Status: Chapter 11 Coming soon!

You Got Me Going Crazy


*Izzy’s POV*

1:37 a.m. It was past midnight and I still couldn’t go to sleep. Maybe it was the quadruple stuff mint Oreos I had made earlier. Maybe it was the fact that I had listened to my new album four times in a row and the songs were running through my head at hyperspeed. Or maybe the fact that I couldn’t figure out where I had seen Joe before was eating at my insides. It was probably all of them.

My parents had gotten home about three hours after I had been left to myself and Lisa got home all giggly at around 11. There had been a good bit of arguing over just random crap. My parents said that Lisa should have been home earlier. Lisa said that it was summer so it shouldn’t matter. That was around the time that I took the Oreos upstairs to start reassembling them in a way that I desired differently from how they were packaged.

I figured that I had a few options. I could text him and tell him about what was bugging me. I could sit in bed and ponder over the problems until I either passed out or it was morning. I could text Emma and not get a reply until the morning. I could listen to my iPod and let the music put my thoughts in a different place.

I decided on the last option. Partially because I thought that it would really work. Partially because I didn’t want to go looking for my phone.

I dug through my pillows hoping that I didn’t lose my music player in my bed again. “Where the hell could it have gone?” I asked myself knowing that in the next room over my sister was dead asleep and completely incapable of hearing what I was doing.

When I did find it, I sat up and started scrolling through the artists looking for something that I would want to listen to. After my finger flew past about three hundred artists, I said, “Screw this,” and went to shuffle.

Emma must have infiltrated my mind and my iPod because she is a pretty big fan of the Jonas Brothers. Somehow, I thought of her for a split second and the first song that appeared on the shuffle was “Hold On” by the Jonas Brothers.

Those first lines, “We don’t have time left to regret,” the voice that sang them caused my mind to wander back to this afternoon. Something made me want look at the album cover, though I had no idea why.

One peek and I figured out why I’d felt that urge. The voice was him. The face was him. Joe, the guy I had met at Duval’s when we were both looking for Bob Marley was the famous Joe Jonas.

“Seriously, Izzy, how can you be sure that it really was Joe Jonas that you met?” Emma said the next morning on the phone. I had been nice enough to not call her at one in the morning.

“Oh right. There is a guy out there who looks like him, sounds like him, has the same name as him, and isn’t Joe Jonas.”

“Even so, how could you not realize that he was Joe Jonas?”

“I told you, Ems, I don’t spend every day listening to them, looking at pictures of them, or trying to learn their songs,”

“Hey,” she said sounding a bit defensive. “I actually know how to play one of their songs now. Did I tell you that Nick Jonas taught me?”

I sighed. “Only four billion times in the past 24 hours.”

“But just think about it. Couldn’t you consider it weird that we met famous brothers in the same day?”

A slice of egg fell from my fork to my plate with a splat. “I just think that it’s coincidental. I never went looking for him, I went looking for a record.”

“Which you found so you can stop talking about it.”

I smirked. “Only if you stop talking about how Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers taught you how to play one of their songs.”

“Fine then. I guess I’ll find someone else to tell about it. Bye, Izzy.”

“Bye.” Click.

Lisa walked by right as I hung up the phone. “So what’s up with Emma?” she said trying to pretend like she cared.

I decided not to tell her that I had called her. “She kept on telling me how Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers taught her how to play one of their songs.”

“What would the Jonas Brothers be doing in San Fransisco?” Lisa snorted before walking away.

Yeah, I thought. Why would they be in San Fransisco?
♠ ♠ ♠
My mind doesn't like to stay on one path for long. It especially liked to wander while I was writing this. So I beat it up and told it that this chapter needed to get done. This is the result.