
Chapter 2

I looked down to see that there was a knee high satin, spaghetti strap black dress on me. It had a v neck line but not to low it was simple and plain. (Just the way I liked it.) “Did you dress me” I blushed asking Christy.

“Yes, and when I said be thank full I meant it. If it wasn’t for that stupid crack head, I wouldn’t have to deal with this. Isn’t it his problem why am I stuck baby sitting.” She walked over to the door and had her hand on the door knob.

“Stay here and don’t go anywhere”

Where was I going to go?

She walked out of the room and I was left all alone. Seconds past and I wanted to get up. So was about to leap out of the bed when I see needles stuck in me? (It’s funny but you would think that I would of notice something stuck into my skin but no… not really.) So I took them out and walked over to the window that was right beside the wooden chair. I looked out the window to find myself looking into the dark.

How long have I been out? I wondered

But I could still see everything. There wasn’t much to look at just a large forest.
Wait what the hell am I doing here? And who the hell are they? And what the hell, I’m getting out of here.

I turned around and ran to the door. It was lock. So I ran back to the window it was also lock. What the fuck? But then in comes Christy, some women, some man and a boy around my age.

Christy walked over to me by the window “I told you not to leave.”
“If you haven’t notice I’m still in here, and why the hell can’t I leave your not the boss of me.” I yelled at Christy
So I’ve got an attitude, what’s that to you she was getting on my nerves.

She looked down at me and I glared up at her “what are you going to do if I don’t let you leave… umm what’s your name”

“Scarlet. And you’ll let me leave cause like I said you don’t own me Chris.”

I knew that she hated when people call her that but hey, she was getting on my nerves. I didn’t see it coming but she slapped me so hard that I flew.
I flew across the room and into the wall ‘oh that bitch is going to pay’ I though.
I got up wobbling. ‘That really hurt’ I thought. Have you ever got slapped into a wall, cause if you haven’t then your lucky cause it kills.

She had this huge grin plaster all over her face. I really hate this girl.
I turned my attention to the crowd still by the door. Did they enjoy the show? Because normally when someone’s hurt you help them not stand around and watch.
I turned to the women “can I leave or what”

She shook her head and that was the last straw. I have to get out here. I turned my attention
to Christy and I thought her grin got bigger. ‘She really is going to get it if I ever get my way.’ Witch I thought my not happen. But behind Christy was that wooden chair and I got a great idea.

A huge grin spread across my face and Christy’s fell. I stuck out my tongue. I know childish but what the hay.
I ran past Christy and to the wooden chair. I picked it up and throw it at the window. The window smashed and I leaped out. Thank got I was on the bottom floor or that would have been a terrible jump.

So because they weren’t expecting it I thought of my choices.

A) Run into the forest. No bad things always happen in the forest.

B) Let them catch me. Not going to happen.

Or C) run around to the front of the house there bound to be road. And where there is a road there a car and where there is car there is people that can help.

So I chose option C) and ran around to the front of the house.

Once I was there I had good and bad luck.

Good luck is that there was a road there and people driving by.

Bad luck someone had me in a huge bear huge. I struggled against them but that got me no where. And his hand came over my mouth so I couldn’t scream