the end of the night. I started to get tired so I stood up and stretched.

"Guys its getting pretty early, Amy boo you have work in a few hours.." She shot up.

"Shiiiiit!" I laughed.

"Yeah, you might wanna be heading out soon." She sighed and stood up.

"I guess so." She looked at Aron. "Wanna come?" He nodded and got up.

"Bye Katie! I love you!" Amy shouted giving me a hug, Aron followed suit and they left holding hands.

"They're adorable together!" I said when they left and George just laughed. "What? Dont you agree?"

"I do. I'm just kinda tired." He said sitting on the chair.

"Ya know when I said you wouldnt have to sleep on the couch I didnt mean sleep on the chair." I said smirking at him.

"Oh really?" I nodded.

"Well maybe you should show me where I'm supposed to sleep then."

"Would you like that?"

"I would, very much."


"Pleeease?" He begged, giving me the puppy eyes.

"That doenst work on me! Emily made me immune cus she did it so much!"

"Ughh! Please?" I smiled.


"Woooooot!" I laughed and grabbed his hand. I felt like I was going to throw up butterflies but I did my best to ignore it. I dragged him to my room and threw him on my bed. I stood there staring at him for a moment until he spoke.

"Arent you sleeping here too?" He said frowning a little.

"Yeah, duh silly."

"Then why are you way over there?" He said holding his arms out for me to join him.

"I dont know what I wanna wear."

"Are you seriously picking out an outfit for bed?" I nodded. "You should just do what I'm doing and sleep in the clothes you have on."

"But I'll feel icky!" He stood up and walked over to me.

"Are you calling me icky?" I nodded and he grabbed me throwing me onto the bed. He laid on me and tickled me and hugged me so I squirmed all over.

"AHHH" I scream laughed. "Sttoooooppp you're icky!"

"I'll make you icky!" He said laughing.

"GEEEEEORGEEEE." I shrieked and he stopped tickling me, but kept hugging me. "Can you just do one thing for me?"


"Turn on the fan so I can sleep?" He laughed and got up to turn it on. "Thank youuu." I said happily. He jumped back onto the bed and pulled me into his arms.

"I'm sleepy." He said leaning back.

"Me too. You're comfy so I'ma lay here for the night." I said putting my head on his chest.

"I'm okay with that." He said and I smiled.

"Goodnight George."

"Goodnight Katie." He kissed my head and I fell asleep with a huge smile on my face. I woke up to him squirming the next morning.

"Whats wrong?" I asked looking up at him. He smiled.

"I have to pee like there is no tomorrow and I didnt want to wake you up." I laughed

"I would def rather have you wake me up then pee on me." He laughed and I sat up so he could go to the bathroom. When he came back I heard his stomach growl. "Hungry?" He nodded.

"I can make you some home made pancakes." I said and he smiled.

"Or I could take you out to breakfast."

"You dont have to do that."

"But I'd like to." He said smiling. I sighed.

"Fineee, but can I change?"

"NOPE!" He jumped up grabbed my wrist and my shoes and dragged me out of my apartment.

"AHHH! Did you grab my keys?!"

"Umm no."

"You just got me locked out." I said pretending to be angry.

"Shit, now I really owe you breakfast." He said grabbing my hand and walking me down the hall. "Will you be able to get back in?"

"I'll have to find the super and tell him I locked my keys inside."

"Oh, I'm sorryyyyy, I didnt know your door would lock." I laughed

"George its okay, I'm hungry right now anyways, so lets get some grub." He smiled.

"Okay." I looked down and realized we were still holding hands.
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I knowwww I lied to you and I didnt update yesterday. Sorrryyy haha.

If you arent already you need to read amy3tears's stuff and im just emily scene's cus its the mother fucking shittt! and comment them, and subscribe cus they need more starssss! xD