Our Silhouettes


I’d never given much thought as to how I’d fall in love, or what the guy would look like to any certain extent. Although I’d always known that somehow, I’d end up falling for a musician. Why? Maybe because despite my terrible stage fright, and the fact that I’m not in my own band I’m a musician too. But that’s beside the point.

My whole life, my parents have deluded themselves into thinking that I’d marry a doctor, or a lawyer, someone who actually has a stable job – someone who I’d see more than once a month. But the day I brought home the love of my life, Blake Harnage, it all went down hill.

Blake’s an amazing musician, period, end of story. And unlike most guys in bands, he’d rather stay up late writing more music or watching Tim Burton movies than actually going out and partying. Maybe that’s why I was attracted to him, an actual human being that was under the age of 30 that had no desire to go out every night and get drunk.

I was always different from other people my age. My mom used to call me her middle-aged daughter, born at the age of 40 and getting older by the year. I can’t say that I disagree with her at all. I never felt like I related to people my age very much – that was until I met Blake. We spend most of our time watching old movies and wandering around Disneyland when he’s at home than anything else. It’s the kind of life that I love, and he’s one of the only people on Earth that I don’t have to pretend around – I can be myself and he expects nothing more or nothing less.

But here I am babbling, when I should be telling you my parent’s issue with this. As I mentioned before, my parents always expected me to get married to somebody with a Ph.D. So you can imagine their reactions when I brought home someone who’s never even set foot in a college, let alone someone who’s in a band.

“He’ll cheat on you Amelia,” my mother insisted.

“You don’t even know him and you’re making assumptions,” I replied to the comment before storming out of the room. Sure, I knew his entire band, their female singer Sierra, but I also knew him and Sierra were polar opposites. No threat there. But Sierra was a friend of mine, and I also knew that she’d keep an eye out, not that it ever crossed my mind that he’d actually cheat on me.

So here I am, currently sitting in a maroon 16 passenger van, between two guitarists who are snoring nearly silently and thinking to myself, despite the fact that my parents have officially disowned me, could life get any better?

I’m thinking not. I’m doing something I truly love, touring the country with someone I love and some of the best people I’ve ever met. Life Is good.
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