Status: Working on new chapters and other fun updates!

We're Like a Puzzle. We Just Fit.

You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter.

Too soon, we were fighting our way back through the mob to Taylors car. Taylor quickly opened my door, shutting it after me, getting in the drivers side, he sighed.
“Ah. The joy of being Taylor Lautner.”
“Don’t sound too happy.”
“It’s not that I don’t appreciate them, and everything I have, I just REALLY wish they would you know, back off. Basically, I want the fans, just not the rabid, jealous, screaming stalker fans.”
“I guess I don’t really get the point of following a celebrity around all day, what’s the difference if you know something now, or if you know in five minutes with the rest of the world? Not to say that I wouldn’t have been one of those crying girls in that crowd, had I grown up here and not in a itty bitty town in North Dakota.”
“A lot of the time it’s for a picture, or an autograph, or simply to see who’s with me. Gracie, if you would’ve grown up here, you definitely wouldn’t have been one of the mob girls, you would already have a mob of your own.”
“Oh yeah? Well I think you have WAY too much faith in me. I’m just a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Yeah? Well by tomorrow everyone will know about you, I’m sure pictures of us will be all over.”
“And I would guess that’ll mean even more crying fan girl mobs, right?”
“Yep, but more so for you than for me, those girls are going to hate you just for being SEEN with me.”
“Well, I guess that’s probably one of the best things I can be hated for, right?”
“Oh yeah, definitely.”
With that we pulled into the hotel parking lot.
“Do you want me to walk you in?”
“Sure, I mean, we need to make sure those crazy fan girls don’t get me right?” I smiled.
“Exactly. So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?”
“Probably relaxing in our room, maybe some shopping, I think I might go swimming sometime.”
“Sounds fun, so does your mom go swimming with you, or do you go alone?”
“Alone, my mom doesn’t really like to swim.”
“Oh, well, you know, if you don’t want to go swimming all alone, I could go with you.”
I smiled, “Hm. Sounds like a good idea, how about I text you when I’m ready?”
“Sounds good,” Taylor smiled.
“Okay then, I’ll see you later,” I wrapped my arms around Taylor, giving him a hug, before opening my room door. My mother, of course was sitting on the couch, watching TV, obviously waiting for me.
“So how was the meeting?”
“Great! They are so nice!”
“That’s great honey! And how was lunch with Taylor?”
“Also great, so what are we going to do this afternoon?”
“I was thinking we might go shopping, but I think we should save that for a day when we have the whole day. So I’m thinking just relax.”
“Sounds good to me, I think I might go swimming later.”
“Okay, just tell me before you leave.”
After about an hour or so of watching TV, I was bored out of my mind, so I texted Taylor.
“So are you read for some swimming? ”
“Definitely, I can be there in 10 minutes.”
“Haha, slow down a little bit, I’m slow at getting dressed.”
“Haha, well, I’ll be waiting in the pool for you.”
“Ok, I’ll get there as soon as I can ”
Within twenty minutes I was walking into the pool room, to see Taylor getting out of the pool.
“Done already? I just got here!”
Taylor laughed, “No, I’ve only been in for a couple minutes, I was actually expecting you take longer.”
“Really? I mean, I am late for most things, but you can usually expect me within 5 or 10 minutes of when I said I’d be there.”
“Well I’ll keep that in mind for the future.”
“You better,” I walked over to the table he was standing by, and sat my things on the chair beside it.
“Ooh, I’m scared,” he laughed
“You probably should be,” I told him as I took my cover ups off, laying them on the chair. I then walked to the pool, getting ready to jump in, I looked at Taylor to see him watching me.
“You know, you should probably act like you’ve seen a girl in swim suit before.”
“Oh, yeah probably, sorry,” Taylor said, looking away.
“It’s okay, I guess,” I laughed, jumping into the pool.
Once I surfaced I looked up to see Taylor standing by the edge of the pool laughing, “you jump like a girl!” “Hm. Maybe it’s because I am a girl?” I laughed, cocking my head to one side.
“Well, are you going to jump in, or are you afraid that you’ll jump like a girl too?”
“Hold on, hold on, I’ll jump,” he said backing up a couple steps.
“Running start?”
With that, he took a couple quick steps and cannon balled into the pool. I squinted, not wanting water in my eyes.
“Hm. Show off,” I teased Taylor.
He laughed, “are you talking about my jump or my abs?”
“Both, although I don’t mind those abs of yours, they look pretty nice,” I laughed.
“Well thanks, it’s nice to be told that, not in the form of, oh my god Taylor, you are so hot!”
I floated over to him and shrugged, “well, if you want me to put it into those terms, I certainly can.”
He laughed, “ no, that’s alright, I’ll just imagine it.”
“You sound like you’re about to ask something.”
“Is that okay?”
“I guess so.”
I jumped out of the pool to grab a beach ball I saw rolling across the deck. “I heard you dated Taylor Swift for awhile,” I stated, setting the ball to Taylor.
“Yeah, I did, do you like her music?”
“Yeah I do, but she sounds like a bitch.”
“I thought you just said you liked her music.”
“That’s not what I mean by she sounds like a bitch.”
“What do you mean then.”
“Well, I heard about the breakup, and that, sounds like a bitch move to me.”
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Sorry for the wait. My mother decided to take the laptop away, and I just got it back. I'll try to get more updates, but no promises as I'm busy with school, I'm going to Washington D.C. this weekend, and I have football games every friday night. Go Cougars! As usual, tell me what you think. If you have any ideas, I'd sure like to hear them!