These Lives Of Ours.

Just you wait

“PETE!” We both screamed and jumped on Pete as soon as he opened the door. We had gotten a ride from Officer. Roth and now were standing in Pete’s hallway, all talking at once. “Ok, ok. So at least now I know you’re safe but…RYAN!” He looked at Ryan’s bruised and cut up face. “Your dad?” He nodded sadly and Pete called to the butler dude to grab the first aid kit. “Thank you very much.” He shook Roth’s hand and then he was gone, leaving just the three of us once again. It was almost perfect if I didn’t have to go back with my mom.

~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~~

“Now hold still.” Ryan was sitting on the bathroom counter, I was sitting on the windowsill, and Pete was standing in front of Ryan, trying to clean up all the cuts. “There. All better.” He smiled and Ryan hoped down from the counter. “Ahhh it’s so good to be back.” He smiled and we both went running up to his old room. It looked exactly the same as it did before and we both collapsed on the bed, laughing over…nothing really. Just laughing.

“I see the two of you are happy to be back.” We both smiled and sat up, looking around and noticing that nothing in the house had really changed much. It was like we had never left. “Now what about you. Who’s this family you’re staying with?” I bit my lip again, not really sure what to say. “I uhm…I found my parents. Or more like they found me.” Pete’s mouth dropped opened and his eyes widened. “Are you kidding me?” I nodded and told him the whole story.

“Chip’s that’s amazing I’m so happy for you!” I gave him my best fake smile, hoping he wouldn’t see through it. “So when do you have to be home then?” I checked my watch. I had about 10 minutes to get home. “Uh… in ten minutes?” He laughed and got up from the bed. “Then let’s get you home. You wanna come Ryan?” He nodded and we all followed Pete out to his car.

~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~

“See ya later Pete. Thanks for the ride.” “No problem. See you soon I hope.” I nodded and turned to Ryan, giving him a huge hug. “Bye…I love you.” “I love you too Chip. Good luck.” I smiled and got out of the car, slowly walking up to my new house and my new family.


“I love you?” Shit…Pete doesn’t know yet. “Yeah uhm…we’re not together yet but…I dunno.” He smiled and turned back to the road. “I was wondering when you two would just admit to being madly in love with each other. You’ve only been together for how long?” I laughed, but it was hollow. It sucked not having Chip here with me. “I know you wish she could be here. But she’s found her family, you have to be happy for her.” I nodded and flicked on the radio. Flipping over to a station playing The Smashing Pumpkins. Maybe they can help me get over the pain.

“You hungry?” Pete asked, opening the door and letting the both of us in. “Yeah a little bit.” “Alright well I’m gonna make some dinner. Make yourself at home.” I nodded and went upstairs to Chip’s old room. It looked just like it did when we left. I don’t think Pete had even made the bed since then, as the covers were still a mess. I sat down on her bed and flicked on the T.V. I don’t know why I didn’t just go to my room. I guess I liked it better in here.


I walked into the house just in time for dinner. Everyone was getting their food and sitting down, figuring I’d be here soon. “Hey Chip, did ya have fun?” I smiled at mom and nodded my head, while secretly casting a glance at Andie. We really did look alike; I’m surprised Brendon never noticed before. “What are we having?” I peered into the dish and saw some kind of casserole dish. “Pizza casserole.” I thought that was pretty odd but decided not to make a fuss. I kind of felt like a guest in this house hold, instead of a family member.

“So what do you guys want to do tomorrow?” Dad asked, spooning out a big portion for himself. “Actually, I was going to take Chip and Andie on a bit of a vacation. Back to the town where they were born. I know we’ve been thinking about moving back there, maybe we could do a bit of house hunting.” I swear I almost dropped my plate of food.

“Moving?” Brendon and I both spoke at the same time and both had the same look of horror on our faces. “Well we’ve lived here for a long time and it would be nice to have a fresh start.” I sat down and quietly ate my dinner. Of course I didn’t want to move, but what choice do I have? I’ve spent my whole life moving you’d think I’d be used to it. “So what do you say girls. Should we take a trip back to your hometown?” Andie agreed immediately but I wasn’t so sure. “Uhm…” I looked at the four pleading faces; they all wanted me to fit in so badly. “Sure why not. Sounds fun.” I smiled and finished eating the weird casserole.

~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~

“Uhm…hello?” I turned around to see Andie at the door carrying a big box of...whatever it was. “Hey, come on it.” I smiled and set down my journal, making room for her to sit at the same time. “I thought you might like to see some of this.” She smiled shyly and opened up the box, which contained lots and lots of baby stuff. “What is it all?” I asked, shocked at all the stuff. “It’s stuff from before you…uhm…’died’” She quoted died in the air and I let out a nervous laugh. “There’s pictures, clothes, books, pretty much everything you can think of.” I picked up a blanket that had my name embroidered on it. It matched the clothes I was wearing when I was found perfectly. “I think I have the matching outfit to this.” I smiled and pulled out the jumped type thing, putting it back in the box with the blanket.

“Mom took a lot of pictures when we were in the hospital. She always tells me we were so cute. It’s sickening really.” I laughed and flipped through multiple pictures of us attempting to crawl and walk and such. “This is so crazy.” I smiled and finished flipping through the last little things in the bottom. “Yeah…Brendon always says mom was really upset after you disappeared. He says she barely ate, slept, and talked for a month.” I almost got a bit teary eyed, thinking about what I had put this women and our family through. “Hey…uhm…what happened to our relatives?” Andie rolled her eyes and took out another big scrapbook. “Here.” I flipped through it and got a description of everyone. “They’re all looking forward to meeting you. They all live in Detroit where we were born.” I nodded and handed the scrapbook back. “I’m…gonna go.” Andie awkwardly grabbed the stuff and walked out of my room. Leaving me with a lot of stuff to think about.


I sat quietly, munching on my dinner as Pete flipped through some papers for the adoption. “Are you sure this is ok?” I ask, feeling out of place in this house for the first time in years. “Of course I’m sure it’s ok. Jesus Ryan, stop worrying so much.” He smiled and filled out a few lines and then slid them over to me. “You have to sign them too. Since you’re legally 16 and could move out on your own.” I nodded and filled out my name. “Are you sure we can’t have Chip come too?” I asked sadly, staring into my soup. “Positive. I’m sorry Ry.” I smiled and threw a piece of bread at him. “Why are you apologizing?” He smirked and threw the bread back at me. “Why are you throwing food?” I though for a moment. “It’s fun.” He laughed and rolled his eyes. “Well grow up a little will you. You’re turning 17 in a month.” I stopped…he was right. Next month is August! “Shit you’re right!” He laughed again and dumped the dishes in the sink. “Yeah no duh. Come on, I have something I want you to hear.”

We walked down to the studio and Pete pressed play on one of them many recorders. “Let’s get these teen hearts beating faster, faster.” Lying played through the speakers and I froze. He’d heard our band? We’d always told him he couldn’t hear it. “Uh…and?” “I wanna sign you guys. I think you could be big.” My mouth dropped open. This is crazy!! We’re going to be signed! “Are you serious Pete?” “Of course. Oh, here.” He handed me another sidekick. “A little birdie told me your was killed.” I nodded and flipped it open to find all the contact information was in it. “Call the guys. Get them over here.” I nodded and started dialling numbers and getting the guys to come over here A.S.A.P. We have a record to plan.


“HOLLY SHIT!” I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. Brendon was staring at his sidekick like it had just grown a head and started talking to him. “Brendon, what’s up?” He handed me the sidekick, mouth hanging open. “OMG!! THIS IS AMAZING!” He nodded, absolutely speechless. “What’s going on?” Andie, mom, and dad walked into the room. “BRENDON’S BAND IS BEING SIGNED!!!” I screamed giving him a huge hug. I wondered how Ryan was taking this. “Congratulations sweetie!” Mom and dad gave Brendon a hug and then he was rushing out the door. “Chip get in!” I did as I was told and soon we were on our way over to Ryan’s.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~

“Dude are you serious?” All four guys were staring at Pete is awe. I was just quietly observing the scene. “Yeah, you guys start writing and recording in a week.” The all kind of turned into girls at this point, squealing and hugging. It was really funny to watch. “Hey Ryan. This is awesome.” I smiled and gave him a hug. “It is. I’m so happy. We could really be going somewhere.” I kept smiling and gave him another hug. “So you’re going to be here all the time while we’re writing and recording right?” I bit my lip and shook my head. “Mom’s taking me and Andie up to Detroit for a week. But after that I’ll be here.” He pouted for a second but soon the smile was back. “Chip, you don’t think mom will still make us move do you?” I shook my head again. “Of course not! Not now that everything’s starting to go your way music wise.” He smiled and I gave him a hug as well. “Let’s celebrate guys.” Everyone looked at Ryan. “What do I have to have the celebration plans too?” We all laughed a little and ended up just ordering a pizza and blaring some really loud music.

~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~

“Chip…come on…get up.” I shook my head and sat up. I was lying in my old room next to Ryan. “Good-morning.” He smiled and so did I. “How’d we get in here?” I didn’t remember setting foot in this room all night. “You fell asleep on the couch. I carried you up here.” I smiled again and lay back down. I was still really tired. “Hey! I said you had to get up!” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah well I’m tired so I’m saying that I wanna stay here.” He sighed and lay back down, wrapping his arm around me and spooning me. “Thank you.” “You better be thankful.” “Oh I am.”

“Hey love birds. Time to get up!” I glared at Brendon and Jon who were standing in the doorway, cooing and awing at us. “Jon…Brendon…GET THE FUCK OUT!” I whipped a pillow at the two of them, and then was mentally kicking myself because now I had no pillow to lie on. “That was smart Chip.” I turned and stuck my tongue out at Ryan. “We’ll be there guys. Give us a minute.” They shut the door and turned to walk away.

“Now…” I smiled and pressed my lips against Ryan’s. He shifted so that he was lying on top of me with his arms on my waist, and my arms were wrapped around his neck. He pushed his tongue against my bottom lip and I parted them ever so slightly. My tongue explored every corner of his mouth, massaging against him. “Mmm. Ryan.” I moaned a little as he started kissing and gently biting at my neck. “Ahem. Are the two of you coming?” I blushed a deep red when I realized Pete was standing at the doorway. “Y-y-yeah we’re coming…” Ryan got off me as Pete left and we started to get changed. “Just you wait until we’re alone.” He smirked (a very sexy smirk) and then left the room to grab his own clothes.