These Lives Of Ours.

The aldum is coming out WHEN?

I sat in my new room unpacking my stuff. I wanted to get settled as soon as possible so I could start figuring my way around. If I had to live in this town I as least wanted to be able to find my way around. There was no way I was spending the rest of my life in this bedroom. Even if it is nice.

“Heyy. Can I come in?” “Heyy Andie. Sure.” She walked in and sat down on my bed (which luckily was already set up) “You ready to go exploring?” “Uhm…” I looked around at the piles of stuff all still in boxes. “Defiantly.” I laughed and ditched the task of unpacking. There was plenty of time for that. A week didn’t give us much time to look around.


Brendon, Jon, Spencer and I all sat around Pete’s living room, basically just being nervous and such. All the tracks were recorded and were being mixed as we speak. I think we were all scarred to see the outcome of all our hard work, but Pete insisted it was going to be a masterpiece.

“Do you think we could have done better?” I randomly spit out. “I think maybe we could have done a little better but we have the next album to prove that.” Well there’s a grain of hope. Brendon thinks there’s going to be a second album. “It’s fine Ry, stop worrying.” I smiled and tossed the pillow at Spencer, always the optimistic one.

“Guys?” Pete came into the room with both hands behind his back. We all kind of jumped up and almost knocked him over with excitement. “Ok, ok stop!” “Yes?” Jon asked, rather impatiently. “Voila, A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out!” He pulled out a CD, just a simple burnt CD that held all of our tracks on it. I’m ashamed to say we all kind of squealed like little 6-year-old girls at a sleepover.

“So let’s hear it!” I was a little anxious to hear if it was good or not but after it was played all the way through I decided I was happy with the way it turned out. Spencer, Bren, and Jon all liked it too. “So when’s it coming out?” Brendon asked. “In two weeks. August 23rd.” I smiled to myself. That was one day after Chip’s birthday.


“So where too?” Andie asked as we aimlessly wandered around the neighbour hood. “Well…we could go find our school.” She nodded and I grabbed my sidekick so I could surf for a map. “It’s…just up that next street.” We looked at each other briefly before running full speed up the hill. At the very top stood a large school, probably made for 1000 kids. “Wow. I’ve never been to a place this big.” I nodded in agreement and stared at the building. It was old and intimidating. “I wanna go home.” Andie pouted. I decided not to say anything; we didn’t need two unhappy children. “Well then let’s go.” She scowled, knowing I meant Detroit home not home, home.

“Are you sure you don’t wanna go over to the mall or something?” Andie took one last look at the school and then tore away. I think we both just wanted to have some fun before the real work started. “Good. Then let’s get going!” I checked my map and got us started in the right direction.