Status: Working on new chapters and other fun updates!

We're Like a Puzzle. We Just Fit.

She's Got Dreams Too Big For This Town.

It had been 3 weeks. 3 weeks since I got the chance of a lifetime. Honestly, it sort of feels like I am giving up everything I know, packing up all my belongings. It seems like an ending, which I guess it is, but it is also a beginning, like opening the doors to a new house, a new life.
“Grace!” my mother yelled up the stairs to me, startling me out of my thoughts. I loved her, and my dad and siblings, but I would not miss all the yelling and chaos that they bring along with them everywhere.
“I’m almost ready,” I yelled back. I turned to see my younger sister, Halley standing in my doorway.
“You know, I really AM going to miss you a lot Gracie.”
“I know Hal, I’m going to miss you too, trust me,” I replied as I squeezed her in a hug, “but we’re going to call and text, and email each other so much, you’ll be sick of me in no time, I smiled.
She laughed, “Okay Gracie.” Then left.
I reached over to my bed table and grabbed the envelope I had received three weeks ago, addressed to “Miss Lucille Grace Lynn Parson”, and smiled to myself, almost nobody called me Lucille, or Lucy, they hadn’t since I was seven and had demanded that my name was Grace, which transformed into Gracie, or Gracie Lynn. The only people who called me Lucille were my mother, when she was mad at me, and my Grandmother, because I am her namesake, and her favorite. I grabbed the rest of my things that were not already in the car, and looked around my room, I was really going to miss this place, and walked out and down the stairs to the car, holding back my tears.
Waiting for me were Tyson, Alexandria, Madalyn, Halley (my four siblings; Tyson, Alexandria, and Madalyn all older, and Halley younger). Hayley, my six-year-old niece. And Tim and Jan, my parents. After I hugged all of them, my parents, and I set off for the airport, my mother was coming with me for the time being, to help me to get used to life out in California, and me being sixteen, there was no way they would trust me on my own right away.


The first thing I did when I got off the plane was pull out my phone and turn it on, gaining a disapproving look from my mother.
“I know you miss your friends Grace, but you could have waited to do that.”
“Sorry mom,” I replied shoving it back into my pocket.
“It’s alright, anyways, there is supposed to be a…uh,” she paused pulling out the papers that had been sent to me and looking for the name, “oh there it is, a Mr. Drew Frey is supposed to be here to direct us where to go, and fill us in on everything that is going on, come on honey we need to find him.”
I looked around the portal, looking for someone that looked important, or at least someone who looked like he could be a Drew Frey. Then I spotted it. I did not think they actually did that anymore, you know, the whole sign saying “Lucille Parson”, but I guess they do. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, “Wow.”
My mother looked at me, “What?”
I pointed at the man with the sign, “I think that’s the Drew Frey we’re looking for.”
“Lucille Grace Lynn, quit pointing at him, that is not a very good first impression,” my mother disciplined me as she started heading towards him.
“Are you Lucille Parson?” he asked, as we got closer.
“No, I’m Janice Parson, her mother,” my mom said then pulled me closer, “this is my daughter Lucille, I understand you are Mr. Frey?”
“Please call me Drew,” he said politely.
“And I prefer to be called Grace,” I said in what I thought was the same polite tone, he had used.
“Grace,” my mother, snapped, “there was no need for that.”
“Sorry mom, Drew,” I responded, to my annoyed looking mother, and Drew who looked like he was trying not to laugh at my being reprimanded.
“Anyways,” Drew interceded, obviously trying to prevent an argument, as he handed both of us papers, “here are your schedules for the next couple days, tomorrow you have pretty much free, except for meeting your director, and a few other important people, then on Wednesday you’ll meet the rest of the cast, the rest is on those papers, I’ll be taking you two to your hotel, and all the directions are there to the places you need to be, and if you need me you can just call me, my phone number is there.”
It was starting to hit me, I am IN Hollywood now, tomorrow I am meeting a REAL director, a famous one at that, and the next day I am meeting my favorite actor, Taylor Lautner.
“Gracie, come on,” my mother said. I looked up to realize that her and Drew were a couple feet ahead of me, about to walk away. I had gotten lost in my mind. AGAIN.
“Okay mom,” I obediently followed her out into the California sun, and into what looked like an extremely expensive car. Drew was rambling on about something, I didn’t feel the need to listen, my mother would be, and would surely get my attention, if at all needed.
“Yes, of course Janice, the author will be there tomorrow with the director for you to meet,” Drew reassured my mother.
“And her name is...” my mom questioned Drew.
“Its Sarah Dessen mom,” I impatiently answered, “And since I know you and you will ask, the book is This Lullaby.”
“Thank you Grace,” she shot back bitterly, turning to Drew again, “and who does Grace play?”
“Grace will be portraying the part of Remy, the main character.”
My mother turned to me yet again, “The main character Grace? Why didn’t you tell me this?”
“I didn’t realize it, or see the significance, at the time, otherwise I would have.
“Well, Gracie, this certainly is the shot of your lifetime, this could make your whole career.”
I looked out the window as we approached our Hotel and tried to calm down, “I know that mom,” I said quietly.
“Well, Janice and Grace, this is your hotel,” Drew said too happily.
I sat on the uncomfortable chair in the hotel lobby, as my mother checked us in, and other people brought our many bags in.
“Okay Grace,” Drew startled me, “I’ll see you on Thursday for a script reading, as you know you will be meeting your cast mates on Wednesday, but some of them are staying at this hotel, so there is a very good chance you will see them around today or tomorrow, so don’t be shy, if you know who they are, and go up and say hi, Okay?”
“Okay, then,” he said as he handed me a neat stack of papers, “here is your script, list of who is playing what character, and all the other info you need.”
“Thanks Drew”
“No problem Grace, remember it’s what I’m here for, make sure you call me if you have any questions, okay?”
“Okay” Drew started walking away then.
“Oh, and Grace, don’t forget to have fun,” he said before he left.
♠ ♠ ♠
First Chapter obviously. Comment please, I would really like some people to give me their imput, otherwise I probably won't update it. I do have more but this is kind of a test run so...tell me what you think!
