When You Shoot It's So Damn Risky

That Was A New Experience

Over the next week I met with Jordon everyday to try and pick a song to do the video for.

"How about 'Undead'?" I asked staring at him as he ate a banana.

"Hmm sure why not? I thought you were going to say 'Young'." He said smirking at me,

"Why is that?"

"Oh I dont know, maybe because it's basically all George and Aron?" I raised an eyebrow.


"Oh dont give me that, you so like him." I laughed.

"You sound like a girl."

"I dont fucking care, you want him in your pants."


"I KNEW IT!" I blushed a little. "I dont get why you guys arent dating yet."

"Cus he hasnt asked? Plus I've been with you more than him recently."

"That's cus I knew if I brought him we'd get nothing done."

"Shut uppp!" He laughed and we got back to work.

"I was thinking maybe have us just doing random shit?" I laughed.

"I was thinking kinda that, but like show who you guys are, party animals that love sex and having fun." He thought about it.

"Thats a good idea! How do we do it?" We sat there and planned for a few hours before taking a break. We told all the guys about it and they loved it, so for another week Jordon and I got everything ready. When we were working on the little last minute things I got a text.

Text from: George :]
How come we dont talk anymore? :[

I read it and frowned.

"That from George?" Jordon asked and I nodded. "Well I'll let you call him or something, we can just finish another day."

"No, I'll just text him while we work, cus I'm getting bored of you." I said laughing.

"That hurts."

"You'll live."

"Thats very true." I shook my head and he got back to work while I replied to George.

To: George :]
Idkkk :\ I've been working with Jordon for awhile and we just wanna get things done so we can film.

Text from: George :]
That sucks, when can we hang out again? I really miss you.

I smiled and Jordon gaged.
"Shut up!" He laughed and looked down.

To: George :]
Well jordon and I are allllll most done, so the soonest would be like an hour?

Text from: George :]
Well that sucks because I'm outside of your apartment right now.. Guess I'll just leave..

I shot up and sprinted and the door.

"What?!" Jordon shouted. I ignored him and opened the door and jumped on George.

"Well, hello there." HE said smiling at me. I smiled back and he put me down so I could give him a real hug. Jordon walked to the door and sighed.

"I guess we'll never finish."

"Shut up, you can finish it, I told you what we need and everything."

"Fine. I'll leave, assholes." I laughed and waved goodbye, then went back to hugging George.

"Did you miss me?" He asked and I nodded still hugging him. "Well thats good, I was afraid Jordon told you things that would make you hate me." I looked up but didnt let go of him.



"You cant do that!"

"Just like you cant tell me your clothes look better on the floor then not.. you know." I laughed.

"Thats not my fault that you didnt do anything."


"You heard me."

"You are so confusing!"

"So are you! Now what would Jordon have told me?"

"Nothing really, just about ex's and what not."

"Ew no. I refused ex talks, I dont want to know." He laughed a little and squeezed me tight.

"I cant believe I havent seen you in over a week."

"I know." I said frowning. We ended up migrating to the couch where we watched Without a Paddle. About halfway through I remembered something.

"Oh my god!" I shouted making him jump.


"My cousin Megan is coming to visit me this week!"


"Yeahh, shes coming on.. Tuesday? She wants to see what its like out here cus shes always wanted to live here her parents just dont trust its rep. Which is dumb cus we grew up near Detroit."

"You're from Michigan?" I nodded.

"As is Amy. I met her in middle school and we moved out here together after high school."

"You're parents were okay with that?"

"No, but my mom has always lets just say shes never actually enjoyed me and wanted me to be miserable, and my dad was too much of a pansy to stand up for me," He nodded and gave me a hug. "What was that for?"

"Just cus."

"Dont give me that." he sighed.

"Well it just sucks that you didnt have a good childhood." I shrugged.

"Eh, wasnt that bad once I met amy, I was at her house allllll the time and her parents treated me like one of their own children." He smiled.

"Well good. I'd hate to think of you unhappy." I smiled and he leaned his head down so our lips were almost touching. Right when I tilted my head for the kiss someone knocked on the door. I closed my eyes took a deep breath and got up. They knocked again so I yelled.

"Hold your god damn horses." I opened the door and saw Megan smiling at me. "Megan?!" I shouted as she hugged me.

"I know I'm early but I had to leave! Dad wasnt gunna let me go." I nodded.

"Well you have.. fantastic timing." I said sarcastically walking into the living room. She was confused but when she saw George she nodded.

"I'm sorry." She said and I could tell she really did feel bad.

"Dont worry about it, that was a new experience." George said and I laughed.

"Whats he mean?" She asked and I shook my head as I picked up one of her bags.

"Dont wory about it, I'll show you were you can sleep." I brought her to the guest room and told her to make herself at home and get comfy while I went out to George.

"Katie I cant keep doing this, its killing me," He said pacing back and fourth.

"What?" I asked a little worried.

"I really, realllllly like you, and it just seems like everytime we get close, something happens and it separates us." He rubbed his face and looked down.

"What are you saying?" He walked over to me put my face in his hands and kissed me.
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Hmm go read amy3tears's stuff right now, subscribe and comment, I'm going to check, and If I dont see new comments, maybe I'll just stop writing.
Oh, and Im Just Emily Scene, yeah her shits amazing, so go read it, comment it, and subscribe to it, I'll be checking her comments as well.