Worth The Wait

Don't go

“I like you.” She tells me, in a soft and calming voice, but who is she, she’s always on my mind. Who is she to make me feel this way, to make me try and believe in love. Well, I won’t fall for it. I don’t need myself to be lost and tangled up in this crap.

It’s like she can read my mind when I think that, cause the next thing she said was, “Why?” I get toppled a bit instead of thinking it I said out loud, “You want to know? It’s been 6 months since my recent girlfriend. We’ve been together for a year and a half and I find out she’s been cheating on me. She had my trust and she threw it all away, I don’t want a repeat. You don’t know. No one does. It left me with so much to think about. So much to grief about.”

It was silent for a while and thought to myself she had nothing more to say about how I feel about this. A few moments pass by and I hear her quietly speaking, her words are unclear and then she says in a small, quiet, and a bit sad voice, “Maybe you were with the wrong one, how can you judge us all, by one girl. Maybe you felt that strong about her or maybe something happened, but is it really fair to not give me a chance or anyone else for the matter. I do like you and I thought that maybe I can help change how you feel. You always seemed so trapped. I’m sorry.”

I felt bad, of course I did. She poured out what she really wanted to do. She had no intentions to hurt me in anyway. “Who are you?” I said out of the silence and out of nowhere.

“I’m…no one, it doesn’t matter.” she responded with a sad voice tone. “Well, I’m sorry I have to go now.” She added.

“Wait!” I said for a moment it felt like I really wanted her around. She made me open up it feels like she knows me and I’ve known her a long time. “When can I meet you?” it just came out. As if it’s really what I wanted to say.

“You’ll just have to be waiting, I promise you it’s worth the wait.” She said as if she wasn’t there, as if she never existed.

“Huh?” I said. A few seconds later I hear “Gerard…Gerard, come on Gerard get up.” It’s a dream? All a dream?