Status: Chapter 11 Coming soon!

You Got Me Going Crazy

Come and Fly With Me

*Emma's P.O.V*

I watched as Nick made his way across the room giving the other groups of students tips. Everything about him was amazing. The way he walked, the way he spoke, his smile, he was like an angel. Yes I had heard about the Jonas Brothers before. My sister actually owned all of their albums. My favorite one was their new one coming out. Lines, Vines, and Trying Times. I couldn't wait to buy it. I had always liked Nick the most. But seeing him in person, was,....once again amazing.

I was inturupted from my thoughts and my staring when my cell phone vibrated in my pocket. I slid it open. I had another text from Izzy.

Hey, Ems I met the most amazing guy 2day at the music store down by the peir.

I didn't have time to text her right now so I quickly replied.

Izzy! Oh my gosh thats great but I can't tlk rite now, in music class. I promise I will listen l8ter. Luv ya!

Shes going to be dissapointed, I thought to myself. I am just going to have to deal with it later I guess. I was patted on the shoulder by Lilly. I looked up at her and shoved my phone in my back pocket.

"Did you see Nick wink at me?" She said a little too loudly. My mouth dropped. Wow, now I have partner who is crazy. I just smiled at her and nodded. She pursed her lips trying to look tough. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my acoustic. I started to play Hey There Dililah by myself.

Every once in a while everyone's head would turn toward the group that Nick was helping, because he would sing a few lines of lyrics of his own songs for someone. When he sang I couldn't help but stare. I played Hey There Diliah, and on the fourth time Lilly said to me.

"We are next Emma,...Nick is mine, you don't talk to him. Or else I will,..will,....tell him you hate his band." I looked at her like she just told me she was on drugs.

"Lilly I really don't think Nick likes it when people treat others that way. And you can tell Nick whatever you like I don't really care." She looked at me with fire in her eyes. I wasn't going to listen to her. I was going to talk to Nick. I didn't care what Lilly said.

I attempted to start a new song the day before but could only play the first five notes. I had tried to play Fly With Me, one of the Jonas Brothers newest songs. I tried hard to remember the next notes, but I couldn't remember. I played the five notes I knew for the millionth time when a voice inturupted me. And I didn't care that I was inturupted at all, because that voice belonged to Nick Jonas.

"Hello Ladies." I looked up to his face adn smiled. Next to me Lilly went up into a fit of giggles.

"Hi N-" I started to say before Lilly cut me off.

"Hi Nick. I'm Lilly. You are aaaamaaazing." She said drawing out the word. Lilly was now standing in front of me blocking my veiw of Nick. I rolled my eyes and turned away. I moved my stuff to the other corner of the room. By myself. The whole time I felt eyes on the back of my head. I heard Lilly clear her throut loudly.

Then her and Nick resumed their conversation. Lilly was rude to me,..of course Nick didn't like it, but he wouldn't say anything. He was too much of a gentleman. I pulled out my lyrics of Fly With Me by his band and started to hum them.

I saw someone move in front of me and I looked up. Nick had pullen up a chair to sit a few feet in front of me. He was watching me. I licked my lips nervously and took a deep breath. I let it out loudly. Nick smiled widely.

"Hi, I am Nick." He said extending his hand out to shake mine. I did the same. I shook his hand firmly and placed it back in my lap.

"Umm, I already know who you are Nicholas. I am Emma. I prefere Ems though. I don't really care what YOU call me though." I said smiling and emphasisng the you. He looked at me curiously.

"Is that a bad thing or a good thing Emma?" I smiled.

"Both." He nodded his head, pretending to understand.

"Soo,..what are you working on?"

"I am trying to play Fly With Me." I said quietly. Nick tilted his head down so he could look at me.

"Want some help. I can change that trying to play to a can play." A smile broke out on my face. I couldn't help it but I nodded eagerly.

"Okay, what do you know?" He asked me curiously. I let out a exasperated sigh. I played the first five notes I knew. I chuckled when I finished.

"I told you I was bad! I don't know why you even made me try it!" I said a little to loudly.

"Don't worry about it okay! I will help you! I see you have the lyrics with you, now you can sing along with me." My mouth dropped. And I frowned. I shook my head quickly.

"I don't know.....I....uhhh,..." He smiled widely. "Fine." I said giving in to his angelicness.

He picked up his acoustic, which was next to him, leaning on the desk behind him. He started first. I tried my best to follow his strums. I had already mastered the singing. We sang together in harmony.

"Maybe you were just afraid
Knowing you were miles away
From the place where you needed to be
And that's right here with me

If it's you and me forever
You and me right now
I'd be alright
If we chase the stars to lose out shadow
Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine
So won't you fly with me

If it's you and me forever
If it's you and me right noe
I'd be alright
Be alright
If we case the stars to lose out shadow
Peter Pan and Wendy turned out fine
So won't you fly
With me"

Nick and I finished the song. We both hadn't notice that there was now a crowd of people around us listening. Apllaud erupted through the room. Nick and I laughed together staring in each others eyes. I had to admit,..I liked singing with Nick. His voice was so peaceful. It made me calm enough that I WANTED to sing in front of everyone. Mr. Gate's voice boomed out.

"Great job Nick and Emma! Class is dismissed. I saw out the corner of my eye, Big Rob walk over to Nick as I was putting away the lyrics into my messanger bag. Nick handed me my guitar and I put it away. Nick looked at me and smiled.

"It was great meeting you Emma,...keep practicing that song. I know you will get it." I smiled widely. I knew it didn't touch my eyes. I didn't want Nick to go. I wanted him to keep singing with me and stay here with me.

"Thanks Nick. It was nice to REALLY meet you too." He smiled...there was a look of sadness in is eyes too.

Nick and Big Rob left quickly not stopping for anything but to stop at the front door of the big room to say goodbye to everyone.

"Be everyone! Remember, don't give up. Have faith and you can do anything you set your mind to." He said this never taking his chocolate brown eyes off of my blue ones.

They left in the SUV. Right after they did I piled all my stuff into my Saturn SKY and left, heading for my house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sooo here is the fourth chapter. I kinda like this one, but not really. I think it might be too long, but whatever. Oh and, VirmiciousOne is supposed to do the next chapter, but I am not going to write a chapter after her untill we get some comments. I am upset that we have TONS of silent readers. We need the feedback to keep out jizz going guys! Come on!


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