These Lives Of Ours.

I want us to be together,

I stopped long enough to look behind me. Ryan and Brendon were both right on my heels so I decided to give up. Obviously alone time was not going to happen. “Chip come on. Don’t do this!” They both gave me a big hug and I shook them off. “I don’t know what TO do guys! I mean…first we find Pete and everything’s ok, then we get taken away from Pete, but then we have a chance to go back to him if we can PROVE Ryan’s parents are un fit, but now…what chances do we have of staying together?” I sighed and dropped to the ground. I just wanted to curl up and die.

“Chip there’s no way you can go back with Pete.” I glared at Brendon. “Yes there IS!” I snapped. I wanted to stay in this dream world for as long as possible. “Not unless he legally adopts you, and my mom will never stand for that.” I wanted to start crying again but I knew it was useless. “What about Ryan?” I looked up at the one thing that hadn’t changed at all. The one thing that would never change. “Chip…you know I love you, and I’ll do anything to help you, but I have to stay with my parents.” I nodded and crawled into his lap, resting my head on his shoulder. I needed to be close to him. I needed to know he still cared about me.

“Brendon? Can you give us some time? We’ll be back soon.” He nodded and got up off the ground, slowly making his way back to the house. “Ryan…please don’t make me go.” I whined, ignoring the fact that I sounded like a five year old. “I can’t hep Chip. I have no authority here.” “But…but…I love you!” I didn’t care if this was going to complicate things more. I didn’t care about anything other then Ryan. He was all I had left, and I needed to make sure he’d never leave me.

“Really?” He stared at me, wide eyed and mouth hanging open. “I’m serious.” He smiled and gave me a light peck on the lips. I smiled and got up off his lap, glad that something was going right. “I think I have a plan…well…for you at least.” I sighed and looked at the ground as we walked back to Brendon’s house. “You don’t have a plan for you?” I shook my head. He was right. There was no getting out of it.

“Hello?” I called into the house and immediately Brendon, Andie, Spencer, Jon, and…mom all appeared in front of us. “Hey guys.” I mumbled…shuffling a little so I wouldn’t be squished. “I’ve sent your father over to get your stuff Chip. You’ll be staying here with us. Welcome home.” Mom hugged me and I hugged her back. This woman gave me life, and has spent the last 13 years mourning me. The least I could do was give it a chance right? “Ok…thanks…uhm…” “You can call me mom if you’d like.” I smiled and nodded, not quite ready for that. “We’re gonna get going Brendon.” Spencer and Jon left, giving me a quick hug. I had really wanted to hang out with them but…things had kind of gotten in the way. “Now…we’re going to need furniture for you! So let’s go!” Mom grabbed her keys and turned to me. “Chip…you need a place to sleep.” I nodded and grabbed Ryan’s hand. “Uhm…c-c-c-can Ryan come?” She noticed that our fingers were entwined and I think she got the picture. “Of course. Brendon, Andie, would you like to come?” Brendon nodded but Andie just retreated to her room. I guess she just needs some time to get used to the idea. Kind of like me.

~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~

We walked into the big furniture store. My hand still in Ryan’s. “It’s your room so just pick out whatever you want and then come see me. I’ll be over in the clothes store.” She pointed across the road at the high-class store. “Ok…thank you.” I smiled as she left the store. I just looked around at all the stuff. “What does she want me to get?” I looked at Brendon. “Whatever you want. Don’t worry about price.” He smiled and took my other hand, like I was a little kid. Frankly, it didn’t bother me. I felt protected with the two of them there.

“Uhm…what exactly do I need?” Brendon laughed and rolled his eyes. “What goy in a bedroom Chip.” “Uhm…a bed?” “And?” “A dresser.” He sighed again. “AND?” I glared at him and started walking around. Picking out a simple bed, dresser, and nightstand. It was nothing fancy and probably nothing too expensive. “Should we go get your mom?” I asked, looking at what I had picked out. “She’s your mom too Chip.” I blushed and nodded. “Just a sec.” Brendon pulled out his sidekick and sent a text. “She’ll be here in a second.

~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~

I stood alone in my room. Staring at the furniture and my stuff. Mom had insisted and making me feel at home so she pretty much decorated, furnished my room, and clothed me all in one day. I don’t even want to know what it costs. Just thinking about it makes me feel guilty, cuz I really don’t want to be here.

“Chip…can I come in?” I turned around to see Brendon standing shyly at the door. I smiled and nodded. He was the only one I really knew in this house. “You ok?” “Yeah I guess so. I’m sorry about earlier. Your…my…our mom seems really nice.” He nodded and flopped down on my bed. I did the same, as I was really tired. If today wasn’t emotionally draining then I don’t know what it. “Do you think mom would let me invite Ryan over for the night?” It was going to be weird sleeping in a totally different house then him. I had woken up with him every day for the last two years. I didn’t want that to change. “Yeah, probably. Want me to ask?” I nodded and gave him a hug. “Thanks Bren.” “No problem.” I grabbed up my sidekick and went to text Ryan when I remembered that his ‘kick was dead.

~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~

And hour later and I was just about ready to give up. Ryan probably wasn’t coming. I can’t say I was surprised. However I can say it bothered me. Thinking he was alone in that house. “Chip?” I nearly jumped out of my skin when I heard Ryan’s voice from the other side of the door.

“Hey wha…” I stopped him dead with a kiss. Something I’d wanted to do for the longest time. He was a bit startled but kissed back anyways, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Thank you.” I mumbled hugging him and resting my head on his shoulder. “No problem?” He sounded bewildered and I can’t say I blame him. Just this morning I was telling him I didn’t love him, but that was because I was trying to protect us. Now I didn’t care. Now I just wanted us to be together.