Status: Working on new chapters and other fun updates!

We're Like a Puzzle. We Just Fit.

All I Ever Wanted

I awoke the next morning to the simultaneous sounds of my phone going off and my mother shaking me awake. After my mother had left the room, I grabbed the phone from the bed stand to check it. 2 new messages, the first was from Allyson wishing me luck with my meetings, I quickly replied, thanking her, promising a text as soon as they were over. The next, as I had guessed was from Taylor, “Good Morning, Beautiful!” Not exactly what I had expected, but then, what WAS I expecting? It sure as hell was more than I had expected. I thought for a second, then replied, “Good Morning to you too :)” Sure I had been told numerous times by my best friend that smiley faces lead to nothing good but hey, this is Taylor Lautner, and it’s not like I have a whole lot to lose.
I grabbed my phone and headed for the shower. I checked my phone as I was putting my makeup on.
“Excited for your meetings?”
“Um. Kind of…not totally.”
“Like I said, don’t worry about it! It’ll be great, they’ll love you. I’m positive.”
“Well thanks for your confidence in me :)”
“No problem:). So any plans for after the meeting?”
“Nope, haven’t thought that far ahead. Why?”
“Well, do you want to get lunch with me?”
“Sure, where at?”
“I have a place in mind, but don’t worry about it. I’ll pick you up.”
“I’m not going to rape you or anything; I just wanted to surprise you.”
“Oh ha-ha okay, but I better go get dressed so I can be on time.”
“Ooh, you’re one of THEM.”
“One of those girls that is almost always late.”
“Pretty sure that’s 90% of all girls; I’m not an endangered species.”
“Ha-ha, see you in a couple hours then, good luck!”
I walked out of the bathroom, dressed and smiling, no wonder why my mother gave me an odd look. I grabbed my purse and hugged my mother before leaving. “You’ll do great Gracie, they’ll love you, I just know it,” my mother gushed. “Thanks momma, I hope so!”
I walked out of the conference room and looked around, wondering where Taylor would be. The meeting had gone amazingly well. Both my mother and Taylor were right, they had loved me, and they were really nice. I looked around, no Taylor. Maybe he’s in the lobby. I walked down to the lobby, to see an excited looking Taylor standing right outside the elevator.
“So. How did it go?”
“Great! I think they love me!”
Taylor answered with a hug, lifting me up off my feet. I buried my face in his shoulder, taking in his scent.
“That’s great Gracie!” he said, sitting me back on my feet.
“I know,” I replied, smiling. God, he smelled so good.
“So, are you hungry?”
Taylor grabbed my hand, pulling me out the door into the bright sunlight, “good, let’s go”.
“So where do you want to go?”
“I thought it was supposed to be a ‘surprise’?”
“Yeah, but then I thought it’d be better to go somewhere you know of before we shock you into something new.”
“I see, well, how about…Olive Garden?”
“Sounds good to me.”
Within minutes we were attempting to get into the Olive Garden. I guess I was expecting craziness, but nothing like THIS.
“I’m really sorry Gracie, I didn’t want to drag you though a mob like that, but I there’s really no getting around it,” he apologized, then turned to the hostess, “just two, a booth please.”
We were then led through the restaurant to a small booth in the back.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm baaack! slowly. but surely I hope to get this story rollin' I think I was inspired by the eclipse premier. And, well, the fact that I have time to write again. But for now, I need a comment or two before I post another chapter, just to see if anyone wants to read it anymore.