Status: Chapter 11 Coming soon!

You Got Me Going Crazy

Safety, Cell Phones, and Being Ignored

*Izzy’s P.O.V.*

“Izzy…” Joe said as we stared out at the marina. “I really don’t think that you should be sitting on the edge like that. You might fall.”

I laughed. It was cute how we had known each other for a whole thirty minutes and he was worried about my safety. “Joe, I have lived in San Francisco for my entire life and have been visiting these places for nearly as long. Not once have I fallen off. You would be surprised how good of balance I have.”

He gave me a pleading look. “I am in no way questioning your balance. I just can’t help but worry.” It was sweet how he was so concerned about me, someone who was practically a stranger to him. I knew that this would go on for a while if I stayed where I was so I swung my legs to the opposite side of the railing and hopped onto the ground. “Thank you,” Joe said with a sigh.

“Why were you so worried?” I asked.

Joe looked at me with his deep brown eyes again. Damn, I thought. How can I not remember those eyes?

“Because I don’t want to see such a beautiful girl get severely hurt,” he said with a smile. I couldn’t help but smile myself. Never before had I been called straight up beautiful.

We both sat there for a second, trying to find a way to make the moment not awkward. Thankfully, Joe’s phone went off. Saved by a text message, I thought.

“I’m sorry,” he said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and read the message that appeared on the screen. “I’m sorry, Izzy, I have to go. My older brother wants me to meet him. I wish I could see you again.”

I pulled my phone out of my pocket. “You probably can,” I said shoving the electronic device into his hands. “Put your number in.”

Joe seemed a bit taken aback. “Excuse me?”

“Put your number in my cell,” I repeated. This time he did as he was told and handed my phone back to me. “Thank you,” I said and started a new message. I scrolled through the contacts until I got to the number that simply said Joe. In the message area, I typed "Rawr," pressed the send button, and waited for him to receive it. When he did, I said with a smile, “There you go. You now have my number. Text me when you get the chance.”

He nodded and said, “That I shall, Miss Izzy.” With that we went our separate ways: him to one side of the pier and me to the other where my car was. The entire time I was still mentally kicking myself for not known where I had seen Joe before.

Fifteen miles later, I was in my driveway setting the parking brake so that the car didn’t roll out into the middle of the street. Again.

“I’m home,” I yelled to the people who were definitely home based on the fact that there were other cars in the driveway besides mine. I walked into the kitchen to find that my dad wasn’t there (probably still at work) and my mom and sister were running around doing some really random stuff.

“Oh, hi honey,” my mom said. “Have you seen my silver bracelet?”

“It’s upstairs on your dresser. But Mom, I had an amazing day. I found the record I’ve been looking for and-“

“Thanks sweetie. And congratulations,” she said before making a mad dash for the stairs.

I turned to my sister who had gone to put lip gloss on in the mirror that was in the dining room. “Hey Lisa. I wanted to tell you about this great guy-“

“Izzy, I could care less about some guy in your life since my date was supposed to show up ten minutes ago.” A horn honked out front. “And now he’s here. Bye.”

Mom came rushing down the stairs with her bracelet now on her left wrist and her dark blue heels in her right hand. “Izzy, I’m meeting your father for dinner tonight. Can you feed yourself?”

“Yes, Mom. But-“

“Thank you. I’ll see you tonight.”

With that the door slammed and Mom pulled away from the house to wherever she was going. I sighed, grabbed a soda from the fridge, and walked upstairs with my drink and my record. I flipped open the top, let the record drop and felt the bubble pop on my chin. The needle fell into place on the record and Bob Marley’s sweet voice filled my room.

Theres a natural mystic blowing through the air;
If you listen carefully now you will hear.
This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last:
Many more will have to suffer,
Many more will have to die - dont ask me why

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and started a new text that simply said, ”Ems, I met the most amazing guy today…”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm finally done with this chapter. It took a while because I got distracted, I got writers block, I got caught up in writing my new story Smooth Criminal, and then I finally said "Screw this. I'm getting it done." So here you go.