Status: Working on new chapters and other fun updates!

We're Like a Puzzle. We Just Fit.

And I Thought I Loved You Then

“Okay then Taylor, you better go call your mother and tell her we are coming,” my mom informed Taylor.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Well,” I started, “I’m gonna go change then.”
Both my mom and Taylor turned to me. “You look fine Grace,” Taylor said as my mother rolled her eyes. I walked into my ‘room’, “That may be so, but I think I look like crap, therefore, I AM changing,” I closed the door.
Two clothing changes, a small argument, and thirty minutes later we arrived at the Lautners.
“WOW,” I stated as we entered the house and I looked up and around, admiring it, it was indeed a large and beautiful home. My mother shot me a look roughly translating to mean, “Shut your mouth. NOW.” By the time we were done with our silent argument Taylor was walking to what I assumed was the Kitchen. Half way there, he stopped and turned to us, saying, “C’mon, you know I don’t bite, and neither does my family.”
We walked into the Kitchen where Taylor’s parents and his sister were seated at a table.
“Mom, Dad this is Grace Parson who is going to be in This Lullaby with me and her mother Jan. Jan and Grace this is my mother,Deborah, my dad Daniel, and my younger sister Makena,” as he gestured to each.
“It’s nice to meet you Grace and Jan,” his mother said giving us hugs, his dad and sister following, “please, please sit down.”
Supper had gone well, with minimal awkward silences as our mothers had bonded instantly, and Taylor’s mother was a good cook, so the food was good and unless you were talking to Taylor, Makena or their dad you could not get a word in edgewise.
Now though, with the meal behind us my mother and I were sitting in our room, her sitting in a chair reading some book, and me alternately flipping through the channels and texting people, from back home and from Taylor.
“Really Grace, can you really not pull yourself away from that damn phone for more than five minutes?”
I thought for a second, looking up at the ceiling, “Nope! Sorry.”
“Well, I’ll let it slide for now, until you get used to being away from all your friends, then you need to distance yourself from that phone.” I looked back at the TV and rolled my eyes. Yeah right, last time she tried that one I said please and she gave it back, she was a huge softy.
My phone vibrated in my hand, I flipped it open, it was from Taylor, “So, you said you’re meeting up with the director and author and those kinds of people tomorrow?” I hit reply, my stomach getting nervous butterflies. Both from the fact of texting Taylor Lautner and from the thought of the important people I was meeting tomorrow. “Yeah, I’m kind of nervous about that.” I hit send. A few seconds later I received a new message, “Don’t be, I met them already, which is part of why I was there today, they’re pretty cool and non threatening, you’ll be fine.” I smiled, hitting reply, “Really? Thanks Taylor, well I’m off to bed, need the beauty sleep for a big day tomorrow ;).” I hit send. I flipped a few channels before my phone vibrated again, from Taylor, “But you’re already beautiful! I’m sure you need some sleep from a long plane ride though. Goodnight, sweet dreams and good luck tomorrow.” I smiled again, he was too sweet to be true, “Thanks J, Goodnight, and sweet dreams to you too J.” I hit send and closed my phone, standing up and walking towards my room to go to bed. “Night mom.”
“Goodnight Grace,” my mother said standing and kissing my cheek before I went into my room, “and don’t worry about tomorrow, I’ll wake you up in time and I have a feeling they’ll love you , you’ll do great.” I smiled, thinking of what Taylor had said.
“Thanks mom, night.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm…I love writing, it is one of the VERY few things I can do at 1 AM, in my pajamas with my feet propped up (right now with an ice pack due to a swollen bug bite) without getting into trouble with someone. Oh yeah, Happy 4th of July, well not anymore, but oh well. Just a heads up, I'm leaving on the twentieth of the month for New Orleans and will be gone a week, which of course means no updates. For the next couple of weeks I'll try to post more to make up for all that I'll miss in the next couple weeks/months. Because A: As soon as I get back from New Orleans I am going to Summer X for three days (possibly). B: In the meantime we will be starting to move into the new house starting August 1st. C: School starts next month, which means cheerleading, VB games, and school work. So yeah. theres your heads up. Night :)
oh yeah, don't forget to comment haha.