Goodbye My Lover

Goodbye My Friend

Dear _ _ _ _ _,

You were and still are so many things to me. How can I begin to list it all? You were a friend, a lover, a teacher, a brother, an advisor, and even my everything. To you, I am an ex and a friend. To me, you are still all of those things, but you are blinded by another Venus that you cannot see the feelings I have for you still.

We drifted away, too far apart. As the months increased, our relationship decreased. Soon we tried to revive everything we had again. All could have been restored and I would not be here right now speaking from the heart. But I was scared to tell you my feelings. I was afraid of making the same mistakes as I did in the previous months with our relationship. You offered me the opportunity to be happy once again, but being the nervous wreck I am, I was rude enough to not even reply back. I don’t think I will ever experience what happiness truly is unless everything was back to normal in my world. I now know, however, that the order in my head will never be restored because you claim to have found the love of your life.

One point in my life, you helped me reach the highest point of happiness that anyone could ever experience. You told me you loved me; you actually loved me. You actually said it. You made my dream come true. It was paradise for me that soon was hit by a massive hurricane. I never thought I would ever feel so broken before, so incomplete. I always picture way back when we were always high on the ecstasy of love.

The day you told me you liked me was the day I was able to look at myself in the mirror and first the first time call myself pretty. It seems intense, but my self-esteem was never that high until that day. Now, it’s way back down where it all began. I just don’t understand how I will ever be able to replace you. No one will ever make me feel like that ever again. I will never be able to look at myself and call myself pretty again. Not when I’m dressed up for a formal event or even after someone calls me pretty. It will never seem to skim the surface.

I would love to show this to you, but trying to gain back our old friendship is hard enough. Your love right now is a close friend of mine now. We found out this year that we have so much in common, it was hard to believe we would ever make communication. She seems to be your everything and to you that doesn’t really bother anyone. Love blinds people; you are blinded by your new love, not able to see my love for you. The farther away I am from you, the more I want to be closer to you. It’s too much to bear. One of these days, I hope we can be back to the way we started, how we were best friends. That would mean the world to me at this point, just as long as I can be close to you again.

Goodbye my prince in shining armor. I will still be waiting here for you. But it seems to me that you’re riding off with a different woman into the sunset. Make it last for her; you don’t want to lose her like I have lost you. Take it from me; you will never feel the same again.
